Hi this is my first fanfic! I hope you enjoy it and BTW


Fabian's POV

I walked into the common room and sat next to Nina on the love seat. She smiled and leaned against me, propping her book on her legs. I put my arm around her, ignoring the "Awww's" coming from Amber "The Matchmaking Millington" right now her focus was on Nina and I, and to tell you the truth, I wish I had the nerve to tell Nina how I really feel about her. Several hours passed and everyone had left to do their own thing, except Jerome and Alfie(they were debating what prank they could pull next). Nina had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I smiled at her. She began to toss and mumble in her sleep.

"Fabian, my Fabian. I love you." She whispered. I felt my cheeks flush red at those words. Alfie and Jerome were rolling on the floor in hysterics. Nina stirred, awakened by their laughter. She sat up and looked at the two jokers rolling on the floor. She turned to me.

"Why are they laughing?" she asked, gesturing to Jerome and Alfie's antics. "and why are you blushing?" she demanded. Jerome wiped away the tears coming from his eyes and began mimicking Nina in a high, girly voice.

"Oh Fabian. My sweet, sweet Fabian. I love you." Now it was Nina's turn to blush, as she hid her face in a couch cushion. I glared at Jerome, as I scooted closer to Nina. I gently put my hands on her shoulders.

"Nina." I said, shaking her. She ignored me and continued to faceplant the pillow. "Nina." I said firmly as I turned her to face me. She looked up with an embarrassed face.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked. She nodded as tears began to fill her eyes.

Nina's POV

{A/N Ok. The character thinking will ALWAYS be in bold.}

(Oh great.) I thought. (He's going to say he doesn't like me like that) I could feel the tears begin to come down my bright red face. I looked at him and immediately I was lost in his beautiful brown eyes filled with concern and love. Wait…LOVE?

"Nina. I just want to say that. I like you" I blinked startled. He waved a hand in front of my face. I pulled him into a hug as he tensed, unsure of my actions. I pulled away and stared into his eyes. We slowly leaned in until. Fireworks. That is all I could remember as our mouths moved together. We ended the kiss and smiled at each other. Jerome and Alfie's mouths hit the floor, literally.

"I love you." I whispered.

" I love you too." My face lit up as he turned away shyly. Then he turned back with determination. "Nina Martin." He began. I could laughter dancing his eyes, ruining his serious façade. " Would you fancy being my girlfriend?"