Written for Morning Lilies' Photo Album Competition over at the HPFC Forum.

Thanks to my ever-flawless beta, Mad (chasingafterstarlight).

Not my best, but well. Happy reading!

that night

Night had fallen a long time ago, and the eerie feeling had long since crept into her.

Rose's eyelids just wouldn't close. Every time she tried to sleep, darkness would creep into her thoughts, destroying every flicker of hope that she had left in her heart.

She lay curled up beside the fireplace, its warmth and light making it easier for her to stay awake.

A very old copy of Romeo & Juliet was on her lap, the letters nearly faded. It was one of her favorite books, just like it had been her mother's, maternal grandmother's, and so on.

Well, it wasone of her favorite books, but to be honest, she'd been reading it tonight just because it reminded her of her own mother.

The mantel above her head was a storehouse of gems to every journalist – it had the pictures of all the Weasley grandchildren, along with several trinkets, adorning it. There was a crystal lily bought from a Muggle store in Switzerland in front of Lily's picture, and a model of the Trans-Siberian railway carriage in front of her younger brother Hugo's.

There was a Firebolt 5 model in front of Al's, and a goblin-made book charm in front of hers. The Firebolt model reminded her of Uncle Harry.

Two mugs of coffee sat besides Rose, one of them untouched. It had been for Hugo, but he'd left the sitting room without drinking it. And then there was a plate of cake that he'd also left there.

It reminded her of her Dad, and how much he'd liked eating Grandma Weasley's cakes.

She tried to ignore the continuous pestering of her conscience – but it was no good.

Were they safe? Were they sound? Were they okay?

She knew that there was no point in worrying about them – they'd fought Voldemort, after all. But yet, her mind kept overflowing with all the tension and anxiety.

You see, it wasn't often that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as well as the Aurors went for a mission. It was a rarity. But then, they said Madame Dee and her supporters, the Black Suns, were almost as vicious as Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters had once been.

Rose suddenly remembered what Hugo had nicknamed Voldemort's supporters at a young age – the Death Munchers. She giggled slightly at that, but then the reality of the trouble came back to her.

She sighed, and turned back to the book. Her fiery red hair glowed a coppery shade in the light as the spark of hope lived on.


Hugo sighed as he stared at the picture he'd just taken of his sister looking miserable sitting near the fire.

He didn't understand why she was so tense – it was just an Auror operation, that was all.

But he knew, in his heart of hearts, exactly why.

Never had this many people gone on an operation.

Never had his parents ever left him and Rose here at the Burrow with his grandparents.

Never had he, himself, felt so lonely and hopeless.


That day always reminded Molly Weasley of how history could repeat itself.

She'd been at the Burrow, taking care of Hugo and Rose, as her son, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, all fought for the side of the Light.

She had nightmares that night. She recounted all the bad memories from the Battle of Hogwarts, and there had been tears in her eyes when she remembered seeing Fred dead after the Battle.

Thankfully, everyone returned after the mission, slightly battle-worn, but fine all the same.

Molly fussed over them to no end. There were two casualties from the Auror Office, and a few Aurors were injured badly, but Dee was dead and gone.

She knew one thing for sure: that one night had given Molly Weasley more nightmares than any other ever had.


It was a night none of them could ever forget.