AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here's the second part and ending. Hope you enjoyed it!

Hermione waited three weeks.

Three long weeks until she was able to put her revenge plan into motion. Ever since Fred walked in and saw Hermione completely nude, he's been on edge and never lets his guard down.

He was afraid of the breakfast that Hermione always cooked for them in morning before work was suddenly poisonous. He thought his own twin was in league with Hermione and now he was sure to fall victim to a horrible payback. And every creak, shuffle, cough, or sneeze belonged to a creeping up Hermione that was about to hex to him. For the first week and a half after the accident, life for Fred was complicated at the flat above the the joke shop. He could trust no-one.

After getting over the paranoia, he slipped back into his usual routine with ease. Breakfast was once again delicious now that he didn't suspect any harm and he got a comfortable night's sleep at night. George was the only one who seemed to have been let down because he figured Hermione had something planned for his twin. He was sad to see everything go back to normal and no-one was walking around on eggshells anymore.

The night was coming to an end, their high from laughter at the dinner table was dwindling down and everyone was getting ready for bed. Fred couldn't think about anything except how lucky he was to have such a great twin and an easy-going flat mate who forgave so easily. Life was good, especially for him.

Oh, how wrong Fred was.

Once Hermione was sure that the twins were both comfortably asleep, she crept soundlessly around their shared flat and set up a revenge prank for Fred in the shower. She knew that George wouldn't be caught at the wrong end of her prank because Fred was the early riser out of all of them. Her other two pranks would require a soundless spell when she was near him.

. . .

. . .

Saturday morning came and went, the twins and Hermione both missing breakfast at the Burrow. Lunch time rolled around and the table was set for Mr. Weasley, who had the day off, Mrs. Weasley, herself, Harry, Ginny, and Ron. Since the twins and Hermione didn't show for breakfast, Mrs. Weasley expected they wouldn't show for lunch either.

Arthur sat at the head of the table with Ron and Harry on his left side; Molly and Ginny on his right. The empty plates in front of everyone suddenly filled themselves with cut up sandwiches with slices of pickles and all their glasses filled to the rim with pumpkin juice. Everyone had just tucked in when their peaceful day was interrupted.


Two lone figures, arms looped at the elbows, had just apparated outside the back door. With a push, the back door opened up and in stepped Hermione and George. Both of them grinning as if they knew something no-one else didn't. Their grins didn't go unnoticed, but no-one wanted to be the one to ask what was going on. Slowly, but surely, the family went back to eating except for Mr. Weasley.

"Hermione, dear, it's so good to see you." He quickly stood up and gave Hermione a fatherly hug and a pat on the back for George. "I'm sorry I've missed you for the past couple of weeks."

"It's good to see you, too!" Hermione returned the hug and gently sat on the chair that George pulled out for her next to Ginny.

Everyone eyed George's curious behavior but didn't question it. Walking around the table, George pulled out his own seat next to Harry and smiled widely at his Mother. "Mum, did you make extra for us as well?"

Nodding, Mrs. Weasley took out her wand and flicked it in the air. Two plates appeared, one for George and one for Hermione, and instantly filled with sandwiches. "Shall we be expecting Fred?" George chuckled and nodded, and Mrs. Weasley conjured up an extra plate with food.

The grins from their faces never wavered as everyone ate their food in silence. Ron and Harry were both on their second plates of sandwiches when Ginny couldn't take it any longer.

"What is so damn amusing? You two haven't stopped grinning or snickering whenever you glance at one another!" Her gaze was directed at both Hermione and George which only caused them to grin wider.

"You'll find out soon enough.", was Hermione's reply.

As soon as the words had left Hermione's mouth, a CRACK! was heard from outside the kitchen door and a few seconds later, in walked an unusual looking Fred.

His usual Weasley red hair was now a vibrant electric blue and his usual thin frame of a body was covered in multiple Weasley knitted sweaters that caused him to look frumpy.

Mrs. Weasley gasped, Ginny snorted, George and Hermione continued to grin, and Mr. Weasley, Ron and Harry looked highly amused.

"Trying to be Teddy's twin now?" Harry grinned. "I'm sure he'll love that."

"Ha. Ha." Fred dead-panned. He walked around the table and sat next to his twin, his eyes never leaving Hermione for a second. Plopping down in his chair, he greedily dug into his plate of food that his Mum had conjured up for him.

"Fred?" Mrs. Weasley eyed her son's taste in clothes. "It's blistering outside! Why are you all covered up?" Hermione and George choked on their food and started to laugh. Mrs. Weasley ignored them and continued talking to Fred. "Just vanish the sweaters and you'll be a lot more comfortable."

"No, Mum. I'm quite all right." Fred replied. "I think I might be coming down with the flu or something. I'm a bit chilly."

"Oh, nonsense. We're wizards, for Merlin's sake. Take the pepper up potion." With a flick of her wand, the three Weasley sweaters vanished from Fred's frame and left him only with his shirt covering his upper body.

His upper body that seemed to be sprouting a pair of breasts.

Hermione, George, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley all roared with laughter while Fred flushed red.

"W-what happened?" Mr. Weasley wheezed, tears of laughter running down his cheeks.

Everyone seemed to be clutching their sides, trying to calm down their laughter but nothing was helping.

Hermione, who figured Fred wouldn't say anything, answered for him. "You see, a couple of weeks back, Fred had the audacity to tell me I had a nice rack. Just thought I'd give him his own set to ogle."

"-and the tattoo placement is quite lovely on my dear brother as well." George piped in.

"TATTOO?" Mrs. Weasley shrieked. She was the only one not laughing.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley." Hermione giggled at the scowl Fred was currently directing at her. "It's temporary."

"Oh. Okay then."

"Go on, Freddie. Show them your tattoo." George beamed.


"Aw, come on. Show them my work of art." Hermione giggled while still managing to pout at Fred.


"If you don't," George taunted. "We'll force you up out of your chair and forcefully pull your shirt up."

"You wouldn't!" Fred narrowed his eyes, now glancing at his brother.

"Wouldn't we?" He smirked back.

"Fine! Okay. Fine." Fred stood up and turning his back to the table, lifted up his shirt and waited for their reaction.

Harry was the first to lose it, followed by Ginny and Ron. Mr. Weasley, after seeing the glare his wife shot at him, covered his laughter by fake coughing. There, in the dip of Fred's lower back, was a tattoo of the Slytherin House crest.

"You gave him a tramp stamp!" Harry guffawed.

"Bloody brilliant." Ron followed suit.

Fred's scowl only further deepened and he shoved his shirt back down, taking back his seat and scarfing down what was left of his food.

. . .

. . .

Hours later, the Weasley parents set off to bed and left their children plus Harry and Hermione down in the sitting room. Harry and Ginny took up the loveseat with Gin dozing off against Harry's shoulder. Ron sat in his Father's recliner slightly snoring away and the twins sat on the larger sofa in the room with Hermione sandwiched in between them.

Fred's annoyance towards Hermione had quickly run out when she rested against him. They were close friends since they lived together, but he always seemed to have a soft spot for the girl whenever she cuddled up to him.

"Well Fred," Harry muttered from his seat across the sitting room. "I take it you'll never anger Hermione again?"

George chuckled, Hermione lazily grinned, and Fred ruffled his electric blue hair.

"Definitely not." Fred grinned. "Although if I ever want to see a good prank, I'll just send someone to pester Hermione until she caves and gets them."

"Hear, hear!" George agreed. "I love my red hair so now I know not to piss off the lady. Maybe we'll send Ron to her one day she's really upset."

It was Harry's turn to chuckle as he shook his head at the twins. Hermione blindly swatted at George without lifting her head and caught him in the stomach.

If there was one thing Hermione learned after the war, it was to not be so serious every hour of every day. It was perfectly fine to let her hair down and have some fun with the boys. And also, if the boys didn't learn from tonight about not pestering her too much, they'd definitely have to watch out for the wrath of a Granger.

Sorry for any mistakes! Leave your thoughts in a review?