Mass Effect: Countermeasures

This story follows Operation Demeter and is a further continuation of the Interface story arc. Rated M for violence, language and adult subject matter and contains spoilers and alternate speculations for Mass Effect 3.

Hannah and Dylan Shepard have learned that their daughter Cadrina was implanted with nanites by the Illusive Man in order to control her when she triggers the Interface. They must prevent this from happening… one way or another…


Four days elapsed with no word from Dylan Shepard.

Four days since he and his wife, along with Miranda Lawson, embarked on a mission to find the Illusive Man and stop the attacks on Cadrina Shepard by Cerberus troopers. It turned out to be another who sent them: General Marcus Dienz, the original head of Cerberus who revealed Dylan's connection to the group and the current leader's plot to use Cadrina Shepard to enslave the masses with a prothean device called the Interface. The Cerberus main base was destroyed along with Dienz and an attacking Reaper when Miranda chose to sacrifice herself, overcome with guilt for her involvement in Cadrina's resurrection. Illusive Man was still at large and pursuing him risked death or indoctrination. Dylan set out alone regardless, determined to stop him. Cadrina meanwhile had successfully found and reactivated the Interface but did not unleash its full potential, reserving it as a last resort. She did not appear to be under any influence other than her own drive to victory against the Reapers.

Dylan told Hannah to wait for his return or his next communication. By now, he had most likely failed to find or stop the Illusive Man, leaving only one option to stop the Interface from firing…

Since the machine was discovered, Cadrina slept in the Normandy 2's medical bay on Dr. Chakwas' advice. The attacks of nausea had significantly decreased but the seasoned medic wanted to monitor the commander's recovery closely. Cadrina no longer needed an IV drip, having regained much of her former strength. Her movements as she turned over on her bed were less fitful. Still, her thoughts never wavered far from the Reapers.

Hannah quietly slipped into the room and crept towards Cadrina's bed, illuminated by the light coming through the bay windows. She delicately seated herself on one side of the mattress so as not to disturb her daughter's slumber. Hannah folded her hands on her lap, looked upon Cadrina's face and sighed. A passing shadow startled her, making her head snap up and move her hand away from her shirt pocket. Chakwas nodded to Hannah from the other side of the window before continuing on her way. She suspected nothing; Hannah often stopped by to check on Cadrina as she slept. Surveying the area outside the window and hoping no one else would pass, Hannah reached into her pocket and carefully withdrew a miniature data pad. She activated the device and browsed through a few notes, making random notations and trying to keep her breath steady. EDI, the ship'sAI, could not be alerted to anything amiss as well for hidden beneath the pad, held in place by a thumb, was a small syringe.

Hannah exhaled again, letting the hand holding the pad settle by Cadrina's wrist. She then reached over with her free hand and gently held it, stroking it with her thumb. Cadrina's skin felt warm and smooth; the corners of her mouth upturned as she stirred, making herself more comfortable. Hannah imagined that her daughter permitted a brief reminiscence of more innocent times when she would be tucked in at night. The mother clenched her teeth to hold back a gasp, swallowed and breathed out softly.

It has to be done…

Hannah slowly positioned her hands about Cadrina's exposed wrist, listening for anyone that might walk in on her, watching for more tell tale shadows. She manipulated the syringe beneath the pad so that it would remain unseen as it was used. For an instant she wished deep inside that someone would stop her.

But then Hannah would fail and the Illusive Man would have her daughter…

No! I won't let you take her!

"mmmm…. m-Mom..?"

Hannah leaned over and brushed the side of her child's face, smoothing back her hair. Cadrina's eyes remained closed.

"Shhhhh… rest now, Cady…it's all right… i-it's all right…"

Cadrina's face expressed content that her mother was there to watch over her. Fingers traced about Cadrina's cheek. Images were conjured in Hannah's mind of her daughter: stern and commanding, harsh and ruthless, warm and affectionate, askew and mischievous. Years of joy, trial and experience added lines and definition but did not drastically alter Cadrina's features. This woman was many things to many people, but would always be her mother's little girl…

Hannah found it more difficult to breathe evenly.

I gave her life…

Memories of soft blankets and lullabies intruded. Awkwardness with new parenthood remembered with amusement. Scents of formula, baby powder and food paste. A young toddler in awe of the new and changing world around her, slowly gaining the strength, balance and dexterity to move about it, to affect it. Finding her voice and calling to mother or father, whichever was on leave and present to care for the child…

Hannah's heart pounded.


Older now, making new friends and confronting death in the loss of her pet and her grandmother. Worry for her mother's and father's safety upon each new deployment. Showing off her skills on her Skyboard and the adult omni-tool she was given by her mother. Experiencing the pangs of love with her first crush and later her first boyfriend. Taking more after her father, yet her mother's confidence and wits were evident…

Hannah took Cadrina's wrist again, positioned the data pad and syringe close to it. A tiny puncture, one push and the fast-acting serum would do its fatal work. She could not summon the fortitude she had relied on for so many years to perform so simple a maneuver, one that would most likely doom everyone to extinction. But it would be preferable to the living death of spiritual subjugation.

Hannah moaned, tightening her lips to stifle the sound.

My Cady Ellen…

Enlisting with the Systems Alliance military on her eighteenth birthday. Swearing the Oath of Service before the recruitment officer and her parents. The Skylian Blitz and her lauding as the Angel of Elysium for her bravery, not enough to quell the pain and heartache of losing a husband-to-be. Mother and father are there to support and console as always. Pride and trepidation as news spreads of Cadrina being named the first human Spectre for the Galactic Council. Elation at her saving the Citadel from a surprise attack by the geth. Sorrow when she is declared dead, no corpse to bring home. The need to keep a husband from wasting away in grief…

Hannah's face screwed up tight and she began to and rock to and fro at Cadrina's bedside, the syringe slowing moving further away from its target.

My little baby…

Elysium, on the second anniversary of Cadrina's death. A wreath is laid upon the base of a monument. The woman who inspired its visage then appears, in the flesh. A father lashes out in anger, striking his child for the first and only time for not reaching out to him, for causing him so much pain. Stepping between father and daughter, explaining the need to be sure that she had truly returned. Mother was to blame for silence. Reunited, they enfold themselves in each other's arms to forgive and to cry, oblivious to the officials in attendance. Meeting the daughter's new love once again; her savior, an asari. Liara T' Soni. Welcoming her into the family, declaring that a daughter was lost and found and another was gained…

Hannah moved the concealed syringe to her daughter's wrist. Her eyes shut tight; she could not bring herself to look upon her trembling hands. She shuddered and grit her teeth, breathing hard between them, forcing her hands to go steady.

Forgive me…

The will was there now. She accepted what had to be done and was fully prepared to live with the consequences. But the more she tried to insert the needle, the more resistance she encountered. Hannah's muscles had gone rigid and unresponsive. She felt warmth sliding over her arms and across her back. Her eyes cracked slightly. A blue biotic glow surrounded her arms, gathered within another pair of arms. Blue hands encircled her wrists. Hannah found that with some effort she could still move her head. And, by applying herself more, use her voice.

"…kill me…"

The asari matron remained motionless, still emitting her restraining field, casting Cadrina's sleeping form in its light.

"You're a Justicar… you punish the guilty…"

Samara whispered into Hannah's ear with a gentle breath containing no malice or blame.

"Yes. I bring justice to those who do harm for pleasure, personal gain, who act on irrational impulses. But you take no pleasure in your action. There can be no profit for you in her death and you are not an irrational being. You do this… out of love for her. You want to spare her from some terrible fate you think is beyond her control. You believe this is the only way. "

Hannah panted and moved her head about, Samara seeing to her heart and powerless to act.

"I am sworn to your daughter's service. She and all she holds dear are under my protection… Dylan warned me that you might attempt this, though his message would not fully explain the reasons why."

"Samara, I hate this… I hate me, but I need to!" Hannah sobbed quietly "… or - or we lose her…! We lose everything! "

"There is always another path. Why do you not have faith in her as your husband does?"

"You've seen how sick she was getting… each mission she came back from…"

Samara learned of Cadrina's breakdown after the Bahak tragedy and had seen its lingering effects on her as she worked to gather allies. She offered her insight.

"The revulsion of having to take more lives… after being deceived into taking so many innocent ones…"

"That illusive bastard did something to her, my baby… I don't think… she's s-strong enough now… "

The Justicar drew Hannah's arms back and made her stand. Still holding her wrists, Samara brought up the hand with the syringe while she moved the other to her side.

"You… can't… know…" Hannah stammered.

"I do know… for I am also a mother."

Samara leaned Hannah back against her. Hannah tilted her head backwards to rest on a shoulder, rocking it as she convulsed and strained out tears. Samara took the syringe, letting the data pad clunk onto the floor. She then deftly wrapped her arm around Hannah's chest and pressed her forehead against a temple, voice soothing and eyes going black in the process of a telepathic link.

"No parent should ever outlive or take the life of their child. As long as I continue to draw breath, I will not allow you to share my burden. Sleep, Hannah; valiant mother… sleep… and have faith that the Goddess will keep the ones you love from harm. "

Samara could feel Hannah's resistance in her mind, the urgency of her task. She kept wearing down on the desperate mother's mental barriers, only enough to lull her to unconsciousness. Just before Hannah finally succumbed, Samara was able to spot a hole and peered through to see what motivations were present. Brief images sparked into view: An old and bitter man, mocking and sneering with dark knowledge. Dylan, connected to the sneering man, alone in a shuttlecraft seeking another with a similar connection. The great dreadnought Orizaba, Hannah on its bridge with a troubled brow looking to her executive officer who appeared nervous in her presence.

Hannah's weight increased as she exchanged sleep with her daughter, slumping in Samara's arms. Cadrina now sat awake, unsure of what just happened. The Justicar's eyes reverted to normal and her biotic glow vanished.

"It is all right, Shepard. There is no need for worry…"

"What are you doing to my mother…?" asked Cadrina pointedly. She squinted at the object in Samara's raised hand. "What's in that syringe?"

"She is unharmed, but she will need to rest."

Cadrina sprang from her bed and snatched away the needle from Samara, who could have evaded the commander easily if she were not holding Hannah. Cadrina scrutinized the liquid inside, tilting and sloshing it about. Her face began to pale as she looked to her mother.


"Please, do not condemn her."

"…what was… she can't be…"

"She is not indoctrinated."

Cadrina rambled "…they go running off to stop Cerberus, come back and tell me that Miranda's dead, then my father disappears, Mom tells me he's gone off to hunt down Illusive Man and then she tries to…"

Her throat caught as she swooned. Cadrina's only open admission about the Interface was that it was a weapon against the Reapers and that for some reason it ordained her as being able to use it, bringing her soul back from death. She said nothing about sensing the Illusive Man's presence inside with her, or about learning that she herself was the Interface, incarnate in human form to experience mortality and to fulfill a vow to her prothean creator. Cadrina's parents had not been the same since their time at the Cerberus base. What would compel one to chase down one of the most dangerous human beings alive, alone, and the other to kill their only child?

Did Illusive Man mean to take control of the Interface through her, knowing what she really was? Were her parents trying to stop him?

Cadrina gasped and tossed the syringe onto a cart, still disturbed by her mother's attempt on her life. She then helped Samara carefully lift up Hannah and lay her onto the bed. She haltingly draped her mother's arms over her chest and propped a pillow beneath her head. Resting her hands on the mattress, Cadrina stared down at Hannah.

"Perhaps you should speak with the second in command of the Orizaba," Samara volunteered "He may know something."

Cadrina staggered up to a nearby wall terminal, switched on the lights in the medical bay and accessed the ships intercom "Joker!"

"Commander, you're up bright and early!" cracked her helmsman.

Cadrina was in no mood for Joker's trademark sarcasm "Patch me through to the Orizaba, Joker.I need to speak with Commander Kendrick."

"Freaky timing - Kendrick's hailing us right now, wants to speak with your mo- Captain Shepard 'bout sumthin. Won't say about what, though."

"Oh, he'll talk to me! Get him on now!"

"Hold on, I'm connecting you…" Joker hurriedly signed off and acknowledged the hail from the dreadnought.

Kendrick's voice crackled over the speaker "Captain Shepard?"

"Wrong Shepard" said Cadrina "This is the lieutenant commander speaking."

"Apologies mum! I need to speak with the captain; she instructed me to report to her directly."

"The captain isn't available right now. I'll relay the message to her."

"It is for her attention only."

"She -isn't- available."

"Is she all right?"

"She's fine. You don't trust me, Kendrick?"

"It is not a question of trust, Lef-tenant Commander. I have my orders."

"What's the message?"

"Please, mum, just get…"

"Is it about my father?"

"… I don't wish to pull rank, Lef-tenant Commander, but I answer only to Captain…"

Shepard pounded the wall with her fist and poised her head an inch away from the intercom. Kendrick had attained his rank and post mostly through family connections and privilege. Hannah figured he was assigned to her both to babysit him as well as payback for her brashness in the service. But anytime Hannah asserted herself, he easily caved.

"Listen, you prat! Humanity's on the endangered species list, everyone's expecting me to pull of some kind of miracle out of my ass and I just had a very rude awakening! The last thing I need right now is your sniveling! Now, you give me the message or I will head over and extract it myself along with your trachea!"

Kendrick could be heard grumbling. She was indeed her mother's daughter.

"hehhh… we picked up a real-time signal from one of our shuttles on subspace channel MT449, sub-band Theta" Kendrick hesitated "… it's Captain Dylan Shepard."

Cadrina tensed "Location?"

"Trace puts it in the Grayson Belt, planetoid PGV-81D… I think he's found the Illusive Man."

"Send me the coordinates; I'm going after him. You take the Orizaba to the rendezvous point."

"Mum, Reapers and their revenant armies have been sighted in that area! You'll need a heavily armed escort!"

"What my father needs is a quick, discreet intervention and extraction. Exactly what the Normandy was built for. Upload the coordinates and assemble with the fleet… we'll be there soon!"

"…. So be it, then… Godspeed, Lef-tenant Commander Shepard! Orizaba out!"

Cadrina switched com channels "Joker…"

"Way ahead of you, Commander. Coordinates received, locked in and we are underway. Full stealth set to engage within five light years of destination."

Before Cadrina signed off, Joker said "Don't worry, Commander… we'll bring your dad home."

For once, she did not mind his eavesdropping on her communications "…thanks, Joker…"

Cadrina looked to the Justicar by her mother's bed, who nodded "I shall keep watch over her. See to your father. May the Goddess favor you and protect you on your quest."

"Thank you, Samara." Cadrina exhaled and ran from the medical bay to the elevator, needing to reach her quarters to dress and plan a rescue operation.

I'm coming, Dad. Hold on…

End of Part I

Author's Notes and Thoughts:

- Suggested music for this story: for the scene in the medical bay up until Cadrina awakens – For Whom the Bell Tolls, from the Donnie Darko soundtrack

Coming soon: Part II - Dylan