Title: "Intoxicating"
Author: Pirate Turner
Dedicated To: My beloved, inspiring, amazing, and wonderful love and light of my life, my Captain, my Muse, my everything, my beloved husband, Jack, whose an even bigger Alek fan than I
Rating: PG-13 for suicide thoughts
Summary: Freedom is intoxicating, but living life the way it is can be even better.
Warnings: Drabble, Het
Word Count: 300
Date Written: 25 December, 2011
Challenge: For my Drabble123 table
Timeline: Sequel to the author's Jump They Say
Disclaimer: Alek, Chloe, all other characters mentioned within, and The Nine Lives of Chloe King are ᄅ & TM ABC Family and any other rightful owners, none of whom are the author. The title comes from the song, "Jump They Say", by the true King of Rock, David Bowie; that song is ᄅ & TM him. Everything else is ᄅ & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Despite the winds rushing at them, Chloe could hear Alek's voice perfectly well. "Freedom is an intoxicating taste, isn't it?" She was intoxicating, but now wasn't the time. She needed him not for his body but for his heart and friendship. He would control his urges and be nothing more or less than everything she needed him to be.

His aroma wrapped around Chloe's senses in a heady blanket. His whispered voice lured her. His body pressed against hers as he held her tightly and snuggly against him. She wanted to tell him he was intoxicating, but she didn't dare. She would let nothing more grow between them for fear of one day losing his friendship.

She nodded. Falling was enticing, but she'd rather live. She'd rather live her life, no matter how crazy or chaotic it was or how many arguments, lies, or fights in which she had to partake. She'd rather live her life and have her loved ones in it, no matter how many times a day she cried sometimes. A strangled, "Yes," broke free from her mouth.

"I'm with you, you know." She could hear his grin in the sound of his charming and confident voice. "I'm right here with you, Chloe King, and I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled despite the turmoil crashing through her soul. "Sure you are," she countered. "You're going to race me." She broke away from his arms and made the jump, clearing the expanse in a single leap.

He raced behind her, and what he had told her echoed in her ears. She'd never be alone again. He'd make sure of it, and whenever his Uniter needed him, rather it was for comfort, reassurance, protection, or love, Alek would always be right there, with and for her, where he belonged.

The End