Author's Note: Wow. I did not expect to finish this chapter as quickly as I did. To be perfectly honest, I was able to whip up this 30 page chapter thanks to SilverStar56 and Rainbow D's incredible reviews. Ugh! Those reviews totally made my entire week, you guys! Thank you ever so much for having taken the time to write them up for me

SilverStar56: Hahaha! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the last chapter as much as you did. To be perfectly honest, I've never written so many fluffy scenes like that in my life. I suppose taking Nyquil has its quirks, huh? Heh heh! It's become a personal hobby of mine to create an abundant amount of adorable moments between Gokudera and Tsuya. Shouichi is most certainly a hardcore shipper, and you'll definitely be seeing more of his obsession throughout this story. He's just too cute to write! I do enjoy having him fangirl over his shipping pairing (another one of my personal favorites). Ah yes! Tsuna's jealousy bouts. Those are a tricky thing to write. However, seeing as how I have four siblings myself, I can easily relate to how Tsuna would be extremely uncomfortable with the fact that his beloved sister is establishing a relationship with someone else and learning to depend on them, too. It's an emotional rollercoaster ride and poor Tsuna has yet to even reach the first big drop. In due time, though. In due time. Thanks again for such a spectacular review! This chapter most certainly would not have been able to be produced as quickly as it did without your wonderful words! Thank you ever so much! Xoxoxo

Rainbow D: Aaskfjalksdjfla! Awww! Thank you SO much for shipping Gokudera and Tsuya together! I really do enjoy writing about their growing relationship, and it is so reassuring to hear that you are incredibly supportive with those two nerds! Heh heh heh! Yes, yes, yes. The dance is just around the corner, and now that this chapter has been published, Gokudera and Tsuya are now ready to show that blasted Host Club how the Vongola get things done! Oh, nonsense, no! You are not being impertinent at all. In fact, I am immensely pleased with your recommendation in songs! I will most certainly be using "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin. The fact that you even suggested a Disney song – asldfjalksdjflkajfa! I'M SO HAPPY! Oh, yes indeedy. Gokudera and Tsuya shall be waltzing to this song in the next chapter, so prepare thyself for an overwhelming dosage of fluff, my friend! I'll be sure to list you in the dedication of next chapter as well, in thanks for recommending the Disney song that Gokudera and Tsuya will dance to. Thank you ever so much for leaving such a fantabulous review! I am so very, very grateful! Xoxoxo

This chapter dedication is to my two epically AWESOME reviewers, SilverStar56 and Rainbow D!

Oh! And Tear-chan, in case you're ghost reading my story again – I do hope you enjoy!

Reviews are greatly appreciated, my friends!

Disclaimer: All Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters belong to their rightful owner, Akira Amano. All Ouran High School Host Club characters belong to their rightful owner, Bisco Hatori. The only thing I do own is Tsuya Sawada.

"Whatever our souls are made out of, his and mine are the same."

"I-I've never had to do anything this extreme before…" Shouichi admitted nervously, his eyes darting around to glance at the busy atmosphere. The poor boy fidgeted from foot to foot in an effort to dispel his growing anxiety. He felt completely out of his element here. The smell of expensive cologne wafted through the air, the scent giving off a spicy aroma that left Shouichi's head spinning. Subconsciously trailing behind your form like a lost duckling, it took all of what little willpower the young mechanic had in his body not to latch onto your hand. The natural instinct to cower behind your back like a timid child was conflicting with Shouichi's waning attempt to be his own man. Wringing his hands together, Shouichi's emerald eyes peered over at your form. It was clear that you were equally as lost as your childhood friend. This errand required a forte that neither one of your possessed – the knowledge of how to properly select an elegant tuxedo with the intent to impress.

Reborn had easily gathered personal intel on your group's process at Ouran Academy. To say he was delighted about finding out that Kyouya had given you, Gokudera, and Shouichi a generous allowance so that you could purchase the proper attire for the upcoming dace would be a gross understatement. In fact, your hitman had been over-the-moon pleased. Upon his brutalinsistence, he had dragged your poor group out towards the classier district of downtown so that he could have full reign over the entire process of approving your selection of tuxedos. Reborn was currently sitting atop of your disgruntled twin's shoulder, smacking the boy every so often whenever the hitman grew tired of Tsuna's childish complaints.

The only person out of your entire group that appeared to be unfazed by the current happenings, would be none other than your infamous Hurricane Bomb Hayato. With a neutral expression coating his handsome features, Gokudera trailed loyally beside your form, his pensive peridot eyes observing his surroundings. He seemed to be watching for any signs of trouble, narrowing his eyes in warning whenever someone wandered too close to you for his personal liking. Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants, his appendages formed into fists, clenching tightly in an effort to ignore the growing tingles in his palms, a silent sign that held quite the urgency to snatch your small hand into his own without showing any signs of letting go. Clicking his tongue softly to try and distract himself from his amorous feelings for you, Gokudera allowed his eyes to wander towards anything with the color red embedded into the design. Drifting his gaze over the various tuxedos and vests dyed with the vibrant hues of his flame attribute, Gokudera could not help but let his imagination take off, easily visualizing you in the silky clothes that caught his eye.

"Where the heck do we even begin?" you asked in exasperation, pausing in your aimless wandering to peer over at your home tutor. You honestly had no idea what to do here, and your brother looked just as out of place in this high-class establishment as you and Shouichi were. What exactly were the customs to even acquiring a tuxedo, anyway?!

"Your measurements come first," Reborn declared, his right hand instinctively flying out to smack your older brother upside the head the moment he began to vehemently protest the ludicrous idea of some stranger manhandling you for such a process. "We can't find your sister a proper tux until we get her exact measurements. So stop being such a childish brat and act your age, No-good Tsuna."

Your brother was not having it with Reborn's callous dismissal over his obvious disproval. "No way!" Tsuna snapped, his right eye twitching in irritation, "I'm not letting some weirdo measure Tsuya! What if it's a pervert?! No way! Absolutely not!" stamping his foot against the sleek, marble floor, your twin was entirely oblivious to the female worker approaching your group.

"Do you need help with your measurements?" the young woman cooed, her gaze locked directly on your Storm Guardian. She had been eyeing him ever since your group made an appearance, silently shadowing your group in hopes of being able to be the sole person to offer her assistance and get her hands on Gokudera's lithe form. Dipping her hand into her pocket to pull out a small roll of tape measure, the young woman gripped the tip of the tape and tugged it out with a snap, batting her lashes flirtatiously at your unimpressed bomber. "I can take you into the back for a private measure~ "

Shouichi groaned softly at the cringe-worthy aggressive tactics the saleswoman was currently using on Gokudera. Your redheaded friend could feel the anger emanating from your small, seething form. Chancing a small glance your way, Shouichi found you glaring darkly at the saleswoman. Your hands clenched together to form tight fists. Small tremors ran through your body, your temper rising with each passing second that blasted woman purred out sultry compliments to try and bait your beloved subordinate. Frantically darting his gaze back and forth between his furious childhood friend and the oblivious saleswoman, Shouichi felt his stomach churn uncomfortably with the telltale signs that his anxiety was getting the better of him. What was he supposed to do? How could he possibly help diffuse the situation before you personally dealt with the issue? Shouichi's soul sobbed internally, his hands quaking whilst his tongue tried to desperately form some words.

"Che," swiping the tape measure right out of the saleswoman's hands, Gokudera waved her off with a grunt, his left hand gently grasping a hold of your wrist. "We don't need your help, idiot. Why don't you try drooling over some other unlucky customer? Your perfume's giving me a headache." The saleswoman's jaw dropped in disbelief, an affronted look overtaking her features as she watched Gokudera lead you away towards the dressing rooms without sparing her another glance.

Tsuna had to cover his mouth with his right hand, hastily scurrying after you whilst trying his hardest not to laugh out loud at the scandalized look etched on that pushy saleswoman's face. Shouichi could barely contain his fit of giggles, rushing after Tsuna. The two broke into fits of laughter upon entering the dressing rooms. Reborn rolled his eyes at the immature behavior of these unruly teens. Reaching out, the hitman tugged harshly on Tsuna's cheek, effectively gaining the boy's attention. Crying out in pain, Tsuna's laughter immediately ceased, his right hand flying up to smack Reborn's smaller one away.

Tears gathered in the corner of Tsuna's eyes, his fingers carefully rubbing his now sore cheek. "What the HELL, Reborn?!"

"Stop acting like an idiot and either get in there or go wait outside the shop until we're done," Reborn snapped, gesturing towards the large dressing room labeled with the number two.

Eyes widening in realization that you were currently in there alone with Gokudera, Tsuna frantically scrambled forward, Shouichi trailing behind him with a look of amusement splashed across his face. Once inside, the three males were introduced to the sight of your flustered form and an extremely pleased looking Storm. Closing the door behind him, Shouichi moved to stand off to the side, his eyes dancing brightly in amusement at the scene unfolding before him. Tsuna, on the other hand, was bnot/b impressed with the playful flirtation occurring before his very eyes. Reborn made sure to tug harshly on Tsuna's locks of hair, effectively keeping the grumpy boy in check so that he would not interrupt Gokudera's process of taking your proper measurements.

You got my attention when you made that move
I can't help it 'cause I'm stuck like glue
Why am I the only one to see?
Girl, I really want to get that, get that
Really should no doubt about it

"So tiny~" the teasing lilt in your subordinate's voice caused your face to stain with a blush that had Gokudera grinning widely in delight. Your height difference was one of Gokudera's personal favorites. You were so much shorter than him, giving Gokudera the best excuses to fawn over your much smaller form that 'desperately' needed his rapt attention and protection. It was so easy to hide you behind his taller body, an action that was frequently used again and again whenever Gokudera wanted to keep you all to himself, away from prying eyes.

Gently looping the tape measure around the top of your hip bones, Gokudera's fingers danced over your navel, tugging the tape with both hands so that it fit snuggly around your hips. Goose bumps rose above your skin at the feeling of Gokudera's tender caress. His touch did not fail to send a shiver up your spin, garnering yourself an impish grin from the silverette. There was no doubt he knew exactly what he was doing, purposefully giving an extra tug on the tape as if to silently validate his devious actions. Memorizing your measurement with a quick glance, Gokudera could not keep a smirk from appearing on his lips while his hands snaked the tape around the swell of your hips, cheekily giving the tape a playfully tug which rewarded him with the adorable sound of a small gasp leaving your kissable lips.

"Shoes back on, Princess~" your subordinate sang, wiggling his brows at you in a teasing manner.

Puffing your cheeks out to perform your trademark pout, you shot your smitten Storm a look of exasperation. Quickly slipping your shoes back on your feet after having earlier discarded them so that Gokudera could get precise measurements on your height, you barely stood up again when you were suddenly caught off guard by Gokudera dropping to sit on his heels, his right hand latching onto the inside of your right leg, just above the knee. Humming innocently, your Storm Guardian's left hand placed the tip of the tape underneath the arch of your shoe, then pulled the tape up your leg, past your hip bone and up to the height of your navel. During this process, Gokudera's right hand gently copped a feel along the inside of your leg, his handsome peridot eyes locking with your glazed sepia ones.

Gokudera's heart hammered mercilessly in his chest, his blood boiling in sheer delight. He honestly was having the time of life, and things were just getting better and better. Flashing you a coy smirk, the next words that left Gokudera's lips caused that delectable blush that he loved so damn much to appear on your beautiful face. "Now take your pants off, Princess."

"What the HELL, Gokudera?!"

Shouichi had to cover his ears from your brother's mortified shriek. That had certainly hurt his eardrums… slowly lowering his hands, Shouichi's cautious gaze watched Reborn smack your twin over his head, chiding him for his outburst. Your childhood friend could feel a hot blush creeping up his neck when his eyes had wandered back over towards you and your delinquent. It felt like he was invading on something extremely intimate. Judging from that hot and heavy stare being shared between you and Gokudera as the bomber's fingers latched onto the button of your jeans and tugged it open, Shouichi had to avert his stare so that his face wouldn't burn any hotter than it already was. He was starting to feel like a peeping Tom for goodness sake!

Tsuna could taste the copper of his blood, his tongue throbbing painful as the young male continued to sink his teeth into it in a desperate attempt to keep himself from lashing out. His stomach was going crazy, boiling hotly and uncomfortably to the point where it was actually starting to feel painful. Hands clenched tightly by his sides, Tsuna's frame shivered with angry tremors. He did not like this. NOT. ONE. FUCKNG. BIT. Alas, this was still a far better selection than having some sleazy woman or creepy male that was a complete and utter stranger, touching you as intimately as Gokudera currently was. In Tsuna's mind's eye, this was fucking taboo. Despite his rising anger, his conscience gently consoled him with whispers, stating that though this infuriated Tsuna to no end, he would still choose to have Gokudera do this task. Neither your brother nor Shouichi had knowledge in this department, leaving Gokudera as the sole person who knew just what needed to be in done in order to get this blasted errand completed. Grinding his teeth together, Tsuna desperately tried to remind himself that this would all be over soon (just not fucking soon enough – damn it!). Ugh. At least your goddamn pants were back on after Gokudera had measured the inseam of your jeans.

Fucking hell…this was going to kill your poor brother.

"Now raise your arms~" Gokudera breathed softly in your ear, his hands gently grasping a hold of your wrists, leading you to raise your arms up at your sides. Lightly running his fingers along the underside of your arms in a teasing manner, Gokudera smiled against your neck, reluctantly pulling away so that he could measure you around your shoulder blades. Quickly storing your measurement away in his mind, Gokudera moved on to run the tape under each of your arms, making sure to press his thumb against the tape and along the underside of your arm. Locking gazes with you, Gokudera's impish grin returned. Wrapping the tape around the fullest part of your bound chest, your Storm gave the tape a forceful tug, his eyes never once straying from your own startled ones as a small squeal left your lips due to his playful action.

"Not so tiny here~" Gokudera teased you with an airy whisper, his hot breath fanning over your face. Those words of his caused your face to flush heavily as you wildly began to flail your arms, indignant sputters leaving your lips in a flurry.

The sound of Gokudera's baritone voice erupting into a fit of laughter only further flustered you. Your head was spinning, making you dizzy with the less than pure thoughts running rampant in your mind. For the love of God! This man was going to be the death of you. A chaste kiss was then placed upon your cheek, your surprised gaze flitting over to see Gokudera grinning innocently at you. Your heart palpitated in joy, the flush in your cheeks turning a shade darker.

You shot your subordinate an exasperated look. Stop teasing me, Goku-chan!

Your Storm met your expression with coy look of his own. I will when you stop being so utterly adorable.

Ghosting his fingers underneath your arms once more, Gokudera gently lifted your arms up to your sides again, this time, a little lower than before so that your hands were just a few inches away from your hips. Measuring your chest once more, Gokudera pulled the tape snugly. Both of you stared unblinkingly at the other, neither one breaking the mesmerizing gaze. A conspicuous cough (undoubtedly being sounded by your twin) was the only thing that managed to snap you and Gokudera out of your daze.

Releasing a small snort of amusement, Gokudera lowered the tape from your chest. Grasping both of his hands around your small wrists, Gokudera placed your arms to rest against your sides. He then wrapped the tape around both your shoulders and your chest. His right thumb pressed gently against the nub of your collarbone to ensure that the measurement took place just beneath it. A small, smug smirk made its way onto the bomber's lips, his eyes flashing with devious delight as he felt the frantic beating of your heart beneath his thumb. His own heart hiccupped wildly at the thought that you were affected by him just as much as he was by you.

A blush crept onto Gokudera's face, his eyes falling closed half way. Gently resting his forehead against your own, Gokudera looped the tape around your neck. Resting the tape near your collar line, just above your clavicle, Gokudera could not help himself from ghosting his lips over your own. Shit, shit, shit! Jerking his head back to prevent himself from fully kissing you, Gokudera ran his tongue over his lower lip, indulging himself in the delicious taste of apple fritter glaze. A remnant from the pastry you had for breakfast earlier today. Gokudera's heart pounded loudly in his ears, eyes locked onto your hypnotic stare that was currently gazing at his lips.

Fuuuuuck! Gokudera lamented internally. Lips burning unbearably with the desperate urge to lock with yours, your Storm Guardian cast a side glance at your twin. He knew he'd be pushing his luck if he tried to steal a kiss from you while in the presence of the ever watchful Tenth. He could already feel the Tenth's stare burning against the back of his neck, sending involuntary shudders down Gokudera's spine. Forcing his muddled mind back to the task at hand, Gokudera's left hand lifted the tip of the tape to the back of your neck and held in place while his right hand ran it down along your shoulder and stopping just an inch before your wrist. The entire time, the two of you stared longingly into the other's eyes, never once breaking the gaze. Digging his right thumb into the measurement right above your wrist, Gokudera slowly pulled the tape away, still lost in your beautiful eyes.

"Done," Gokudera whispered huskily, his heart beating a permanent tattoo against his ribcage.

Now free to move your hands, you placed them on Gokudera's chest. Curling your fingers against the fabric, you tugged the young man down to your level. Slowly closing your eyes, you pulled Gokudera closer, your heart skipping a beat at the sound of a strangled gasp leaving his lips while his breathing picked up. Just before your lips could meet, a body was suddenly thrust between you two, effectively breaking you and Gokudera apart. Shouichi yelped in surprise, flailing his arms wildly about to try and regain his balance. Unfortunately for him, he tripped over his two feet and crashed to the floor.

"Shou-chan?!" you quickly knelt beside your childhood friend, offering a hand to help the poor boy up.

Tsuna lowered his arms back to his sides after having thrown Shouichi into the fray. An impassive look was coating his face, his voice leaving his lips in a monotone. "Ah, it looks its Shou-chan's turn to get measured now."

Reborn chuckled, his eyes glinting with mirth. "Didn't know you had it in you, Tsuna~"

Who can do it like you do it when you do?
So hooked up on you like a tattoo
I'm serious about it
Girl, I really want to get that, get that
Really should no doubt about it

Shouichi yelped, taking immediate cover behind your form just as a bullet grazed by. His heart was pounding a mile a minute, his body shaking in fear at having barely narrowed your crazy hitman's attempt to cap him off simply because he did not agree with Shouichi's selection for formal wear! Wheezing in disbelief, Shouichi raised a shaky hand to adjust the glasses that had become askew on his face during his frantic dodge. The mechanic's normally gentle eyes were currently narrowed into an angry glare, directed at the Arcobaleno who had the audacity to try and cap him off. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Reborn huffed irritable, his onyx gaze staring impassively at the redhead cowering behind your protective form. His trusty chameleon was currently transformed into his infamous gun, the barrel still smoking from where the bullet had shot out but moments ago. "Tch. Your taste is absolutely horrendous. The Vongola's reputation does NOT reside with men who wear bowties," Reborn hissed the word as if were acid, his face forming a sneer. "Real men wear ties. Now get your pathetic act together and do this right."

"Quit snapping at Shou-chan!" You were quick to come to your childhood friend's rescue, meeting your intimidating hitman's stare head on with one of your own. "Let him wear whatever he's comfortable with! You're not the one going to be stuck in these suits for hours entertaining women and putting up with Tamaki's crazy antics. So leave us be and let us dress the way we want!" you paused in your rant to glare at the rack of ties that Reborn was currently standing atop of. "Besides, your taste is WAY too expense and old fashioned! It's like you're dressing us for a fucking hit and not a goddamn dance party…"

Reborn smirked at your snarky retorts, twirling his gun around his index finger before it was enveloped in a bright flash of light, transforming back into Leon's original form. "Vongola men dress to kill. You have a reputation to uphold. Cheap suits and bowties aren't gonna cut it, Dame Tsuya. You're part of an elite Mafia family, so dress the part and honor what your ancestor has started," hopping off of the tie display, Reborn landed on a shelf covered with various vests. Turning on his heel, the hitman cast you a side glance, his trademark smirk appearing on his lips once more. "Now stop being so stubborn and let me do my job. Unless, of course…you'd rather work with that saleswoman, hmm~?"

Ooooh, that was a low blow. Feeling your right eye twitch in irritation, you bit back the snarky rebuttal that was lingering on the tip of your tongue, knowing better than to cross your blasted hitman when he would easily follow through with his threats, no matter how petty they may be. Fucking narcissist! Your dark grumbles were music to Reborn's ears, his smirk widening at the sound of your begrudging defeat. Chuckling softly under his breath, Reborn bent down, picking up a vest that had caught his eye. Lifting up the silk material in his small hands, Reborn glanced over it for a moment before carelessly tossing it your way. You fumbled to catch the expensive fabric, shooting your hitman an exasperated glare that was waved off with impatience.

Reborn snapped his fingers and gestured to the vest in your hands. "Slip that on. Let's see how it looks."

You held up the fabric within your line of sight, shooting the lackluster black a disproving stare. Reborn rolled his eyes at your pickiness, huffing aloud whilst mumbling how spoiled you and your twin were. Not even two seconds later, he chucked another backless vest at you, it's striking color immediately capturing your eye as your hands dropped the black vest you had been holding so that you could grab a hold of the new one Reborn had chucked your way. The hitman snorted at the delighted look that had crossed your face the moment you noticed the particular pigment of the attire.

"Good grief. You're absolutely hopeless," Reborn muttered with a small shake of his head. "Now stop stalling and put the damn thing on already."

Shouichi snickered quietly, taking a small step back so that he could give you some room as you eagerly tried the vest on. Slipping the strap over your head, you tugged the backless vest on, pulling the fabric down so that it rested just at your waistline over your white formal shirt. Before you even had a chance to ask your childhood friend for assistance, you could already feel his hands working on the strap at your neck, adjusting it so that it fit to your small size. Grinning at your redheaded friend in silent thanks, your own hands busied themselves with the waist buckle. Snapping the piece into place and giving a few good tugs to the elastic band to make sure that the tension in the buckle would keep it locked. You then ran your hands over the front of your vest, drifting over the six buttons aligned in the front and lastly over the pockets.

"You're starting to look like an actual Mafia boss now, Dame Tsuya," Reborn mused, his dark eyes glinting in devious delight at how well you cleaned up in the formal clothes.

The hitman's wording did not sit well with your brother. "That's NOT a compliment, Reborn!"

Tsuna was hovering by your form, wringing his hands together nervously. His stomach churned uncomfortably, causing the poor boy to cringe. His sepia eyes were darting between you and Shouichi, keeping an ever watchful gaze over you two like the responsible older brother he was. Turning his head slightly to the right, Tsuna glanced over towards the shoe section where he had ushered Gokudera off to in hopes of separating the two of you for as much time as he possibly could. Crossing his arms over his chest in his typical habit of expressing himself when he felt vulnerable, Tsuna's gaze darted back to you, watching you help Shouichi select a complimenting vest color of clover green. Tapping his foot nervously, Tsuna tried to dispel his growing anxiety. His eyes glanced over the vest you had chosen, his eyes narrowing at the particular color that Reborn had tossed your way. That hitman knew exactly what he was doing, and judging by that smug smirk he was currently throwing Tsuna's way, your twin couldn't help but growl lowly in annoyance. Even that stupid tutor was taunting him with the growing relationship between you and Gokudera! This was so NOT fair!

"I got what you wanted Reborn-san," Gokudera's voice drifted through the air, the sound of his approaching footsteps caused Tsuna's entire body to go rigid as his panicked gaze was locked on your form, watching your face light up as you whipped around to greet your beloved Storm Guardian.


Gokudera halted in his steps, blinking in surprise at the sight of you clad in a stunning red backless vest. His heart palpitated wildly, beating relentlessly against his ribcage. A blush was slowly creeping its way up Gokudera's neck and burning his ears. Gritting his teeth and tightly clenching the shoes grasped in his shaking hands, Gokudera's shoulders quivered as he desperately tried to reign in his natural instinct to drop to his knees and gush his worshiping praise to you. Ggh… Gokudera's heart skipped a beat at the utterly adorable look you were currently pinning him with. Shit, shit, shit! You were so fucking precious! "Ah!" Gokudera yelped, the shoes immediately falling from his hands as your Storm Guardian hastily threw his arms out to catch your small form as you suddenly threw yourself at him. Wrapping his arms tightly around your petite waist, Gokudera buried his face into your shoulder. His body quivered in glee. You had thrown yourself at him, so surely this was acceptable since you initiated it, right?! Effortlessly lifting you off of the ground, Gokudera hugged you tightly, a slew of compliments in his native tongue spilled past his lips. Unable to prevent himself from expressing the sheer amount of joy he felt in this moment, Gokudera spun on his heel, twirling the two of you around in circles as he continued to gush over your appearance.

"Goku-chan, you look so handsome!"

Your honey laced voice was music to Gokudera's ears. Gently placing you back on your feet, Gokudera fell to one knee, his hands lacing tightly with yours. His peridot eyes sparkled brightly with the overwhelming amount of sheer bliss he was currently experiencing. Gently brushing his lips against the silky feel of your knuckles, Gokudera closed his eyes and pressed butterfly kisses against the back of your hands. His heart was soaring, showing no signs of coming down from this euphoric high any time soon. Placing one last searing kiss against your hand, Gokudera reluctantly pulled back, his head spinning wildly as the young man slowly opened his heavy gaze to peer up at your beautiful eyes. The words fell from Gokudera's lips in a deep purr, his pupils darkening in desire. "Il mio amore~"

Reborn watched the scene unfold before him, his left brow arching at the sound of Gokudera ushering his heartfelt confession in their native tongue. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, the seasoned hitman allowed his steely gaze to drift between you and your smitten subordinate. To be frank, this wasn't all that surprising. Reborn had seen this coming miles away. If he were to be honest, he was more surprised that this hadn't progressed sooner. Then again, Reborn's calculating eyes landed on your twin, silently observing the jealous glower behind those usually timid sepia eyes. Perhaps this was all happening at its destined pace, considering there was quite a bit of resistance coming from the 'ringleader' of your unruly little posse. Allowing his gaze to drift back towards you, Reborn could not help but sigh at the sight of the love-struck couple. Honestly! To think he had been saddled with a bunch of useless teens all hyped up on hormones. It was a miracle he had even been able to whip you all into shape for your Mafia lifestyle. The Ninth seriously wasn't giving Reborn enough credit for this fucking job.

Clicking his tongue, Reborn adjusted his fedora. "All right you two. Please try to get a hold of those amorous feelings of yours. We don't need you conceiving those quadruplets this early on, so get it together and let's finish what we came here for!"

Shouichi sputtered at Reborn's exclamation, staring at the hitman in disbelief at his blunt reminder of the future you had all experienced during that under-handed training plot. The moment Shouichi's emerald eyes locked with Reborn's dark, onyx gaze, the mechanic found himself stuttering nervously. Coughing into his fist to try and hide his anxiety, the redheaded mechanic made sure to keep his gaze averted from that hitman's unblinking stare. Shivers ran up Shouichi's spine, a clear indication that the Arcobaleno still had his eyes locked on your fidgety childhood friend. How unsettling… Shouichi groaned internally in despair.

Gokudera flashed you a smirk, the only fair warning he graced you with before he was on his feet and sweeping you up off of yours once more. Your squeal of surprise elicited a deep chuckle from your smitten subordinate in return. Gently placing you in one of the leather seats located off to the side, Gokudera gently brushed his lips against your forehead, unable to keep his enamored feelings in check. That adorable flush that stained your face due to your subordinate's affectionate gestures only further proved to please the young male. Grinning widely, his heart performing a series of somersaults whilst his blood boiled hotly in elation, Gokudera quickly gathered the shoes he had discarded earlier. Kneeling before your seated figure, Gokudera gently grasped a hold of your left ankle, giving it a loving squeeze while making sure to lock gazes with you. "Allow me, Cinderella~"

Tsuna wanted nothing more than to facepalm at the horrid amount of luck he had when it came to trying to put a wedge between you and Gokudera. A few clicks sounding from his right caused Tsuna to glance curiously only to deadpan when he saw that Shouichi had whipped out his cell phone and was currently taking a generous amount of photos of your Storm Guardian tenderly slipping your dress shoe onto you like it was a glass slipper. Tsuna moaned in despair, running his hands down his face and tugging his bottom eyelids downwards to openly express his distress. It was like this EVERY time you and Gokudera went out! Somehow, someway, you two always managed to make it seem like you were currently experiencing scenes straight out of the whimsical fairytales you grew up with! Hell, there were even instances where Tsuna himself actually believed that there was fairy dust sparkling around yours and Gokudera's love-struck forms. How does that even happen?!

Tsuna's fingers twitched by his sides, his form tense in posture as the young Mafia boss had to watch the heartwarming scene unfold before him. This was more than likely the mildest forms of flirtation that you and Gokudera could honestly display. It was obvious, that the two of you were clearly holding back for your poor brother's sake. The thought sent shudders down Tsuna's spine. If this was you two being mild, then how the hell did you two flirt when he wasn't around?! The thought sent Tsuna's stomach lurching, causing the eldest Sawada twin to groan in agony. Why did you have to fall for Gokudera, anyway?! You were still so young! Tsuna could only silently blame his over-doting parents for his misfortune. Their lovey-dovey relationship and over the top dramatics were the only example you and Tsuna had grown to known. Your brother could not help but cringe, watching you and Gokudera interact the same way your parents did.

This wasn't right.

"All right, love birds, get it together," Reborn chided with a roll of his eyes. Walking over to the rack of ties, the hitman tugged on a crimson red tie, pulling it off of the display and then promptly tossing it your way. Reborn could only snort when Gokudera effortlessly caught the tie, casting a questioning glance towards the Arcobaleno. "Seeing as how these idiots don't know a thing about formal attire," Reborn began, waving a dismissive hand towards you, Shouichi and Tsuna – earning quite a few disgruntled grumbles in retaliation – the hitman locked gazes with your Storm Guardian. "Why don't you show them how it's done, Gokudera?"

"Well excu~use us for not having a decent father to help teach us these typical life quality tips," your brother was quick to snap at Reborn, shooting his tutor a dark look.

Huh, Shouichi furrowed his brows in thought, wondering why he had never personally taken the time to ask his father something as simple as learning how to tie a tie. Then again, Shouichi's life had taken a drastic turn ever since you and Tsuna were revealed to be the heirs of the infamous Vongola. Giving a small shrug of his shoulders to validate that he had been too wrapped up in the chaotic realm that has become your everyday lives since Reborn appeared whilst blasting Death Bullets left and right, Shouichi decided not to get too worked up over not knowing this basic knowledge. Besides, he was sure Gokudera would do a pretty good job on explaining how to do it, considering the fact that the Storm had to teach you. Calmly taking his phone out of his pocket once more, Shouichi raised the digital device, eager to take more photos once Gokudera began the process of personally teaching you how to tie a tie. Oh, this is going to be go~od!

I'm craving for you and just like a fool
There's no way I can stop, stop, stop my desire
I'm craving for you and you know it too
There is no one who can top, top, top your smile

Tsuna crossed his arms over his chest, his right eye twitching in irritation. "Just how many stupid ways are there to tie a tie, anyways?!"

"There's twelve," was Reborn's impassive response. He was having none of his student's sulking behavior. For goodness sakes, the boy was so hostile about the 'casual' interaction that was about to take place between you and Gokudera. Lightly flicking the rim of his fedora upwards so that Reborn's gaze was fully visible to his disgruntled No-good Tsuna, the hitman flashed the stubborn youth a scolding look. "Now stop being so put off and actually pay attention. You need to memorize this for future reference. You have two options: you shut up and watch Gokudera teach Tsuya, or, you can just ask your father how to do this."

Reborn's backhanded comment had managed to quiet Tsuna for the time being. Releasing a strained sigh at the utter bullshit he had to deal with on a daily basis, Reborn squeezed the bridge of his nose where he felt a headache slowly forming. Ugh. He was going to need a serious cup of coffee when this was all said and done. Dropping his hand back to his side, Reborn turned his attention back onto yours and Gokudera's forms. He trusted your Storm to select the proper knot, after all, Gokudera had been raised in the higher class. Your silverette knew the proper codes for these types of affairs, so Reborn remained silent, watching on with Tsuna and Shouichi.

"I'll teach you the Windsor Knot, Princess," Gokudera grinned, thoroughly enjoying the adorably confused look on your stunning features.

Your brows furrowed together. "…The Windsor Knot?"

Gokudera hummed softly to confirm your question. "It's a triangular knot that works best with a spread collar," your subordinate explained with a smile, his handsome gaze slowly roving over your upper torso before finally locking its sight on the exposed skin of your neck peeking out from your formal shirt's collar. Biting his lower lip in an effort to quell his growing desire to leave his mark on your soft, silky skin, Gokudera shook his head to rid himself of his amorous thoughts. Gently looping the red tie around your neck, Gokudera's hands slid down the material, his eyes unable to tear away from your mesmerizing stare.

"We're gonna start with the wide end of the tie on your right side and the small end on your left," Gokudera softly ushered, his left hand carefully tugging the smaller end of the tie towards your navel. "The tip of the small end should rest slightly above your belly-button, but considering how tiny you are, it'll rest just over it~" the teasing lilt in your subordinate's tone earned a pout from you, causing the male to chuckle endearingly at your fucking charming response. Internally fighting with his desire to kiss those irresistible lips of yours, Gokudera pressed onward, shoving his overwhelming feelings aside.

"Next, we're gonna pull the wide end over the small end towards your left," Your eyes followed Gokudera's hands, watching him expertly tie the material, "Pull it up into the neck loop from underneath, then down towards the left again," It was amazing how he never once faltered in his movements, each tug of your tie was proud and precise. "Now we're gonna pull it around the back of the small end to the right. Up the center towards the neck loop and then through it and down to the right."

Gokudera's heart was beating against his ribcage like a jackhammer, the sound nearly deafening his poor eardrums. Tightening his grip on the red material of your tie, Gokudera could feel his breath quickening at the ever increasing acceleration of his smitten heartbeat. His head was spinning, making the poor rebellious youth incredibly dizzy with the unfathomable amount of love he held for you. A torrent of traitorous thoughts burst forth in his mind's eyes, flashing images of endless possibilities that would enable your love-struck Storm Guardian the chance to steal you away and kiss you senseless. Groaning internally at the highly appealing idea of losing himself to your intoxicating kisses, Gokudera painfully willed those stimulating visuals away. His body hummed with desire, knees on the verge of turning to jelly after Gokudera gazed into your hypnotic eyes. Motherfucking shit! You were going to be his undoing. Gokudera's pupils darkened drastically, his infatuation completely overriding all of his other senses.

"Go across the front towards the left," Gokudera's voice had grown husky, his heavy hooded stare telling you exactly why he was so deeply affected right now. "Up into the neck loop from underneath, down through the loop we've just created in the front, and lastly," You could not prevent your body from tremoring slightly in delight, the action having an immediate effect on your Storm Guardian. Purposefully brushing his hands against your chest whilst skillfully completing the knot in your tie, Gokudera made sure to stare directly into your eyes, the beautiful peridot color of his irises completely overshadowed by the dark contrast of his pupils blown wide in ecstasy. His tone dropped even lower, sending your heart aflutter at the sound of Gokudera's raspy vocals. "Tighten the knot by pulling down on the wide end. Then just slide the knot up…" Gokudera's lithe fingers slid the knot up to rest against the collar of your formal shirt, giving it one last deliberate tug to draw you closer to himself before breathing his last words hotly against your ear, "…And we're done."

I love it when you give me that smile
Been waiting for this for a long time
My premonition's telling me try
Girl, I really want to get that, get that
Really should no doubt about it

Shouichi's phone flashed with life, his memory input almost at its maximum capacity due to all of the many photos and videos he has taken of you and Gokudera. Opening up his text messages, Shouichi thumbs flew across the screen, hastily typing his words and attaching the latest photo he had just taken not even two seconds ago. Quickly inputting the recipient's phone number, Shouichi happily hit the 'send' button, his heart skipping a beat due to the complete and utter happiness swelling largely in his chest cavity like a big balloon. The sound of a robot beeping filtered through the air, signaling that Shouichi had just received a response from his friend.

Spanner: …Would you please stop spamming my phone with your shipping obsession? I'm still trying to delete the 264 photos you sent me just yesterday. This isn't healthy.

Shouichi snorted at his mechanic friend's retort. Giving a small roll of his eyes, Shouichi quickly went to work on his rebuttal.

You are such a killjoy! How can you NOT be affected by this remarkable love story unfolding before our very eyes?! This is absolutely precious! Stop obsessing over your Mini Moscas and get on this ship already!

Spanner: You said this ship sails itself, so there's clearly no need for me to come onboard. You're pretty much running your own crew with your obsession alone. What are you, their third wheel?

Oh ha, ha, HA. Very funny, Spanner. I'll have you know those two don't even NOTICE anyone else when they're together. It's so romantic!

Spanner: Oh yes. I'm sure there's quite the passionate atmosphere going on with you creeping on them in the background like the shipping trash stalker that you are.

Shouichi glared at the screen of his cell, highly offended by Spanner's lack of commitment and understanding. So rude! It was hard enough trying to get this quirky robot fanatic enthusiastic about anything other than his odd inventions. Shouichi could almost hear his friend's condescending tone filtering through the air. Honestly, Spanner had no appreciation for anything even remotely romantic! It was up to Shouichi to spam that indifferent companion of his with all of the fluff and love you and Gokudera experienced each and every day. Feeling his lips quirk upwards into a devious grin, Shouichi's glasses reflected the artificial lighting off of its lenses, giving the redhead a slightly menacing appearance. Chuckling under his breath, Shouichi shamelessly attached a bunch of videos he had personally recorded to Spanner's inbox. Humming softly in content when his phone beeped with Spanner's exasperated response not even three seconds after having received Shouichi's next dosage of shipping spam, the redheaded mechanic could not stop the mischievous laughter from spilling past his lips.

Well, Reborn had to give you two credit for being semi-PG rated. Giving a fond shake of his head, the Arcobaleno spared your redheaded mechanic a fleeting glance. Shouichi was entirely immersed with his digital conversation with Spanner. No doubt fangirling all about the latest happenings that had transpired between the two lovers. When the hitman had confronted Shouichi about his odd obsession with shipping you and Gokudera, Reborn was surprised to find that your childhood friend answered him clearly without any traces of his usual fear or sarcasm. That geeky mechanic even had the courage to look Reborn straight in the eye, explaining that the reason he was so overzealous when it came to taking photos and videos of you and Gokudera was because he was gathering the early material that showed the progression of your relationship so that he could use it to make a montage for you and your smitten bomber as a present for your future wedding.

I've been saddled with a bunch of love-struck fools, Reborn sighed internally.

Clapping his hands together to garner the attention of his group, the hitman could not hide his gleeful smirk when all heads had instinctively whipped around to face the source of the sudden noise. Heh! So their sixth senses were still in rare form. That was comforting to know. "All right, now that you've been taught how to tie a tie…it's time to finish what we started and complete your tuxes. Don't dawdle and get to it!"

Your hitman was suck a fickler for sticking to his own agenda, you mused silently to yourself. Directing your gaze downwards to focus on your attire, you moved your hands to re-button your vest after it had been undone so that your tie could be set properly into place. However, just before your fingers could latch onto the first button, Gokudera's lithe digits beat you to the punch. You blinked in surprise, glancing up to stare at your Storm Guardian. Flashing you a coy smile and a playful wink, the silverette buttoned your vest up with ease. Grabbing a hold of your jacket, Gokudera held the material up, gently helping you slip your arms into the sleeves and adjusting the jacket so that it fit impeccably over your form.

"Don't you look dashing~?"

Your teasing Storm Guardian laughed joyously, dancing out your reach when you half-heartedly moved to smack him against his chest. Gokudera's heart palpitated wildly at the sight of the light flush staining your face, a victorious grin spreading across his lips after having witnessed such a wondrous sight. Uncaring towards the feeling of his own blush slowly beginning to creep up his neck, Gokudera snatched his jacket up, gracefully slipping the material on with ease. The Storm's heart stuttered in pride, feeling your eyes locked on his form, gazing upon him with an abundant amount of appreciation reflecting vividly through your beautiful eyes. For once, having to get all gussied up didn't feel like such a burden this time around. Instead of going through the usual emotions of being highly irritated and indifferent, Gokudera felt his heart swelling in happiness. He was actually eager to dress to impress – particularly for a certain female Sawada.

"Don't we need cufflinks?" Shouichi inquired curiously, lifting his right arm up so that he could glance at the bare cuff of his sleeve.

Reborn smirked. "You'll be provided some with the Vongola's crest embedded into the design. It'll be ready before your big dance party, so don't worry about it."

"Geez, are you trying to purposefully flaunt their status as Vongola?!" Tsuna turned an irritable glare towards the hitman, crossing his arms over his chest. "I thought that our reputation was supposed to be kept on the down low! Why are you so intent on revealing all of this now at a dance party?! It doesn't make any sense!"

"Status means power, and power means everything in the Mafia world, No-good Tsuna," Reborn gave a small roll of his eyes. "This lifestyle requires an incredible amount of connections. Without connections, you're vulnerable. If you're vulnerable – you die. The math isn't that hard to calculate." The hitman made sure to make direct eye contact with your twin before turning his attention onto you, Shouichi and Gokudera. "These three have infiltrated Ouran and established direct contact with wealthy heirs that could no doubt prove to play a crucial role in the development of your famaglia. Not only would you have dependable investors, but the Vongola's social status would become incredibly well known and coveted."

You furrowed your brows in thought, your mind instantly flashing over to think of Haruhi and how this would impact her life if others, specifically foes, were to find out that she had connections with a Mafia famaglia. "…Wouldn't that just put a target on people's backs if they associate with us?"

Reborn's smirk grew, his onyx eyes shimmering. "Well, then wouldn't they become indebted to you if you protected them from harm? After all, nothing comes for free in this world. An eye for an eye, as the saying goes~"

Shouichi paled, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Whoa, wait! This is like blackmail, isn't it?! We're gonna extract funds from these rich people by dragging them into our mess and endangering their lives? This is absolutely insane!" Wincing after his outburst, Shouichi's hands flew to grasp a hold of his poor stomach, which was currently cramping due to sudden high rise of his anxiety. Your poor redheaded friend almost passed out from the pain, but the moment your hands gently grasped his arms to keep him steady, Shouichi's body sagged in relief. Uugh. The mechanic was still not accustomed to how dark and seedy these Mafia affairs worked. It felt so wrong, using people like this. Slowly turning his head to peer over at you after he felt your hands give his arms a gentle, reassuring squeeze, Shouichi felt his heart stutter. If…if all of this madness meant ensuring that you and Tsuna had a promising future – one where the two of you were very much alive, well-funded, and powerful enough to prevent a bleak future… Shouichi's mind instantly flashed back to the intricately engraved coffins, two identical ones laid side-by-side.

A startled gasp left Shouichi's lips, his body jerking at the horrific feeling of pins and needles racing through his veins. It was almost like someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water over his head, chilling your childhood friend to his very core. Shouichi's chest rose and fell in time with his staggered breathing. His head spun, leaving Shouichi feeling extremely dizzy and disoriented. Lifting his shaky gaze, Shouichi and Reborn stared unblinkingly at one another, neither one willing to back down. The coldness of this harsh reality reflected mercilessly in the Arcobaleno's eyes, giving Shouichi a mere glimpse as to what horrors lied beyond in the future if these measures weren't taken here and now. This…this HAS to be done…if I want Tsuna and Tsuya to LIVE, then…

Shouichi turned his attention to Gokudera, his frantic heart pace increasing upon noticing the complete and utter conviction shining brilliantly in your subordinate's confident gaze. Of course. Gokudera already knew full well what kind of lifestyle you and Tsuna led. Hell, he had been bred in this chaotic realm. Your Storm Guardian had already proved himself time and time again that he would literally lay down his very life for you and your brother. Gokudera had already come to terms with Reborn's desire to enroll you three into Ouran Academy, and it was clear that your subordinate was determined to use any means necessary to establish new connections in this high society – even if it meant having to use others in order to make positively sure that you and Tsuna were well provided for and kept safe. Gokudera's conviction allowed Shouichi to come to a conclusion. The quivering of his form came to a halt, Shouichi's eyes coming to life with the very same dedication and devotion burning brightly in your Storm Guardian's entire essence. Slowly straightening his body so that he could stand tall, Shouichi removed his hands from clutching his stomach, allowing them to clench into fists and fall to rest by his sides.

Reborn could not help but chuckle at how quickly your nerdy childhood friend had come around to realize that these actions needed to be taken in order to provide a safe future for you and your twin. Tilting his head back, Reborn admired the growing backbone that Shouichi was adjusting to with each passing day. Perhaps there was hope yet for him, hmmm?

"Tsuya," Reborn spoke your name, easily gaining your attention. "Why don't you and Gokudera go fetch a pair of dress shoes for Shouichi?"

Shouichi furrowed his brows in confusion. Why on earth was the hitman sending you and Gokudera off to grab something when your mechanic could very easily…OH! Eyes widening in realization, Shouichi and Reborn shared a quick glance. How clever! Coughing into his fist, Shouichi turned his stare towards you. You met him with a confused look, only to have it slowly morph into understanding upon watching your childhood friend coyly nod his head in Gokudera's direction, his eyes darting back and forth between you and your oblivious brother. The moment you deciphered Shouichi's silent message, your redheaded friend moved to intercept your overprotective twin before Tsuna could suggest that he be the one to go off with you.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Reborn watched you grab Gokudera's hand, getting the flustered Storm Guardian to follow you with a simple glance in his direction. Snorting softly under his breath, Reborn kept an eye on your fading forms, a small smirk slowly beginning to overtake his lips when you and Gokudera looked back to grace the hitman with grateful expressions. Giving a small wave his right hand to shoo the two of you off, Reborn felt his heart swell with pride as you and Gokudera shared smitten looks between one another before quickly rushing off, no doubt to find a nice secluded area.

The sound of Shouichi cunningly deflecting Tsuna's attention from yours and Gokudera's departure captured the hitman's attention. Reborn's onyx eyes shimmered with mirth. While he certainly had his work cut out for himself with these troublesome youths, Reborn could not help but find himself oddly attached to these stupid teens. Giving a fond roll of his eyes, Reborn reached his hand up to run his fingers over the sleek scales of his reptile companion. If need be, the hitman was willing to fire a few warning bullets at your overdramatic twin so that he could buy you a little more time to enjoy the presence of your Storm Guardian alone. Laughing softly under his breath at the ridiculous idea that you were actually starting to grow on him, Reborn carefully scooped Leon into his hold, the chameleon becoming enveloped in a bright flash of light, transforming into Reborn's infamous hand pistol.

Aiming his weapon just past Tsuna's shoulder, Reborn quirked his lips, a smirk appearing once more on his visage. You owe me for this, Dame Tsuya~

I have to give you credit for your style
And the way you rock that tux is so wild
I gotta give it up 'cause
Girl, I really want to get that, get that
Really should no doubt about it

Neither you nor Gokudera cared in the slightest at the odd stares you both were garnering as the two of you raced through the store hand-in-hand, fully clothed in your tuxedoes and laughing merrily. The sound of your dress shoes clacking against the polished tile did not bother you in the least. In fact, you were immensely pleased with the jealous look that irritating saleswoman threw your way. Snickering to yourself in satisfaction, you tightened your hold on Gokudera's hand, earning yourself an affectionate squeeze back in return. Spinning on his heel, Gokudera whirled in front of you, catching you in his arms and effortlessly lifting you up bridal-style. His heart soared at the sound of your cheerful laughter, his lips spreading to form a wide, love-struck grin. Ignoring the blush staining his cheeks, Gokudera whisked you away to the back of the store, away from prying eyes.

Sighing softly in content, Gokudera basked in your magnificent presence. Hugging you closer to his body, your Storm Guardian rested his forehead against your own, losing himself entirely in your eyes. His heart skipped in joy, picking up its pace before performing a series of somersaults. Having grown long accustomed to the amorous feelings that you evoked from his very soul, Gokudera smiled lovingly, gracing you with an Eskimo kiss. "If I had a star for every time that you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand~"

You giggled at your beloved subordinate's cheesy pickup line. The charming grin Gokudera flashed you in response only caused your heart to palpitate. Your cheeks were stained with a rosy hue, your eyes shimmering brightly with the abundant amount of love you held for this man. "Oh yeah? Well there are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently none of them have ever been in your arms~"

Nnngh! Gokudera had to catch himself from swooning into oblivion. His heart felt like it was ready to burst right out of his chest at this point after hearing your adorable pickup line. Quickly placing you on your feet, Gokudera knelt down onto one knee, gently grasping your hand in his own while his left hand placed itself over his heart. "You're the only girl I love now…but in ten years, I'll love two other girls. They'll call you 'Mommy.'"

Shit! He upped his game! your right hand flew up to cover the lower half of your face to conceal your dark blush. Gokudera grinned in devious satisfaction, wiggling his brows playfully at you. Not wanting to lose your game, you strengthened your resolve, your eyes glistening brightly with determination. Jerking your right hand away from your face, you pointed directly at your subordinate. "Do you wanna know what I did last night? I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you."

Motherfucking SHIT! Both of Gokudera's hands immediately latched onto his heart. You had effectively KO'ed him with your words.

You looked entirely too happy with the fact that you had successfully rattled poor Gokudera with your last pickup line. Gritting his teeth whilst silently willing his overstimulated heart to calm the fuck down, Gokudera gazed up into your eyes, the intensity of his stare catching you off guard. Taking a small, deep breath, Gokudera made sure to keep you entranced. His vocal chords had taken on a husky lilt, his eyes falling half closed as he rooted you to your very spot with a smoldering look. "There's only one thing I want to change about you, and that's your last name~"

Opening his arms wide and catching you when you threw yourself into his awaiting hold, Gokudera could not wipe the love-struck grin from his expression. Wrapping his arms around your flustered form, a purr of content sounded from deep within Gokudera's chest, his cheeks staining with a dark hue as he felt you bury your face in the crook of his neck. Your hands tightly gripped the material of the jacket on his back, tugging him ever closer to your quivering form. Nuzzling his face against the silky locks of your hair, Gokudera gently squeezed your body, his heart stuttering at the feeling of you tightening your own grip on him in response. Ghosting his hands up the spine of your back, Gokudera's heart sang in joy at the feeling of you shivering at his delicate touch. Gently tangling his fingers in your chocolate locks, Gokudera gave a soft tug, easily gaining your attention. The moment you lifted your head up to stare adoringly at your Storm Guardian, Gokudera's heart immediately took over his next actions. Slowly closing his eyes, Gokudera's hands guided you towards him. He could feel your hands releasing its hold on his jacket, moving instead to latch onto his tie, tugging him closer to you. The moment his lips grazed against yours, Gokudera's heart nearly imploded on itself.

So fucking close…


One second, you were just one second away from acting upon all of those enamored feelings that have been building up between you and Gokudera. The dam holding you two back was at its breaking point, ready to explode at any moment. Your emotions were exhausted from all of the careful skirting that had to take place when in the overprotective watch of your beloved twin. You had been so eager to finally having a moment alone with Gokudera. Your fingers were still tightly grasping the silk tie of your subordinate, refusing to let go. Lips were barely touching, not daring to push forward, yet reluctant to pull away. Despite having been interrupted (motherfucking again), you and Gokudera continued to hold one another's gaze. The look of utter longing and desperation filtered clearly in both yours and Gokudera's expressive eyes. Neither one of you wanted to break this moment, knowing full well that it would take a miracle to grant you two another chance like this one. Unfortunately, the rude prick – who had the fucking audacity to purposefully intrude on such an intimate moment – was growing extremely irritable over the fact that you had yet to dismiss the possibility of still having a chance to steal a kiss from Gokudera.

"If you want a kiss that badly, Princess, why don't you let a real Prince do the job~?"

Groaning softly in disappointment at that idiotic buffoon having successfully goaded your Storm Guardian into action, your lips formed your infamous pout when the silky material of Gokudera's tie slipped out of your hands. The feeling of Gokudera's chapped lips jerking away from you left your own lips tingling in despair. Your hands fell to rest at your sides, your fingers twitching in irritation. They could've been running through Gokudera's beautiful silver locks of hair at this point if that stupid, stuck-up, self-centered assassin hadn't shown up when he did. While Gokudera was spewing vulgar insults at the Varia member, you made sure to lock gazes with Belphegor, glaring balefully at the very bane of your existence.

Gokudera's entire body shook with rage, his vision quickly becoming enveloped in a bloody crimson. His heartbeat was racing frantically, from almost having the chance to kiss you and the sheer and utter fury that overtook his entire being when that goddamn motherfucking stalker had to show his ugly mug and ruin everything! Gokudera's lips were still burning from having just barely brushed against your own silky ones. Fucking shit! He had been so damn close to finally kissing you. Tch! He wanted to steal the very breath right out of you with nothing but the overwhelming worship and adoration that bubbled up and inflated his heart to the point where it was just about burst in ecstasy. Now that chance has been stolen from Gokudera, and that fucking prick had the nerve to actually 'suggest' that you KISS that sorry excuse of a man?! Hell to the motherfucking NO!

Raising to his feet and placing his tense body in front of yours to shield you from that disgusting, perverse stare that stalker was pinning you with, Gokudera felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. A dangerous snarl left his lips, his eyes narrowing into a warning glare to back the motherfucking hell off. Gokudera's rage continued to rise, his stomach burning hotly in response to his overzealous feelings of anger and jealousy.

Protect MY Princess! Protect MY Princess! Protect MY Princess! Protect MY Princess! PROTECT MY PRINCESS!

"What the FUCK are you even doing here?!" Gokudera's voice had taken on that husky tone that always had a knack for shining through whenever he went into 'protective' mode over you. The mere sound of his deep vocals caused you to shudder in delight, an action that had missed Gokudera's gaze but had been witnessed by Belphegor. Gokudera narrowed his eyes, having observed the sudden irritation that had overtaken the Varia member's entire essence. What had ticked that fucker off? Tch! Raising his right arm out to act as barrier for you lest this stalker decided to lose his fucking marbles, the tension in Gokudera's body immediately evaporated into thin air the moment he felt your small hands grasp his limb. Peering over his shoulder, Gokudera found himself losing all focus on his adversary. Instead, the rebellious delinquent had eyes only for you.

"How disgusting~" the sneer left Belphegor's lips, his hidden eyes glaring bitterly from behind his blonde bangs.

When your gaze fell upon the disgruntled Prince, Belphegor's heart skipped a beat, his trademark grin instantly returning to his face. "Ushishishi!" Extremely pleased to have your attention on him once more, Belphegor tilted his head back whilst stuffing his hands into his coat's pockets. His eyes raked over your form, taking its sweet time traveling up and down before making a point to stare unabashedly at your bound chest. "Ah, Princess~" Belphegor cooed, a small frown appearing on his handsome features. "You cut your pretty hair! What a shame. I always enjoyed running my fingers through it. So soft and silky~" the devious assassin wiggled his brows in glee, taking great joy in the fact that he had riled your Storm Guardian into another fit of rage. "Ushishishi~! You don't look like a beautiful Princess anymore. How sad!"

Your arms instinctively wrapped around Gokudera's lithe waist, keeping the rebellious youth rooted to the spot despite his desperate jerks to escape your hold so that he could lunge forward and personally rip that motherfucker's eyes out! Snarling darkly, Gokudera tightened his grip on the bombs he had whipped out the moment that fucking prick had the fucking gall to insult you. How DARE he!? Jerking his body forward once more, Gokudera's growls continued to spew vulgar threats at Belphegor, his anger bubbling hotly in his stomach and slowly enveloping his vision in a bloody red. "Don't fucking disrespect MY Princess, you filthy piece of shit!"

"Ushishishi!" Belphegor's grin spread widely across his face. Removing his hands from his pockets, the Prince felt sadistic pleasure in watching Gokudera's eyes widen in horror at the sight of Belphegor's throwing knives glinting dangerously in the artificial lighting of the store. Curses flew from Gokudera's mouth in a flurry, his body instinctively moving on its own accord. Chucking his knives at your flustered Storm Guardian, Belphegor waited for Gokudera to act. The moment Gokudera threw his bombs to intercept Belphegor's attack, that's when the Varia assassin sprang into action. Using the explosion and smoke screen as a distraction, the Prince had no trouble catching you off guard. Emerging from the smoke in a mad dash, Belphegor's hands latched onto your wrists. Jerking you away from Gokudera with a harsh tug, Belphegor laughed in glee. Using your stumbling footsteps to his advantage, the Prince spun you around, twirling you full circle before dipping you low and holding you in place. Digging his fingers into your lower back, Belphegor made sure to brush his chest intimately against yours, taking a long, deep whiff of the intoxicating scent of your honeysuckle essence.

"Aa~ah!" The delirious moan that was breathed hotly against your face caused your body to lock up in disgust. Feeling your eye twitch in irritation, you clenched your right hand into a fist and launched it with all your might into Belphegor's jaw. The Prince's head flew back from the force of your punch, his hands losing its iron grip on your form. Gokudera dove in with a snarl, snatching you right out of the Belphegor's hold and giving him a rough kick in the stomach that had the Prince crashing to the ground and skidding a few feet away.

"Goku-chan," your words were barely heard by your enraged Storm Guardian, he was however, snapped entirely from his bout of unbridled fury when the feeling of your soft, silky lips suddenly brushed delicately against his jaw. Having his trademark scowl wiped completely from his face, Gokudera blinked in surprise, his eyes hastily darting downwards to peer at your form. He was graced with your relieved smile, his heart skipping a beat when you stood on your tiptoes and reached up to kiss him once more along his jawline. Shuddering in ecstasy, a low groan slipped past Gokudera's lips. His arms tightened its hold around your waist, tugging you closer to his frame. You continued to pepper kisses along Gokudera's jaw, easing the rebellious youth out of his infuriated spell and calming his turbulent storm.

Slowly pushing himself up into a seated position, Belphegor's fingers danced gingerly over the bruised skin of where you had landed a good punch on his jaw. "Ushishishi~!" Belphegor's grin returned, his eyes locking onto you. "You still pack quite a hit, Princess. I've missed our witty banters~" Raising to stand, the Prince continued to run his fingers over his injury, treating the bruise as if it were a trophy of some kind. "Where have you run off play this time? The Prince been so lonely without his lovely Princess to entertain him. Ushishishi!"

Placing one last kiss on Gokudera's jaw, your lips lingered for a few seconds before you reluctantly pulled away. The soft whimper that left your subordinate after you halted your affectionate actions did not go unheard. A small smile appeared on your face, your heart skipping in joy at the adorable sound Gokudera had made. Turning slightly to address your infamous stalker, you felt Gokudera possessively squeeze your waist. His actions greatly comforted you, filling your heart immensely with the overwhelming feeling of love and protection. Leaning your head to rest it against Gokudera's chest, you shot Belphegor an impassive stare. "Quit obsessing over my whereabouts. Don't you have your own work to keep you occupied? I'm pretty sure Xanxus would kill you if he found out you were slacking off."

"Ushishishi~!" Belphegor's shoulders shook with his laughter. "Ah, as long as I kill off the measly peasants he assigns me, Xanxus could honestly care less what the Prince does in his spare time," tilting his head to the side, Belphegor wiggled his brows. "Speaking of assignments, what has that Arcobaleno saddled you with this time?" Allowing his eyes to rove over your form once more, Belphegor arched a brow in curiosity. "…Is it homo specific? Is that why my Princess had to become a Prince~? Ushishishi!"

You and Gokudera blanched at Belphegor's accusation. However, neither one of you moved to correct the Varia assassin, earning a perplexed look from the Prince as his laughter slowly began to die down. Well, he wasn't entirely wrong, right? With how wacky this blasted Host Club was, you wouldn't put it past Tamaki to have you entertain male guests. Hell, they had all been onboard when you, Shouichi and Haruhi had first stumbled upon the Host Club. They were more than ready to entertain you three, even though you were (or so they thought at the time, excluding Shou-chan, of course) of the same sex. You and Gokudera shared exasperated glances. Who knows what your group will have to endure during the remainder of your time as a Host whilst you all worked to pay off the debt that Reborn had mercilessly placed upon your group.

The teasing lilt had disappeared from Belphegor's voice. His face losing its playful expression. "…What…exactly ARE you doing?"

Giving a small shrug of your shoulders, you waved your right hand back and forth in a dismissive manner. "It's better not to ask questions, Bel. I doubt even YOU would want to get tangled in the mess we're currently in."

Belphegor had the decency to actually look affronted by your rebuttal. Right brow twitching in irritation, the Prince crossed his arms over his chest, his foot tapping against the tiled floor in a show of his growing impatience with you skirting around his inquiry of what you were up to these past few days. The mere thought of you entertaining someone other than your own Prince irked the hell out of Belphegor. It was bad enough he had to share you with Gokudera (for the time being), but having to share you with other men? Forced laughter spilled from Belphegor's lips, earning wary looks from both you and Gokudera. "Ushishishi!"

The sound of Reborn's Death Bullet piercing through the air signaled that the hitman was just about at his limit of waned patience. You and Gokudera shared nervous glances before turning on your heels and hastily making a retreat to the front of the store were you group resided. Your hurried farewell and Gokudera's snarling insults were the only thing Belphegor received upon your abrupt departure. The Prince watched your fading form with a blank stare, his false grin slowly dropping from his visage. A small swirl of purple mist began to form over Belphegor's left shoulder, the Mist Arcobaleno emerging from the depths of nothingness. The two Varia members remained silent, Belphegor remained stationed to his spot while Mammon hovered over the Prince's shoulder.

"Mammon~" Belphegor sang his companion's name, earning himself an exasperated look from his partner.

"What do you want now, you selfish prick?"

A sadistic grin slowly began to form on Belphegor's lips, unsettling Mammon at the familiar sight that the Prince was balancing on the border just shy of his insanity. Heaven help the Varia if Belphegor decides to throw another raging temper tantrum. Levi had barely survived the last one – and he still had the horrible scars to prove it. "Ushishishi~!" Belphegor shoved his right hand into his jacket's pocket, his left one dancing gingerly once more across the bruise you had dealt upon his jawline. "I want you to find out what my Princess is currently up to."

Mammon was having none of this nonsense. "Hell no. Do it yourself, you fucking brat. I have much better things to do with my time."

"I'll give you my share of the cut for the mission we just completed, along with the next four ones~" Belphegor bargained with a grin, earning a muttered curse from the Mist Arcobaleno. The Prince knew just what to say in order to rope Mammon into doing his personal biddings. Wiggling his brows in triumph, Belphegor laughed in glee when Mammon snarled his agreement and disappeared in a wisp of purple mist, eager to get this blasted task done and over with so that he could return to the mansion and count his winnings once he found out what the hell you were doing and reported it back to Belphegor.

"Ushishishishi~!" Belphegor threw his head back, his entire body shaking. It would only be a matter of time before he found out exactly what you were up to. Twirling on his feet, Belphegor made his way towards the exit with a skip in his step, his sadistic smile sending people scrambling out of his path. Well, there was no use in purchasing new material to replace all of his jackets that were stained heavily with the blood of his targets. Lussuria will simply have to deal with handwashing the Prince's attire, seeing as how Belphegor's earnings will be going directly to the greedy Mist Arcobaleno in exchange for his assistance with finding out what Reborn had assigned you to do. With his heart stuttering in joy at the thought of being able to personally resume his glorious task of stalking you and gracing you with his incredible presence, Belphegor allowed his laughter to leave him in earnest this time. The sound echoing off of the walls, unsettling everyone with its eerie tone.

"Ushishishi! Ushishishi! Ushishishishi~!"

(Girl you got me)
(You got me)
(Girl you got me)
Love-struck oh, oh, oh, oh
