Bruce awoke in a white sterile room. There were no windows and there didn't even appear to be a door. There were bright fluorescent lights above. He was lying on what appeared to be a medical table but he was not restrained. He had several tubes in him and was hooked up to a monitor which gave out his vital signs. He was clad only in his underwear. What had happened? Where was he? The last thing he remembered he was on his normal patrol in Gotham. There hadn't been much going on that night and he was on one of the many rooftops about to stop a robbery when-what? What happened after that? Being on that rooftop was the last thing he could remember. How had he gone from there to here? Someone must have attacked him and knocked him out. That was the only thing he could figure. Well he could figure all that out later for right now he had to just try to get out of here, wherever here was and get home.

He pulled all the IV's out of him turned the monitor off and searched for some way out of the room. He found a small panel on the wall and when he touched it a door opened. It completely blended in with the wall which is probably why he didn't notice it before. He stepped out into a long white hallway. There was no one around that he could see. So he turned left and started down the long hallway. At the end of it was a guard who he took down quickly and silently. He then took the guards clothes and put them on himself to blend in better with his surroundings. There was a door at the end of another white hallway which led him to yet another hallway. Man this place is a maze he thought. He thought it a little odd that he had not encountered anyone besides that lone guard. But he figured it was better to probably not look a gift horse in the mouth. Finally he came to a big steel door with the words EXIT written on it in bright bold red letters. He pushed on it half expecting an alarm to go off. When none did he continued opening it and stepped outside.

It was a mountain. He was sure of it. He was on a mountain and it was cold very cold. The guard's clothes had thermal layering in them thank God so hopefully he wouldn't freeze to death before he figured out where he was. Now how to get down the mountain and get to a phone or some other kind of communication device? He would have to just take it very slowly and hope that he didn't fall and kill himself. It was light out. Judging by the direction of the sun in the sky he figured it was about 6 am. The sun had probably just risen. So he had a while before it was nighttime and he needed to find shelter.

He made it about halfway down the mountain before the sun started to set. He found a little cave and decided to stay there for the night. He was starving but figured it would just have to wait. He would make it down the rest of the mountain tomorrow and then he would call someone. He didn't' have any identification or money on him so that could be an issue. He wondered what had happened to all his stuff. He probably should've tried to find it before he left the place where he was. But he hadn't been thinking like that all he could think about was getting out of there. Oh well it wasn't like any of that stuff was irreplaceable just expensive. He fell asleep dreaming of home and hoping he would be able to get there soon.