Ok Guys! This here is my Harry Potter story. I'm sorry to those of you following my other stories, but the idea monkey wouldn't get off my back until I wrote this. I will be updating my other stories in due time, make no mistake, I hope to have all my stories updated by the end of February but I'm not promising anything.

So enjoy the story! I'm planning on having this story take some very dark turns and it will have some moderate to severs Weasley bashing and possible Dumbles bashing. This is going to be an AU obviously so go ahead and get over it. Final warning, I plan on this story being a Harry/Harem so if that offends you don't say you weren't warned.

Lastly, I'm always taking requests so if there's a particular ship that you'd like to see, or a specific thing you want to see then let me know and I'll see what I can do. I'm working on updating my other two stories as I've already written chapter 2 of this. So i'm going to try and update all stories in one day.

Please Read, Review, and Comment.

Until Next Time,

Your Lord and Master,


Stomp, squish, stomp. The sound of irritated footsteps hurried up the street of Diagon Alley. If one were to look they'd see a boy of about 13 heading towards a large white building. Said boy was currently trying to avoid slipping in the puddle of Lullos Potion that was pouring from a cauldron that some idiot had bumped off the shelf in the Apothecary. The boy finally came to a halt outside of a large marble building that read, "GRINGOTTS."

Resting his hand on the door Harry took a few breathes to clear his lungs of the stench from the Lullos before he pushed and strode into the majestic halls. Trying to walk with dignity was difficult for the young man as his body bore the obvious signs of malnutrition and abuse. Yet, he managed to walk towards the teller booth without stumbling too badly. He stood there waiting for the teller to finish up what he was doing.

The teller in question was currently sorting through a large pile of garnets. Trying to determine the average yield ratio of the number of stones to pound of ore was harder than… well just about anything. Barely glancing up he noted a boy standing in front of him before returning to his work. The boy could wait.

One of the tellers across the hall thought he'd have a good laugh and picked up a emerald that weighed about a pound and chunked it at the pile of garnets in front of the raven haired boy.

The goblin teller watched horrified as a giant stone came flying at his carefully stacked work. If he lost these piles he'd have to start over. Suddenly with the reflexes of a Seeker the raven haired boy's hand snatched out and swiped the emerald from its flight.

The emerald glittered in the light as the boy reared back and chunked it right back at its previous owner. Every goblin in the hall bust out cackling as the human child not only saved the teller from having to redo 4 months of work, but he also took the time to "return" the stone.

The teller quickly stashed his work and looked at the human expectantly. "Can I help you?" The goblin eyed the boy up and down but couldn't see much because of his baggy clothing.

The boy grinned as his green eyes flashed beneath his glasses. "I think you can. But, after you help me, you may wanna go help your friend." The teen jabbed his thumb to indicate the goblin that was rolling around trying to stop the pounding in his head.

The teller smirked. "So, what is it I can help you with?" He shifted in his seat as the boy's green eyes met his black.

"Well most people come to a bank to deal with money. So, to be blunt, I want to make a withdrawal." The boy couldn't help the cough that followed his statement.

The teller was doing two things at once, first he was opening a very large drawer with one hand and the other was holding a box out to the green eyed teen.

Eying the box the raven haired boy laughed as he took one of the offered cough drops. When he popped it in his mouth he sighed, it had been so long since his throat had felt normal. He ran his tongue over the Firewhiskey Fizzle and made a mental note to pick up a box.

"Ok boy. I just need your name. Oh, and be careful with that lozenge. Whatever you do don't sneeze or your nose will burn for hours." An evil smirk crossed the goblin's face as he relayed that tidbit of information.

"Harry Potter." The boy smiled at being able to introduce himself, something that didn't happen too often.

Immediately the teller began sifting through files before finding the one he wanted. When he opened it however his eyes narrowed. "Mr. Potter, according to our records, you've withdrawn, fifty thousand Galleons already this month. Surely you can't ha-"The goblin didn't get a chance to finish as an enraged teenager slammed his fists on the desk.

"I HAVE WHAT? Impossible! That is completely impossible. How in the hell could I have withdrawn that much money when I haven't even been to Gringotts this year before today?" Harry looked like he was about to blow.

While Harry was showing obvious signs of an impending anger episode the goblin he was talking to was showing the same, if not worse signs. "What in hell do you mean you haven't withdrawn any money? I have the statements right here. This month fifty thousand Galleons were withdrawn from the Potter vault. However, based upon your reaction, I take it you didn't approve any transactions?" Harry shook his head. "Well then Mr. Potter, we have a serious problem. Please wait here." With that the goblin hopped down from his chair and hurried off through a hallway in the back.

It hadn't been 4 minutes since Harry'd been left by the goblin when, BANG! The whole building shook as something big and heavy collided with something else. Suddenly out of nowhere came the teller who'd been helping him. However, the teller wasn't alone. With him was a goblin wearing what appeared to be a bright red Armani suit, and another that he recognized immediately from his first trip to Gringotts.

"You Potter!" The Armani clad goblin yelled. "Come with me!" With that the goblin trio turned right back around and headed off again with Harry right behind them. Upon arriving at a pair of gold doors inlaid with jewels Harry had a sneaking suspicion that he knew what the crash had been. Sure enough as the goblin guards opened the doors he noticed that they made a hollow thud when they touched the walls. So if they were thrown open there'd be one hell of a bang.

Entering the room the Armani pointed toward an armchair in front of a desk. "Sit Potter. I'd rather we all be seated before we hear this tale." Sitting down Harry found himself wondering why the goblins were suddenly so upset with him.

Harry shifted slightly in the chair as the trio of goblins took their seats. Finally the Armani clad goblin spoke, "Well then Mr. Potter, it has been brought to my attention that unknown to you, gold has been withdrawn from your account?"

Harry nodded curtly. "Yes. I want to know who has made the withdrawals, for how long, and how much money has been stolen from me." Speaking calmly Harry's cool tone clashed with his rage filled eyes.

The Armani nodded before sorting through a folder and snatching a piece of parchment. "Ok then Mr. Potter, we'll sort this out. Griphook, go collect the records of withdrawals." Griphook merely nodded before hurrying through a door that hadn't been there a moment ago.

Finally after a few minutes of what sounded oddly like shelves falling Griphook reappeared carrying a large folder. Dropping the folder on the desk he returned to his seat.

The Armani took a moment to straighten the folder before looking across at Harry. "Now, first and foremost, have you been reading your monthly statements from Gringotts? They would have shown if withdrawals had been made." The desk shook as Harry slammed his fists down onto it.

"What monthly statements? I've never received so much as a post card from Gringotts!" Immediately Harry noticed that all three of the goblins were now sporting murderous glares and he even heard a hiss from the teller.

The Armani looked ready to kill. "Never received any statements? Impossible according to this sheet right here" he waved a bit of parchment, "monthly statements have been sent to you since you first turned 11. If you aren't receiving them that means that someone has been not only stealing from you, but meddling with Gringotts mail service. This is a very serious offense Mr. Potter."

All three goblins stared as the raven haired teen struggled to control his breathing. "How do we go about learning who has been sticking their nose into my business?" Griphook grinned at the teen. "Well first we need to make sure you are who you claim to be."

The Armani nodded as he fished what appeared to be a shallow stone bowl out of a drawer. Sitting inside the bowl was a very sharp knife that glowed with a ghostly light. "Now then Mr. Potter, this is a Lilith Mirror. Simply cut your palm and fill the mirror with blood. When that is done, the mirror will show exactly who you are. It also has the added effect of identifying any and all magical talents and abilities that you possess."

Nodding Harry took the knife and made a quick incision across his palm. The blood filled the bowl and the cut healed. Suddenly the carvings on the bowl began to glow a bright blue and the surface of the blood crackled with electric energy. After a moment the bowl returned to its previous state at which point the Armani took the knife, swirled it in the blood and then drug it across a blank piece of parchment.

Harry watched transfixed as the blood swirled in dizzying patterns before vanishing. As the lost drop of red vanished from sight the parchment ignited with blue flames. All three goblins watched in awe as the ritual took place, never had this happened before. Suddenly with a blast the flames erupted and finally vanished leaving behind a piece of parchment covered in red writing.

All four parties leaned in to read the parchment and what they saw amazed the goblins and nearly sent Harry into shock.

Harry James Potter

Magical Core: 10% Active (Bound)

Eidetic Memory (Bound)

Multiple Animagus (Bound)

Gift of Tongues (Bound)

Parseltongue 5% Active (Bound)

Metamorphmargus 2% Active (Bound)

Hyper Sensitivity to Dementers (Artificial-Charm)

Shadow Travel (Bound)

Demon Master (Bound)

Ability Absorption (Bound)

Various Abilities Bound and Restrained. Cannot be Identified At This Time

As the last lines appeared on the parchment all three goblins were sporting murderous glares. Finally after what seemed like an eternity to Harry the Armani turned toward him. "Well Mr. Potter, it would seem to me that not only has someone been stealing from you and meddling in your mail, but someone has also managed to bind quite a lot of your magical abilities." As he finished he clicked his teeth together in contempt. "Griphook, Blood-Eye, will you please escort Mr. Potter outside the bank? Keep an eye on him. I'm going to do some digging and I fear that if someone has bound him and been stealing from him, they may attack him if they get the chance. Keep by his side." The two goblins in question nodded and stood motioning for Harry to follow.

So it was that Harry found himself being led out of Gringotts with a goblin on either side of him. Upon exiting the bank Harry headed down a small street that led off the main ally. He laughed as he saw the goblins walking in step with him, whoever said goblins and wizards couldn't get along? He held the door of a dingy looking pub and followed the goblins into the Wailing Banshee.

"Can I help you sir?" A waitress appeared in front of Harry wearing a smile that brought to mind when Dudley had come home bragging about beating up the 9 year old girl who hung around the old park.

"If you can get us a table then sure." He motioned to indicate the goblins with him. The waitress eyed BloodEye coolly and gave Griphook a downright sneer. "We don't serve their kind. Filthy low life creatures." She grinned as she eyed the goblins with distaste.

Harry however wasn't in the mood for games, he grabbed the waitress by the neck and pulled her close to him before whispering in her ear. "You know goblins are good at a lot more than counting money. If I were to ask them, I'm sure I could arrange to have you fed to the Gringott's dragon." As he finished he flicked his tongue out to touch her lobe and grinned as she flinched.

"No need for that. Please follow me." She hurried off with Harry and two very smug goblins behind her.


Sitting on a couch in the Leaky Cauldron were two goblins who were drinking what appeared to be a lime green syrup, if front of said goblins was a very ill tempered Harry Potter.

"Oh for the love of gold, would you sit down boy? You're giving me a headache." BloodEye couldn't understand the human's need to pace when upset. All it did was damage the floor and give whoever else was in the room a bout of sea-sickness.

Barely noticing the goblin's comment Harry continued pacing until a very large, very fluffy owl dive-bombed him. Dropping a letter on Harry's head and nearly taking one of his eyes out the owl screeched before heading right back up the chimney. Glaring at his two companions his face paled when he saw what the envelope bore.

To: Mr. Harry Potter

From: Ragnok Director of Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Glancing quickly at his goblin counterparts he opened the letter, read it, and fell backwards in a dead faint. Walking over to where the letter had fallen Griphook picked it up, read it, and joined Harry on the floor. Intrigued BloodEye walked over picked up the letter, read it twice, shook his head as if dislodging a fly, read it again, and then he joined the other two on the floor with the letter still clasped tightly in his hand.

Well That was chapter one. What did you guys think? I loved writing this chapter even if I had to put my other two stories on hold to do it. But, i'm working my ass off so that I can update all three stories come the end of February.

So like always Read, Rate, and Review!

Until Next Time,

The Dark Lord Andros

PS: I'm putting up a couple of polls. If you guys would do them i'd be very happy.