Title: 38 Weeks
Author: Agent Alaska
Fandom: Fringe
Pairing: Peter/Alt!Lincoln
Summary: After a strange night, surprising things begin to unfold.
38 Weeks
Chapter 1
"What is Light, Where is Laughter? I'm confused and the sky is getting heavy tonight…"
- "What is Light, Where is Laughter" by Twin Atlantic
It was warm. He could feel the sun beaming in through the blinds. Even if they were shut, he could still feel the sun on his eyes. Though, that was not the only warmth Peter Bishop felt. There were legs entangled with his own. A very steady breathing could be heard. A heartbeat. Olivia? He thought briefly. Could this be real? No. Don't be fooled this time. He told himself. It must be a dream. But it feels so real. He could feel the heartbeat. He could hear the breathing so clearly. How could a dream feel that real? It can't.
He opened his eyes only to slam them shut once again. The light was blinding. Suddenly pain filled his head. Fuck. Why did his head hurt so bad? Peter moved a little, his legs rubbing against the other person's legs. For a moment, he thought nothing of the fact that the legs were not smooth. Not hairless. Then he opened his eyes again, this time he looked toward his, obviously naked, bedmate. Shit. Panic began setting in as he recognized who it was. Please tell me this is a dream or nightmare.
Next to him, Agent Lincoln Lee was sleeping peacefully. Peter's heartbeat had already picked up the pace. He was panicking. He tried desperately to recount the events of the previous night. Those attempts, however, ended in failure. Also in his head hurting even more than before. Peter glanced around. He had no idea where he was. The only thing he could guess was that he must have been very drunk. It was honestly the only thing that made sense. He would have never, in his right mind, cheated on Olivia like this. Let alone with another man. Peter felt his cheeks go warm as he looked back over at Lincoln. For a moment all he did was stare, then it hit him all at once.
He was in the alternate universe.
Suddenly his memory began coming back to him. He remembered they had been there for a case. Olivia and him. A follow up to the whole Shapeshifter fiasco with Jones. He remembered it not being a very successful outcome. Jones had slipped away, yet again. He had been really upset about it and went out drinking with their Agent Lee. He had asked Olivia, but she had refused. So it had been just them two at the bar. He had come to realize early on in the night that he much preferred spending time with this side's Agent Lee over the other one. Lincoln on this side was much more talkative and fun to be around. Those thoughts, Peter realized, may have led to the events that took place later that night.
Peter let out a sigh and slowly made his way out of the bed. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks once again as he stood up, completely naked. It took him a moment to find his pants, but he managed to spot them in the mess that was their clothing. Another memory then bubbled to the surface of his thoughts. He could remember them making this mess. They had been completely lost in the moment, exchanging sloppy, drunken kisses, as they undressed one another. Peter let out a sigh and shook his head. Bad idea. He thought as he gripped his head in pain. He needed to get out of here. Or at least get some aspirin. He pulled on his pants and began looking for his shirt.
"Probably… best to forget this…" Peter jumped as he heard someone speak. He spun around. Lincoln had just woken up, probably when Peter had decided to leave the bed. He was blushing for the obvious reasons. He, also, wasn't making eye contact. Clearly embarrassed by how they had acted and what they had done. Peter sighed a little, calming his nerves. He was glad they both agreed on that. It would have been a lot harder if they hadn't. Peter nodded, watching Agent Lee crawl to the side of the bed, looking for his clothing. "How drunk were we last night?" He questioned casually, trying to break the obvious tension in the room. Peter glanced over at him and pulled on his shirt. He then laughed a little.
"Well… I can't really remember." He replied. Suddenly he noticed his voice hurt a little. He could also tell Lincoln's was a little hoarse. Another blush spread across his cheeks. He knew why. He quickly looked away as images began flashing through his mind. "Either way…" He started to say. "You're right. Probably best to forget it ever happened/" Lincoln looked toward Peter, laughing a little.
"Right." He said simply as he grabbed his pants and pulled them on. "And no one else needs to know either." He added. Peter laughed and nodded. He, for one, didn't need Olivia learning about this. Even if it wasn't his Olivia, it was still awkward. Nor did Lincoln need his Olivia learning what had happened. Another awkward situation. "I have a reputation to uphold after all." Lincoln said with a small laugh as he pulled on his shirt. Peter nodded. "In any case, it was still fun." Suddenly Peter was blushing again. More memories. Yeah, it had been fun.
"Yeah." He replied. He then glanced over at the clock. Olivia had told him to meet her at the DOD at ten. It was about nine thirty. "Shit, I'm gonna be late." He quickly buttoned up his shirt and grabbed his belt off the ground. Lincoln nodded, biting his lip a little. He had a strange feeling this wasn't going to stay a secret. He shook his head and pushed those thoughts aside as he stood up. Finally Peter turned toward the other man. "Thanks…. For last night." He said, awkwardly. Lincoln nodded and laughed a little, his face turning slightly red. This was really awkward.
"Never happened." He said with a smile. "Remember?" Peter nodded and laughed as he grabbed his coat. Lincoln stood there as he watched the man leave the room. A few seconds later he heard the front door open and close. He let out a yawn and scratched his head. "Ugh… where are the aspirin?"
~ I thought I could just forget this… if only forgetting it had been that easy ~
"So would you ever have sex with a guy?" The question had been so sudden, Lincoln nearly spewed out the water he had been drinking. He coughed a little, causing Olivia to glance over at him. She had a slight smirk on her face. She then began laughing as she averted her eyes back to the road. Lincoln coughed a few more times, clearing his throat, then put his water down as he wiped his mouth. Olivia was still giggling at this point.
"Shit Liv, could you like… wait until I'm done drinking before you ask a question like that?" He questioned as he cleaned off the excess water off his jacket. She couldn't see it now, but his face had reddened a little at the question. When she glanced back over, however, it was as clear as day. "Why are you asking that?"
"Why are you avoiding it?" She questioned. Lincoln glanced over at here, an obviously unamused look on his face. He rolled his eyes and picked up his water again. His throat now hurt from choking down the water before. He took a drink then turned back to her.
"Why are you answering my question with a question?" He asked. At this point now, it was nothing but a cycle of questions. Neither were giving any answers. The red head laughed a little and glanced down at the GPS. She took the turn, then glanced back over at her partner. She was really curious to why he was blushing so much all of a sudden. Was it just the question? Or was it the answer to the question. Either way she was curious.
"You started it." She stated. Lincoln's eyes moved from the window to her, then back to the window. She was right. He had questioned her question first. Mainly to avoid answering it. He was supposed to forget all about that night a few weeks ago with Peter Bishop after all. It didn't happen. Or at least that had been the agreement between the two men. "You answered my question with a question first." Lincoln sighed a little. He had a feeling she wasn't going to let this go. "Also, you seem to be blushing." Suddenly his eyes were on her. Was he really? He rolled his eyes.
"Am not." He retorted, looking away. He really hoped he wasn't getting red again. He could feel his cheeks heating up however. Shit. He could hear her laughing again as she kept glancing between the road and him. "No, I would not sleep with a man." He finally said. Liar. His cheeks heated up again. He couldn't deny that he had thought back to that night a few times. No, it never happened. So you're telling the truth. Olivia laughed again.
"Your cheeks say otherwise." He heard her say. Lincoln let out a sigh, suddenly feeling really frustrated by this whole conversation. Why did she even ask him something stupid like that? What had brought that question on so suddenly? His eyes moved back toward the window. Her laughter quieted down and she brought her eyes back to the road. "Oh come on, I'm just making conversation. You usually love talking about random things like this." Finally the heat on his cheeks settled down to a normal temperature. He glanced back toward her.
"I'm just a little tired." He spoke the truth this time. "I haven't been sleeping well." He said. She glanced back toward him. She could tell he was telling the truth this time. Though, she wasn't sure about earlier. She wasn't going to bother it with him anymore though, seeing as how he was getting easily irritated today. She nodded, then pulled up to the house they had been instructed to go to.
"Well… looks like its showtime." She said as she opened the door and smirked toward her partner. Lincoln laughed a little and shook his head as he followed suit. The moment he stood up, his head began to spin. That was not good. He shook his head briefly, causing Olivia to look over at him. "You okay?" He nodded, but she was already on her way toward him.
"I'm… I'm fine…" But he was far from fine. The moment the words left his mouth, he was hunched over, his breakfast making its way back up. Olivia kneeled beside him and placed her hand on his back as he vomited.
"Shit…" She said, looking away as he continued to vomit for a few more moments. "I think that's the opposite of fine." Finally he stopped and laughed a little at her statement. His stomach was hurting now. Not too bad, but it was a dull ache. Had he eaten something bad? "Maybe you should wait in the car." He quickly shook his head. He wasn't the type to wait in the car. He was the leader of this team and by god he wasn't going to let a stomach virus get to him.
"You're kidding me, right Liv?" He questioned as he stood up. His stomach still felt a little queasy, but he didn't think he was going to throw up again. "I'm technically in charge of you." She laughed and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. Really. Must have been something I ate." He said. She stared at him for a moment, then nodded.
"Whatever you say. Boss." She said with a smirk. He laughed and wiped his mouth. Olivia let out a laugh as well as she stepped away from the vomit and started making her way toward the house. He followed her, stepping around his mess as well, then began walking.
"That's what I like to here." He was almost glad he had thrown up like that. The conversation from earlier was now a thing of the past. He could finally get back to forgetting that night again and get back to work. Or so he thought.
~ 6 weeks in ~
"I don't know if it's what I'm eating… or if there's something going around my apartment, but I just can't seem to shake it." Lincoln was lying in bed, his earpiece on, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't seem to get out of bed without feeling like he was going to hurl. Everything he ate just made it worse. He didn't understand what kind of stomach virus could last for two weeks.
"I'm coming over." He heard Olivia say on the other line. He groaned in protest, kicking the covers off. It was his second day off from work. At first it hadn't been so bad. He was sick for two days, then it stopped. He had thought he'd gotten over it, but a few days later it struck again. Right in the middle of a case.
"No. I'm fine. I just gotta keep taking this medicine the doctor gave me." He said as he held up the bottle. Broyles had pretty much ordered him to get checked out. He didn't need his best agent out for long, after all. The doctor hadn't even done any tests. He just filled out a prescription and sent him on his way. Incompetent moron. Lincoln thought bitterly. "I'll be fine, Liv, really. It might be something I'm eating."
"You haven't eaten anything. That can't be the case." She responded. He could tell she was getting irritated with him now. "I'm already in the car, you can't stop me. I'll be over in a minute." He let out another groan of protest. He hated having to be babied like this. It wasn't his style. But before he could say anything she had hung up. He sighed and removed the earpiece from his earlobe. For a moment he just sat there, silently staring up at the ceiling. Then suddenly he was on his feet and headed for the bathroom for the third time that morning.
He must have been in there for at least thirty minutes. Or at least long enough not to notice Olivia had let herself in and was now standing at the doorway that led to the bathroom. She let out a sigh and set down her bag, then walked over to him. She kneeled down and placed a hand on his back.
"I really think you need to go back to that doctor and force him to do some tests." She said, rubbing his back a little. He let out a small groan and leaned back. The hurling had ceased for the time being. His eyes moved toward hers. He wanted to protest, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. She was right.
"Later." He said through heavy breaths. He couldn't understand how he could eat so little and still have so much to throw up. Olivia was staring at him, that disapproving look on her face. "Or now." For a moment, she simply stared at him, then suddenly she was out of the room. Lincoln raised his eyebrow. Before he could even question it, she was back with a package of crackers that had been sitting on top of his refrigerator for the past three months. "Why are you bringing me crackers?" He questioned with a small laugh. She laughed with him and pulled out a few.
"Well." She giggled a little. It was probably a long shot but it was worth a try. "When my friend was pregnant, she used to eat crackers to deal with the sickness. So I figured it's worth a shot." She explained. Lincoln stared at her, his brow rising once again. She laughed. "I'm just saying if it works for morning sickness, maybe it'll work for whatever you have." He let out a laugh, then took the crackers from her and began eating them.
"I guess we'll see." He said though bites. She shook her head and settled on the bathroom floor next to him. A part of her was worried. She had honestly never seen him this sick. What if this had something to do with the case we worked? Her mind began to question as she thought back to the case about that maniac Jones. For a second, panic began setting in and her heartbeat sped up. If that man had done something to Lincoln, she would never let him live. Finally she sighed and calmed herself. It could be anything, no sense freaking out about it right now until you know more.
"You need to go back to the doctor, Lincoln." She said suddenly as she looked over at him. He was already on his fifth cracker when he heard her speak. He let out a sigh and put the package down. She was worried about him and he could tell. He smiled a little.
"I will. Okay?" He said as he looked over at her. "I promise." She gave a small smile and nodded. For a moment they just sat there silently on his bathroom floor. She then stood up, offering her hand. The queasiness, he noticed, had subsided. He laughed a little and let her help him up. "I feel better, actually." Lincoln said. Olivia's eyes shot toward him. For a moment she just stared at him. "What?" He questioned, his brows furrowing. "Do I have cracker crumbs on my face or something?" After a moment she let out a laugh and pushed him out of the bathroom.
"Get back to bed or go to the doctor." He let out a laugh and began walking down the hall and out into the main room. He honestly felt better. When she suggested the idea of crackers, she'd just been a little skeptical herself, but it had worked. That can't be the case… it just can't be. She thought to herself. Lincoln turned toward her.
"Fine. I'll go to the doctor today." He said with a smile. She smiled back. "But yooou~" He placed his finger on her forehead and pushed her back, causing her to make a face at him. "…need to get to work." He finished with a smirk. Olivia let out a laugh and nodded.
"You better go or I'll tell Broyles I'm taking the day off and drag you there myself." He laughed as one of her devilish smirks played across her lips. He knew she'd seriously do it too. Finally she turned and began walking toward the front door. "If I find out you didn't go I will come back here. Got that?" He laughed and nodded.
"Got it." With that she was gone.
~ I really thought I could forget him… but that day I knew I'd never be able to forget about him ~
"It's got to be wrong…"
His heart was pounding but the world seemed slow. Everything was happening at a snails pace in his eyes. He knew he probably seemed crazy at this point to the female doctor staring at him, but he didn't care. His eyes moved back toward the paper, then back to him. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be. It was impossible. Even after everything he'd seen and dealt with over the years in his job, he still refused to believe this.
"No, it's accurate." He heard her say. He could hear her speaking, but his mind refused to focus. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. "I ran the test three times to confirm, Agent Lee. It's accurate." No. No it's not. He wanted to scream. He wanted to just stand up and start screaming. He wanted to throw something. To break something. This wasn't true. He was dreaming. That had to be it.
No. It's not a dream.
Suddenly the world was moving at a normal pace again as he felt the woman's hand on his shoulder. She could tell he was out of it. He knew she could tell he was freaking out.
"Can you… not report any of this to my job?" He asked suddenly. If this was true, which he hoped it wasn't. He hoped this was some sort of terrible mistake or nightmare or dream. But if it was, he didn't want Broyles or anyone at his job to know. He saw the woman smile and nod.
"I'm bound by doctor patient confidentiality." She said. For a moment he stared at her. He felt like throwing up again. Not because of his stomach, but because he couldn't believe this was happening. Finally his gaze fell to his hands. "Honestly, I was a little surprised myself." She said suddenly. He looked up at her. "That's why I had your blood ran three times." He bit his lip.
"You're sure that's what it is?" He questioned, his voice sounding urgent now. "Are you sure you didn't mix up the blood or maybe the papers?" She had a look of sadness in her eyes that made him want to both punch something and cry at the same time. Now you're only confirming the results. He thought bitterly. She shook her head.
"I'm positive. It was your blood and these are the results." She responded. His eyes fell to his hands again. "You're pregnant, Agent Lee."
~ I could have forgotten if this hadn't happened. If I hadn't ended up like this ~
There was a sudden and urgent knock at her door, causing Olivia to jump a little in her bed. She rolled over, away from her book and glanced at the clock. It was about ten. Briefly she wondered who it could be at this hour, then she smiled a little. Lincoln probably just got out of the doctor. She stood up and closed the book she had been reading. Throughout the day they had been messaging each other back and forth. She had asked him to update her on every so often where he was on seeing a doctor. It had taken a long time because of a Fringe related incident. Victims of the incident were priority one. Even his rank didn't get him ahead any further. There was another loud series of knocks. Her brow furrowed a little. Why would he have come over? Why not just call? She sighed a little and opened the door. The instant she did, she could tell something was wrong.
"Lincoln?" His eyes were red and he looked extremely stressed. "What's wrong?" She questioned. For a moment she stood in the doorway, then she stepped aside, allowing him to enter. He had not yet answered her question, but she had a feeling he really didn't want to. Whatever was bothering him had to be serious to have him this worked up. She stared as he walked pass her and straight toward her couch. He never got like this, even on bad days. Olivia closed the door and walked over to the couch. He was shaking. She could see it. "Lincoln…?" He glanced up as she sat down next to him. For a moment he said nothing. She placed a hand on his.
"Remember when you asked…" He paused. He didn't want to tell her all this, but he knew he had to. He knew it was necessary for her to understand why this had happened. "If I would ever have sex with a man… and I never answered." The moment he said that, her brows furrowed. She had a strange feeling this was going somewhere she wasn't going to like. "Six weeks ago, after the whole Jones case… Peter Bishop and I went to a bar." She listened as he spoke. Yes, she remembered them asking her to go, but she had declined. For a moment she stared at him, waiting for him to continue, but it was obvious what had happened between them. "We were drunk, Liv. We were both really fucking drunk and… we promised we'd forget about it…" She took his hands and squeezed them tightly. He shook his head, tears in his eyes now. "I don't understand… how…" Olivia opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off by handing her a piece of paper. "I don't understand…" She looked down at the paper. She knew it the instant she saw it.
"Oh." Was the first word that came from her lips. Then she completely understood what was happening here. The tears that had been in his eyes were now streaming down his face. He couldn't control it. It just wouldn't stop. He never cried like this. Olivia sighed and pulled him close to her. She had no idea that the random thought she had that morning would have turned out to be true. But it was.
Her Lincoln Lee was pregnant by Peter Bishop.
~ 6 weeks and a day in ~
Olivia Dunham, from the universe beyond the machine, stepped out of the room and into another universe. After a really long night of watching someone very dear to her, who never broke down, cry like that she was determined to confront the man who was threatening to leave this time. The man who didn't apparently belong here. Peter Bishop. There was no way she was going to let that happen now. Not after this. He had to take responsibility for this. He had to.
The moment she stepped into the lab, she noticed something was different. Walter wasn't screaming at the man. They were actually working together. That was a big change from what she had originally heard was going on over here. For a moment she stood there silently, not wanting to make her presence known just yet. She watched as the man and Walter hovered over some papers. Then her eyes scanned around the room. Her alternate must have had a case because she wasn't there, nor was their Lincoln. Finally she spoke up.
"Hey. Peter." She called out. Both Walter and Peter glanced over at her. A small bit of rage began to build inside of her. Would he agree to stay if he knew the truth or just refuse like he had about the shapeshifters? She saw Walter open his mouth to start some snarky comment about her. She smirked. "Calm down Walter, I'm just here to talk to Peter." She said. The old man glared at her, but said nothing. "We need to talk." She said, looking toward Peter. For a moment he stared at her. He had a bad feeling about this.
"Okay…" His eyes moved back toward Walter for a moment. He pulled off his gloves. I really hope this isn't about what I think it's about. He sighed a little and followed her out of the door. "What's this about?" He questioned once they were beyond ears reach. She shook her head and continued walking. He glanced back and sighed again. He really didn't have time for this. He needed to find a way home and fast. He bit his lip. "Look I really don't have time for this; I have my own stuff to worry about. And I know this isn't anything serious, or the Olivia here would have said something this morning. So I'm gonna guess it's something personal." Olivia laughed bitterly and pulled the folded up piece of paper out of her pocket, then handed it to him.
"Do you know what that is?" She questioned, placing her hand at her hips. He stared at the paper that had been forced into his hands for a moment, then unfolded it. He glanced at it for a moment, then looked back at her.
"They're blood test results." He answered. She nodded. Peter looked down at it again. "Who ever tests it is, is pregnant…" Finally his eyes met hers. "What's this about?" He honestly had no clue what was going on. Why was she bringing him a pregnancy test?
"Turn the page over and look at the name. I think you'll know then." The smirk from earlier had faded into a stern expression. Honestly at this point she was done playing around. Peter sighed and turned the page over. The moment he saw the name, he knew it had to be some kind of joke.
"You're kidding me, right?" He questioned with a laugh. "You really expect me to believe this is true?" He had lied. Lincoln had lied to him. He had said he would forget. Instead, he had apparently told his Olivia. Now she was trying to con him into going back over there and staying… or something of the sort. There was no way the man could really be pregnant. Even in their field of work it seemed impossible. "This is stupid." He shook his head and handed the paper back to her. "I'm going back to work."
"Don't you fucking walk away from me." She said suddenly as he began to turn around. Peter stopped and turned back toward her. "You listen to me. That is not a joke. He came to me last night in tears because of this and by god you are going to answer for it." Yeah, he told her. Peter rolled his eyes.
"Even if I believed you, which I don't, I don't belong here." He responded. She stared at him in disbelief. "It's impossible anyways, so why am I even having this conversation with you?" He looked like he was on the verge of laughter. "Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going back to figuring out how to get home." Finally he turned and began walking away.
"You going to go back to your Olivia and tell her you slept with a man, got him pregnant and then abandoned him?" Her voice had raised. She wanted him to hear her. She wanted everyone to hear her. He stopped and turned, then walked back over to her, sighing. For a moment he just glanced around to make sure no one had heard her.
"Please keep it down." Peter hissed. Olivia laughed bitterly, then crossed her arms. He stared at her. This seemed like way too much emotion just to be a prank. In another time he actually trusted her. He knew how to tell when she was being honest. And he could tell right now, she was being completely honest.
She was really telling the truth.
He let out a sigh. "It's not a fake…" Olivia shook her head. "He's really pregnant…?" She nodded. It was impossible. How? How the hell did Lincoln get pregnant over one night of drunken sex? What were the odds? How the hell? He could have sat there questioning it all day, but he knew that wouldn't bring answers. "I'm sorry…" He said suddenly. It hurt. It actually really hurt to do this. He didn't want to abandon the man, but it was never supposed to happen in the first place. They had agreed. Peter didn't belong there anyways. He couldn't stay. He had to get home, even if it meant abandoning Lincoln like that. "I can't do anything about it." Olivia's eyes just stared at him. He could see the anger in her eyes. He couldn't deal with this. After a few moments, he tore his eyes away from hers. "I don't belong here. I have to get home. To my time." Suddenly he heard that bitter laugh again.
"I should have known." The moment she said it, he could feel his heart sinking. "You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself…" She put her hands on her hips, then shook her head. "Fine. Go home. But I hope that your Olivia figures it out what you've done." She stepped in closer. "I hope that every time you look in her eyes… you see my face." There was a pause and another laugh. "Better yet… I hope you see his face…" Peter looked up at her for a moment, then looked away. "I hope to God that every time you look into her eyes you remember this moment. Remember him. Remember that he's here taking care of your fucking child." His eyes were on her once more. "You're a pathetic excuse for a man, Peter Bishop. I hope you always remember that." With that she backed off and began walking away.
Peter let out a sigh as he watched her leave. He could feel the weight of the truth beginning to press down on him. He could feel his heart beginning to ache as he thought about what had happened. As he thought about Lincoln. He sighed again.
He knew he would never be able to forget.
Not now.
Not ever.
I had given up posting on this site a long time ago. Now I'm back. Mainly because I would like the effort I put into writing to not be wasted. Also it has been like literally years since I've posted/written a story. It's just been a long time since I was a writer in general. -sighs- Well hopefully I didn't disappoint Pecoln/Pecalt fans out there C: It feels so weird to be back guys... Any questions can be referred to my tumblr.