Chapter 18

The whole time that Misaki spent with Usui, it gave her a chance to see many reactions from him.

While she thought she could tell about Usui's moods easily, she had herself fooled.

He had this weird calmness surrounding him, but Misaki thought that if she pushed a wrong button he would explode. His frown remained in his face as he stared at her.


He crossed his arms while he kept staring at her as if he was trying to decide something.

-Could you please stop staring and give me a proper answer please?

He sighed and thought it was time he told her the truth.

-Come sit here, Misaki. I guess I have some things about me I should tell you.

She went closer to the bed and ignored Usui's patting for her to sit close to him and sat on the edge.

Usui let out a long sigh and rubbed his temples.

-Ok I'll tell you but first tell me who told you that crap.

Misaki didn't know if she should tell him the truth or to make up something fast, but she decided to go with the first because she really wanted to know about that woman.

-She, ah passed by the company and I thought she wanted to see you, but she told me she wanted to see me. It was kind of surprising, to be honest, because I don't know her at all and yet she was talking to me like I was her friend.

Usui didn't lose face as he listened to Misaki, but inside he was ready to really hurt Erika.

-And she told me to be careful from you because you abused her in a lot of ways, but she still comes after you because she loves you. I didn't really believe the thing she told me but still I want to know what happened between you. I have the right to know!

Usui allowed a smirk on his lips.

-Oh, Misa, you sounded like a jealous girlfriend there, I'm glad you care.

She snapped her mouth shut and turned her head on the other side with a huff, so he couldn't see the blush that colored her face.

-N…No more avoiding! Give me an answer!

Usui chuckled.

-Ok, so where should I start? To answer your question, no I never abused her, actually it was the other way around, she abused me.

Misaki gave him a 'are you joking' glare.

-Now don't give me that glare. It was true that she abused me mentally, a lot.

-How did she do that?

-Let me tell you the whole story, sweetheart. I had my parents, my adoptive parents, Lisa and Edward who arranged a marriage for me and Erika. I absolutely hated the idea of getting married but I couldn't stop that at the time.

Misaki's face softened as she heard him talk about his family for the first time. It wasn't everyday to see Usui so vulnerable, speaking for his past, something she knew nothing about.

-What were your parents like?

-Lisa was a wonderful mother. She would spoil me and read me fairytales and she would cheer me up a lot of times. Edward, on the other side, was a cold, stoic and ungrateful person. We never got along with each other.

Usui gave a sad smile as he remembered those times.

-The marriage was not mentioned for some time, but then one day, Erika and her family were invited over. That was the first time I met her. Truth be told, I was mesmerized by her because she was the first female that gave me those sparks.

Misaki tried hard to destroy those feelings of greed and jealousy that were bubbling up.

-Since that day, we became inseparable. We were most of the time together, enjoying everything on our way.

Misaki's frown was intensifying as she felt that jealousy eating her up more.

-I gave her my all, and I was so madly in love, thinking that those times were like a dream come true.

That did it. She exploded.

-Could you skip these details and go straight to the answer!

Usui chuckled and shook his head.

-My, my, somebody seems jealous.

Misaki blushed again and stuttered.

-N…No, no,no that's not it. I just want to get this over with and go to sleep. Yes that's what I want! Yes!

Usui chuckled again, only to switch to his usual frown.

-Then everything came crushing down for me , because I found out the truth. The woman I loved was actually a whore.

His hand clutched in fists as he talked.

-I find her cheating on me and she flat tells me that she wanted to use me for money. To make things worse, I found out that day that my parents were not my real parents.

Usui rubbed his forehead as he looked straight into Misaki's eyes.

-It was so goddamn awful for me.

Misaki wanted to reach out and take his hand for comfort but held herself back.

-Why is Erika still after you, then?

-The deal of the marriage was the union of the companies, but Erika and her family were after our money badly. They would do everything in their power just to strip me from the fortune.

Misaki remained speechless as she listened.

-I…I can't believe people actually stoop so low.

Usui gave her a warm look.

-Not everyone is like you, little one.

Misaki changed the subject, trying not to fall for his charms.

-Then why did she come to me?

-Misa, I told you that they are people who would do anything for money.

He frowned and stopped for a moment to think.

-I have to take care of you from now on, because she won't leave it just with that. Promise me you will tell me immediately if she comes near you!

-Yes, i will. Don't worry, I can defend myself.

Misaki couldn't help but wonder out loud.

-How come you were so calm when I told you about her talking to me?

-Actually, Misa I was angry as hell, I just didn't want to scare you because I think I have scared you enough these days.

Misaki smiled at him.

-Does this mean that you are not angry with me anymore?

-No, I'm not little one.

He walked over to where she sat and stood in front of her. He caught her face with both hand and bent down to kiss her. Misaki felt the heat inside and outside as his kiss was making her head explode.

They broke the kiss and Usui stared down at her with heavy eyes.

-I'm so glad I met you Misaki. So glad!

Misaki allowed him to pull her in his embrace. She also willingly asked for permission to stay in his room.

When she saw his lips tug in a sensual grin, she regretted it a little.

-You don't need to ask that twice!


Erika smiled as she saw herself in the mirror.

-Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is going to kill two birds with one stone.

She sighed in satisfaction while thinking about becoming rich and having a good looking man like Usui by her side.

She touched the material of the red dress, which hugged her forms perfectly.

-Who is that man that can resist this?

The feeling of confidence was filling her as she admired her reflection.

-Once I get rid of her, he will come to me!

She kissed her reflection and let out a loud laugh, thinking how easy everything was going to be.


Misaki sighed as she reread the boring document she had in her hands. Why did they have to go work so early in the morning?

After she asked him for permission, they spent many hours in bed cuddling, and kissing and making love. It was almost a magical night for her.

There were times that Misaki really couldn't understand Usui. Sometimes he was so sweet and gentle, while other times he was so cold and stoic.

His personality was a mystery to her sometimes. What surprised her the most was the fact that she was ready to complete the picture of the puzzle and to understand him.

She completely forgot about the document in her hands. Neither did she notice the figure that made their way up to her.

-Would you like some coffee?

Misaki jumped, whipping her head towards the newcomer she didn't recognize.

She could swear she had never seen the woman before, and her defense was up.

-Who are you?

The woman smiled.

-I'm not surprised you don't know me since you seem to occupy yourself with work all the time. My name is Anna Huston. Pleasure to meet you, Misaki.

-How do you know my name?

-I've been working here for some time now and I know almost everyone who is employed here.

-Do you want something from me?

-No, actually I just wanted to greet you and offer some coffee. Would you like some?

-Yes, please.

As Anna served the coffee, Misaki was throwing some glares at her while she put the documents in order.

-There you go ma'am.

-Please don't say that, you make it sound like I'm married.

Both girls giggled and the conversation took its flow as they discussed about work, Anna's experience, the employers.

Going out of his office, Usui was surprised to find Misaki laughing hard at something the girl he saw the previous day, whose name he couldn't remember, and it warmed his inside.

-…And he told me "Take that dog off me, he is going to bite me ", even though the dog was a chiwawa!

Misaki clutched her stomach as she felt her inside burn from the laughter.

They were interrupted by the loud throat clearing and finally saw Usui standing there.

Anna immediately bowed in respect and greeted him.

-You don't need to be so formal with me Anna, you know? Just good morning is fine, no need for bowing.

Anna nodded her head and wished a goodbye to Usui and Misaki and left.

In record time, Usui made his way behind Misaki as he nuzzled her neck lovingly.

Misaki squeaked in embarrassment.

-Not here Usui. Someone might see!

-I don't care.

-Why are you so reckless!

-Because Misa-chan makes me so!

Misaki couldn't help but surrender in his sweet kiss.


Anna made her way to the desk, ignoring everyone who dared to talk to her.

She sat on her chair, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

She waited patiently, listening to the rings.

'You'd better be there, she thought annoyingly'

The rings stopped and she heard a sleepy voice answer to her.


She smirked.

-It's been a while brother, Shintani.

To Be Continued!

Hello readers,

I'm very pleased with the fact that you read and review my story,

Sorry for all the time i made you wait,

Hope you enjoy the chapter and everything that comes next,

Wish you all the best and have a nice summer,

Angel Forever Yours!