Tina and Artie were high school sweethearts. They had started dating their sophomore year and had been on and off up until graduation. They both wanted to be performers after school and decided they were going to head to New York and not waste time with college. Once they had gotten up there and settled down, they started to look for work right away but they quickly found out that there were hundreds of others that had the same dreams.

Two years later, Artie discovered he was a better dancer than singer so he stuck with dancing jobs. He had been bouncing between shows for the last year but was able to get income coming in at a steady pace. Tina, however, wasn't so lucky. She was good at dancing and performing but not great at either but she did find her calling by being a dance teacher for children at one of New York's dance academies. Tina was also attending some classes at a college nearby to get a teaching degree.

One day Artie was running back to the apartment to find Tina sitting on the couch working on homework. "Hey I have amazing news! I just saw my agent and signed up for an 18 month tour!" Artie said as he stood at the edge of the couch. Tina jumped up and ran across the couch to reach him and give him a hug. "That is amazing! I am so proud of you! When does the tour start?" Tina asked as they started to calm down. "Well the tour doesn't start for a month but I will be leaving for California next week to start rehearsals." "Wow, California is far away." Tina said as her happiness started to fade. "Well 18 months isn't that long and we will still be able to talk over the phone. This is your dream and I couldn't be happier for you." Tina said as Artie gave her one last hug before she went back to homework.

The morning of next Saturday arrived and Artie was packing up the last of his stuff. He had packed everything of his up to take with him. Tina had thought this was strange at first but then realized that he probably wanted all of his things with him while he was on the road. Artie had brought his last suitcase into the living room where Tina was waiting for him. "Are you about ready to go? I called the cab company and told them we were going to need a van. It should be downstairs by now and we will have to make a few trips to get everything downstairs." Tina said as she was looking for her phone that was in her purse. "Tina, I need to talk to you." Artie said trying to get her attention. "Sure go ahead as long as you walk and talk." She answered walking over to get one of his bags. Artie moved the bag away from her to catch her attention. "I've been thinking a lot about everything this last week. This is my dream job and not giving it everything would be completely stupid. At the same time I know that I would be worried about you and we would end up fighting because of the distance. Tina I think we need to have one last break up. This is the best way. We just need to have a clean cut and move on with our lives." Artie finished as Tina started to cry. "You are breaking up with me? Did you plan this all along?" She asked in between tears. "Yes, I knew we weren't going to be able to stay together and plus I won't be able to enjoy this experience if we are still together. I'm so sorry Tina but I have to do this. I will always love you but I can't be with you." Artie said as he grabbed the entire luggage and wheeled it out into the hallway. "Good bye Tina" He said as he closed the door behind him. As soon as the door way closed, Tina collapsed to the floor crying.

Tina called her best friend and co-worker Brittany the next day and told her what had happened. The two girls spent the entire day eating ice cream and talking about how much guys suck. "I'm going to have to look for a new place. There is no way I will be able to stay here on my own." Tina said as she took another bite of chunky monkey. "Well I could move in here with you. It would be nice to have more than three rooms." Brittany said and it was decided that she would move in next week.

A month after Artie left, Tina woke up to the feeling that her stomach was being turned inside out. She ran to the bathroom and spent the rest of the morning there. When she finally came staggering out, Brittany had gotten her some sprite and crackers. "Did you catch the flu from one of the kids?" Brittany asked as she was making Tina some soup. "I don't think so but I don't know what else it could be." Tina said as she sat up so Brittany could sit down on the couch. "I don't know unless you're pregnant" Brittany said jokingly as Tina started to laugh until she realized she was over a week late. The color dropped from her face then as Brittany looked up and saw her expression. "I uh will go down to the store and buy a pregnancy test" Brittany said as she put her shoes on and headed out of the apartment.

Eight and a half months later, Tina gave birth to David Xavier Cohen-Chang or Dax for short on February 12. Brittany was in the delivery room with her and Tina's mom. Her parents had flown in from Ohio for the birth and stayed for a week to help out. When Dax was two weeks old, Tina took him to the pediatrician the OB had suggested. Tina was nervous that the doctor was going to take one look at him and yell at her for doing something wrong. Brittany had come along for moral support and she wanted to play with the other kids in the waiting room. The nurse had brought them back to the exam room and told them to wait for Dr. Chang. Tina was playing peek a boo with Dax when the doctor had walked in. He had his face down reading the chart but Tina could still see that he was completely gorgeous. She was pretty sure that her mouth was hanging open. "Good morning my name is Dr. Chang and it looks like we are just doing a check up on David." He had said finally looking up.

Mike had to stop for a second when he finally looked up and saw a small Asian girl sitting in one of the chairs holding a tiny baby that already looked like her. She was absolutely beautiful and the crazy blue highlights made her that much more pretty. "We actually call him Dax" she said answering his statement. "Uh ok sorry, would you go ahead and put Dax on the table here so we can take a look at him." Mike had told her as he went to stand by the table at the same time that Tina walked over to it causing them to nervously bump into each other. "Oh sorry" Tina said. "No it was my fault" Mike replied. "Uh I think I'm going to go back out into the waiting room to play with the toys again." Brittany said as she started to feel uncomfortable and headed for the door.

Mike had been checking everything on Dax wanting to do a thorough examination. "He looks great. He does have some long legs though." Tina laughed a little, "Yeah his father is a pretty tall guy" "That will come in handy when Dax starts crawling and walking" Mike said as he was trying to look inside his ears now. "Oh no his father isn't around. It is just the two of us and my best friend Brittany." Tina said. Mike suddenly had a frown on his face. "I'm sorry it wasn't my business." "'No really, it is ok. We are doing just fine without him" Tina said smiling down at Dax. "Are there been any problems that you are worried about?" Mike asked as he put the little shirt back on Dax. "No I think we are ok. I read most of the baby books and know when to panic and when not to panic. The only thing that concerns me sometimes is that he isn't getting enough milk. It's hard to know when it doesn't come out of a bottle and you know for sure." Tina said as she picks Dax up off the table. Mike chuckled a little bit, "That is a common worry but he looks great. He looks healthy and his lungs sound great. I think he is getting plenty." Mike said as he couldn't help but look down at her chest.

Tina swore she saw his eyes look at her breasts while they were talking about breast feeding. She couldn't help but be flattered though because he was the hottest guy she had ever met by far. "I want to see him back in about three weeks for another check up and his first round of shots. Just take this form to the front counter and they will schedule an appointment." Mike said as he handed it to her. "Thank you very much Dr. Chang. We will see you in a few weeks." Tina answered as she started to walk out. "Call me Mike" He yelled as she opened the door. "Bye Mike" she said "Bye Tina"

Brittany was standing in the hallway talking to the nurse when Tina came walking out of the door. "Hey did everything go ok with Dax?" Tina smiled as she handed him to Brittany, "Yep he is just fine. We have to come back in a few weeks for a checkup though." Tina said as she reached the counter. Brittany had put Dax back into the stroller when Tina had walked up next to them, "So are you going to wear something hot or revealing for the next appointment?" Brittany asked as she saw Tina start to blush. "What are you talking about? It is a doctor's office not a bar." Tina shrieked back. "Oh please, there was a reason I left the room. You were both staring at each other as if you couldn't wait to rip the clothes off." Brittany said as they left the building and started down the street. "It was really that obvious?" Brittany laughed. "Yes and not just because I know you so well."

Three weeks later, Tina found herself sitting in the doctor's office again with Dax, Brittany was waiting at home for the update. Her and Brittany had picked out her outfit early this morning, she was going with the "just came from yoga" look. Brittany had approved the skin tight wardrobe and finally let them leave. The nurse was getting some vitals when she turned her attention to Tina. "Could you give this to your friend who was with you last time?" She asked handing Tina a small piece of paper. "Yeah sure" Tina took it and read it as she put it in her purse. The paper had the name Santana Lopez and her number. Not wanting to think too much into it, she turned back to Dax and picked him back up when Santana was done.

After waiting about five minutes, Mike finally walked in to see them. "Hey how are you guys doing today?" he said walking over to lay the chart down and pick up Dax from Tina. She had to remind herself to answer him and to stop drooling. "Busy but good" Tina answered as she stood next to Mike again on the side of the table. "Well im sure the crying all night doesn't help." Mike said as he started to check Dax all over. "Actually he sleeps really well for a new born. It's more of the fact that I have school, work, and yoga all at the same time." She said pointing to her outfit when she said yoga. Tina saw him look at her body for sure this time when she did; making a metal reminder to thank Brittany for that suggestion. "Well at least it is Friday. Do you have any big plans with your family this weekend?" Mike laughed softly, "Was that your way of casually asking if I have a wife or kids?" He asked turning to look at her over his shoulder to see her blush. Turning his attention back to Dax,"No, I don't have any big plans and no I'm not married or have children. I Figured I would wait until after school for that part of life." "Oh well that is a smart choice." Tina said trying to contain her excitement. "Ok he looks great but I need to give him a shot now. So go ahead and hold him while you sit on the table and I will give it to him." Mike said as he helps her onto the table and handed her Dax. He stuck the little boy in the leg with the needle and he instantly began to cry. Mike put the needle away and turned to see Tina trying to soothe him while she herself had tears in her eyes. Walking back towards her, Mike sat next to her on the table and put his arm around her shoulder. "I know the first shot is always the hardest. It will get easier I promise." Mike said as Dax calmed down and started to fall asleep with his pacifier in his mouth. "I hope so because that was awful." Tina said with a harsh voice but did like the fact that the crazy hot doctor had his arm wrapped around her.

They had been sitting there for another minute when Santana burst through the door. "Oh sorry" She said taking in the scene in front of her. "I was just going to let you know the Hudson triplets are here." Santana had a smile on her face as she closed the door behind her. Tina wiped her eyes off with the back of her free hand as Mike jumped off the table. "Well I guess I better get going since he is asleep now. It is just me and him tonight so I can give him plenty of snuggles and kisses to make it better." Tina said as she kissed Dax's forehead and strapped him back into the car seat at the other end of the table. "Well if you want I could stop by later to make sure he isn't running a fever or having an allergic reaction to the shot." Mike said shrugging his shoulders as Tina turned to look at him. "That would be great. I would hate for something to be wrong and you are not there. I think 7 would be a great time for you to stop by and check on him." Tina said as she playfully steps closer to Mike. "Sounds good, I will bring the pizza" Mike said as he took a deep breath because of how close Tina now was. "We will see you then." She said picking up the car seat and diaper bag and headed for the door. Mike held the door open for her and watched her head to the front desk. Tina knew he would be watching and added a little wiggle in her step.

I don't own anything Glee just love the show! I hope you liked the first chapter of this story. I have been wanting to write it for awhile and decided to finally start on it. Please let me know what you think so far! Thanks