Chapter 13

"Where the hell is Mitchie?!" demanded Hannah from Maddie who reluctantly pulled away from Diggy Simmons.

Maddie stared at her debating what would anger the manager more, ignoring her or telling her where her sister was. Before Maddie could make up her mind, Mitchie walked through the door reapplying her makeup. Hannah didn't even have to guess what she had been up to especially when Alex walked in a couple of minutes after adjusting her dress.

Hannah walked towards the rock star seething in anger. "What the fuck Mitchie? You two couldn't wait until you got home? People want you on stage now."

Mitchie completely ignored Hannah and turned to give Alex a kiss. "Looks like I'm on baby. See you in a few."

Hannah threw Alex a dirty look and went backstage to make sure that everything was ready for Mitchie's first time on stage in nearly two years.

The lights in the club dimmed as Mitchie took the stage leading the club in an hour of none stop dancing and energized singing before taking a seat on a stool and grabbing her favorite black Gibson to slow it down a bit. "I want to thank everyone for being here tonight, for continuing to believe in me even though I needed time to myself. Losing my sister was one of the hardest experiences that I have ever dealt with. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to meet the woman that would change my life forever and give me the best gift in the world, my daughter. This next song is dedicated to my love, my wife, Alex. She's the reason that I'm able to stand before you guys today as a whole person. She's my nightingale. As Mitchie got to the end of the song she set her guitar down and slowly climbed down the side of the stage without taking her eyes off of Alex as she sang to her.

Can you be my nightingale?

Still so close

I know you're there

Oh, nightingale

You sing to me

I know you're there

'Cause baby you're my sanity

You bring me peace

Sing me to sleep

Say you'll be my nightingale

As Mitchie held the last note Alex stood with tears streaming down her face and wrapped her arms around her wife's neck and whispered "always" in her ear. With a content smile Mitchie captured Alex's lips in a sweet kiss apparently unaware of the thunderous applause that surrounded them.

A couple of months later, Alex had basically cleaned and reorganized most of the house. She had turned Mitche's once cold house into a home for their little family. All that was left was to clean Mitchie's home studio. She hadn't had a chance to do so because Mitchie was usually in there working on something. The release of Mitchie's new album had caused her to be gone for the past week promoting it. Rather than miss her wife, Alex decided to finally clean up the messy studio. She lifted some of the strewn papers on Mitchie's desk and found a beautiful black and white picture of a younger Mitchie and another girl who Alex could only assume was Dallas. The family resemblance was undeniable. They were both stunning especially with the identical grins that they wore. Alex cleaned the pitcture and was gonna hang it in Mitchie's studio when she heard Dallas cry through the baby monitor. She headed up to her daughter's room with the picture in her hand only to find Dallas gurgling happily.

"Look baby, this is your Aunt Dallas," cooed Alex as she picked up Dallas and showed her the picture.

Dallas happily reached for the picture, so Alex decided to hang the picture in their instead. Dallas could watch over her niece. As Alex changed Dallas' clothing she heard the doorbell ring. With a frown she headed downstairs, she wasn't expecting anyone. She sat Dallas in her playpen and went to open the door.

"Seems like whore's like you always land back on their feet or is it on their backs?" sneered the woman at the door.

"What are you doing here Mrs. Raccoon? There is nothing here for you," said Alex wishing that Mitchie was home.

Pattie pushed Alex aside and walked into the house. Dallas' happy gurgles lead her right to the baby. "She looks exactly like Justin!" exclaimed Pattie happily and leaned over to pick her up.

"Get the hell away from my daughter!" screamed Alex finally getting the courage to stand up to Pattie. She knew that she was no longer alone and that she would never let anyone touch her daughter.

Pattie stopped in her tracks and turned to Alex. "You marry that little bitch of yours and suddenly you think that you can talk to me that way?" she sneered.

"You will not touch my daughter or insult my wife. My baby is not for sale. All you care about is that she looks like Justin, you don't love her like Mitchie and I do, unconditionally. Get out of my house, now!" exclaimed Alex.

Pattie walked towards the door, but stopped before walking out and pulled a document from her purse. "I am staying at the Wilshire. I will be there until tomorrow afternoon, I expect you to show up with my granddaughter and this signed giving Jeremy and I legal guardianship. We've played long enough Alexandra, this game is over," declared Pattie before walking out the door.

Alex rushed to pick up Dallas and headed upstairs to pack a baby bag and an overnight bag for her. She needed to act fast. There was no way in hell that she was letting Patricia and Jeremy take her precious baby girl.