A/N: A little story idea that came to me awhile ago but i finally decided to see where it would go. Hope you all like it. Please Review. Disclaimer- I do not own Glee or any of its characters. Glee is property of FOX and it's creators.

"Case dismissed" the judge ruled as he slammed his gavel down. The room bustled with people moving from their seats and beginning to talk. Judy Fabray however stood stock still in shock. How could this have happened? This could not be happening to her. She slowly turned to see her soon to be ex-husband Russell Fabray smirking at her. Anger boiled with in her and she start to move towards him when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist stopping her. A calming voice filled her ear, "Judy leave it, you'll make it worse."

Judy shook her head still struggling as Russell winked at her before turning to follow his lawyer out of the courtroom, "He took them, I can't. My girls." Judy began to sob. Her legs gave out and the man holding her guided them to the floor as she let her grief flow over her. "I lost my baby girls, Leroy" She cried hysterically into her best friend and lawyer's shirt. He held her closer to himself, "I know, I am so sorry, but we will get them back, somehow." Judy wished she could believe her friend but she couldn't, Russell was too powerful, he had all of Belleville in his back pocket. If Russell had it his way, she'd never see her girls again. Judy's heart broke as it truly hit her, she'd never see Frannie or Lucy again, her oldest daughter was seventeen now and would soon be going to her junior prom. Frannie had always been a daddy's girl, though Judy loved her oldest she didn't fear for Frannie; Frannie would be fine living with Russell and even if not she'd soon graduate high school and would be able to leave. No it was shy little Lucy Quinn that Judy feared for. The six year old never seemed to be able to do anything right in Russell's eyes. Russell was verbally cruel to his youngest, telling Judy it would only make the soft girl stronger. "She uses her imagination to much Judith. She talks of magical creatures and imaginary friends, that is not right. It will make her susceptible to the Devil's will." Judy had whole heartily disagreed with Russell. A few days after that argument she'd come home from a business trip to find Lucy locked in the closet with Russell nowhere in sight. Judy had pulled her hysterical daughter out of the dark closet and had manage to get the details from her daughter. Russell had caught her playing witches and princess with her two friends Ashley and Megan. Russell had then locked Quinn in the closet to "think over the consequences of such blasphemous play." That had been Friday afternoon and it was now Sunday evening. Judy had been enraged. She grabbed some of her and Lucy and Frannie's things and left for a hotel. She called her oldest and told her to come to the hotel and not to tell her father. Then Judy called her best friend, a secret friend that Russell didn't know about, Leroy Berry and asked him to help her file for divorce.

The papers were in Russell's hand two weeks later. He had gone crazy at finally seeing Judy who'd he'd been searching for. "How dare you leave me like that? You have embarrassed me."

"How dare you lock our six year old daughter in a closet for two days. God Russell she was starving and terrified when I found her. I will not allow you anywhere either of my daughters again. I should have done this years ago."

"She was playing devil games, Judy."

"No Russ, she was being a kid. I want a divorce." She handed him the papers. He angrily snatched them from her. Then he looked up and glared up at her. "Fine, but you will not have our children. Francis and Lucy are mine."

"Over my dead body." Judy yelled. Russell had just smirked. Four days later Social Services had taken Frannie and Lucy away. It was probably then that Judy knew she was fighting a losing battle, but she had to try for Frannie and especially Lucy. Now it was over. Russell had won and Lucy was left to fend for herself. Judy was devastated.

"Come one Judes. Let's go home." Leroy helped Judy up and Judy leaned into her old friend. Judy didn't know what she would do without Leroy or his husband Hirman. Leroy had been the son of Judy's parent's maid. The two grew up together and despite the difference in the color of their skin and social status had managed to become the best of friends. It was hard at times, especially when they were in school and weren't supposed to associate. Judy had been the first person that Leroy told he was gay. She'd told him she had already figured and promised to stay by his side. She was there when he told his parents and go kicked out. She helped him find an apartment, as well as lending him some money to get it. She was the first person the he introduced to Hirman and she was the only witness at their wedding. Finally she was the godmother to their 6 year old daughter Rachel. Now Leroy was here for her when she needed him most.

Walking towards the exit Hirman joined the two old friends. It was still funny to see the short white man next to the tall broad black man, but somehow the two were a perfect match. Hirman leaned over and kissed Judy's cheek, "I'm here for you Judes." Judy appreciated the comfort but she just wanted to go home and cry.

They were exiting the courtroom when she heard someone calling her name. "Momma!" Turning she saw Lucy running towards her as fast as she could. Judy began towards her when Russell suddenly appeared and scooped up the little girl. Frannie stood beside him, tears in the teen's eyes as she looked at her mother. "Momma!" Lucy struggled against Russell but it was useless. "Momma don't leave me! Please I'll be a good girl. Momma!" Judy's heart broke for her youngest. Suddenly Lucy was free of Russell's grip. Judy took her chance and pulled the girl into her arms. She kissed her daughters face and buried her face into the little girl's bright blonde hair. "I love your Lucy, I love you so much. I will always be here for you, when you need me, come to me and I'll be here. Your special never forget that, I love you." Suddenly Lucy was torn from her arms again. "Stay away Judy. Don't make me get a restraining order." Russell growled. Judy just swallowed and looked at Lucy and then Frannie. "I love you Francis. Take care of your sister."

"Love you too mom. I will."

"No Daddy, please I want Momma." Lucy cried but Russell ignored the little girl. He walked away without a glance back. Frannie waved solemnly and Lucy disappeared with her beautiful hazel eyes the last thing Judy saw.