Silver Fox of the Legion

This is a work of Fan fiction. All of the original characters, organizations, techniques, summon animals and events portrayed in this fictional literature are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Though the majority of the events and most characters take place in and are a part of manga artist Kishimoto's Naruto, and of DC Animated (Mostly Legion of the 31st century & Justice League Unlimited).

Normal speech: I hate paperwork. I bet Minato died just to escape this.

Flashback Begins: ***

Flashback Ends:

Scroll/Book/Author notes/Event/ Titles: Village Hidden in the Mist's: Bloodline Limit Purge

Demon/Summon or Fusion speech: Finally, I am free. In your face Minato!

Human Thinking: 'Oh, Shit.'

Demon/Summon or Fusion Thinking: 'Oh, Shit is right! You are royally screwed bitch!'

Jutsu/ Magic/ ability: Wind Style • Silent Wind [Fūton • Kaze no Sairento]

Song start-} {

Song ends-} {

Chapter 3: Uzu

Brainiac was in awe, there was nothing he could say. It truly was astounding, "It's truly astounding."

It was just a month since when Naruto and Supergirl joined the Legion, Brainiac and the rest of the legionnaires were shocked by Naruto's resourcefulness.

In just one month's time Naruto had published 20 books, in which 15 were part of the series Icha-Icha still ongoing. The series was an adult drama filled with the escapades of the main character, it was an instant hit, best-seller of the Times century list second only to his 5 White Wolf graphic novels which was based on the life of a cursed angelic warrior who falls for a vampire princess.

In a press meet he told that he planned to write a graphic novel based on the 'Four Riders of the Apocalypse' of the old Christian religion. It was this quick rise to fame that surprised the Legion, plus that the first week he joined the Legion he released some seal that held a large island, his clan's country according to him which was held in a sort of stasis outside of time, bringing with it ancient flora, fauna and an entire era of architecture but that wasn't what surprised Brainiac. It held two minerals which Brainiac said was highly valuable, one was called Vibranium, a rare grey metal that could sell for 1 billion credits per kilo and what Naruto calls the Gelel Stone when Brainiac examined it, he was surprised to find it filled with energy and that it grew like a plant sucking the geothermal energy of the earth.

What was even more remarkable was the fact that this stone came into contact with the metal and in turn gave it the ability to grow as well making Naruto under law of Family Land Rights the sole owner of both elements, the Science Division were prepared to pay any amount Naruto named for just one piece of the Stone.

But because he held so much Land and the two elements he possessed, he decided to enter the United Planets Senate and quickly rose in even their ranks; he was a ruthless political opponent soon becoming someone to avoid for the other members.

At first Phantom Girl was angry thinking that he was gunning for her mother's chair but it was soon made clear that he became President Wazzo's shield and sword, but he was not afraid to speak his mind on certain facts and even forced them to take notice of even the smallest of details. Whether it was fear or charisma even the president couldn't say but even her opponents couldn't help but concede to him. Brainiac and Phantom Girl knew better since Supergirl informed them that Naruto had them dangling because he had blackmail on them.

Brainiac of course frowned at that but when informed of the circumstances he encouraged Naruto. Not to mention Phantom Girl developed something of a very strong infatuation with him when she was informed as well.

Naruto was quickly a celebrity due to the fact he looks and acts like he's 20 years old even though he's much older and is something of a voice of the youth on the Senate, fair and just. Not afraid to enforce what is truly right and stamp out corruption. He hit it off with R.J. Brande and was quickly seen as the second benefactor of the Legion.

He has been nicknamed as the 'entrepreneur prodigy' for his quick rise to fame, riches and power. Brainiac had a hard time wrapping his head around it, for a 12th level genius he found Naruto too unpredictable especially since he somehow found the time to do all this and still date Supergirl.

The Legionnaires landed safely in a small clearing on Uzu a little distance to Naruto's house, Lightning Lad spoke "Where is he? He said he'd meet us here."

Naruto just watched them hidden in his perch atop a tree, he didn't take much note them before having met only briefly this past month.

First was Garth Ranzz AKA Lightning Lad from the planet Winath. He is rather tall, with has medium length ginger hair and electric blue eyes. He has a lightning bolt shaped scar that runs across his right eye. When he charges up his store of electrical energy, the scar and his eye begins to grow. He acquired the scar during the Lightning Beast attack that first gave him his powers. On some planet called Korbal apparently. Naruto could almost immediately tell he was brash and hot-headed with a somewhat competitive attitude, he's always seen in his black and yellow uniform and is also the Legion's Field Leader and despite his hothead nature he has a good head on his shoulders. His powers are mostly focused on Electrokinesis.

Imra Ardeen AKA Saturn Girl from Titan the largest moon of planet Saturn. Naruto was surprised that the moons of distant planets have been colonized. She was close to Lightning Lad's height, just as both were of the same age 17. Long blonde hair, pink eyes and a one piece suit of pink and white coloring with a Saturn logo on the chest. Due to her power she is the most empathic and understanding of the Legion. She behaves as the voice of reason for almost all situations, she seems to understand the actions and motives that people take, and can often get people to talk about things and feelings that they normally wouldn't open up about to a stranger. It was clear that she was more than just a pretty face on the legion. Her powers are focused on the mind mainly Telepathy and Telekinesis.

Rokk Krinn AKA Cosmic Boy from the planet Braal. 19 years old and Naruto could see the weight and responsibility of Leadership starting to bog down on him but he hid this well from his teammates, Him along with Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad founded the Legion. Black hair and eyes, he is well built and his face shows his serious-minded and dedicated expression, the silent leader type more or less. He is quick to come up with plans and issue orders, and seems naturally comfortable making the harder decisions that most people would refuse to make. He wore a black and purple bodysuit with four silver, metallic circles on it that represent his power which was Magnetic Manipulation.

Charles Taine AKA Bouncing Boy, Chuck is a hero from earth, his home in New Metropolis apparently. He received his powers when he accidentally drank a super plastic formula which he thought was soda pop…Naruto sweat dropped when he heard that and thought there were weirder ways of gaining power but Chuck seemed to have taken his mistake in stride and is an impressive member of the Legion also the comedian, Naruto instantly liked him. He is placed in charge of reviewing cadets for potential membership, Naruto made a mental note to help him with that. He has brown eyes, spiky black hair; short rotund dressed in a blue and black jumpsuit with orange goggles and is the best pilot the Legion has. His power in simple words is to change into a human Bouncing Ball.

Luornu Durgo AKA Triplicate Girl from the planet Cargg. 16 years old and packs quite a punch with her Tri-Jitsu a martial arts optimally for three synchronized bodies, Naruto thought she'd be easiest to help considering her powers match his Kage Bunshin just limited to three parts which can pass on memories and knowledge they obtained. This power is not limited to her alone as everyone on her planet possesses it due to the unique radiation of their three Suns. Brainy called it Bio-Fission. Her dress sense reflects the triple in her name, three colors white, purple and orange. Her three different bodies were themed on the colors white, orange, and purple in her eyes, hair and costume. Her merged form had mainly white hair, but also streaks of orange and purple and her merged form had purple eyes.

Tinya Wazzo AKA Phantom Girl from the planet Bgztl. Naruto recognized her as the daughter of the president Winema Wazzo, a good lady who was always worried about her. White costume with a long white cape to enhance the Phantom of her name, Long Black hair and grey eyes, 16 years old and as Naruto understood she joined the Legion to prove herself to her mother long ago but now she is an invaluable member of the team; being the daughter of the president gave her modest diplomatic skill. She needs to work on her physical skills and considering her ability Naruto just knew exactly how to strengthen it even if it meant emulating that bastard Tobi. Her ability is common on her home world but not as strong as her family possesses Intangibility and Phasing.

Querl Dox AKA Brainiac 5 from Planet Colu, 14 years old and his most unusual feature was the three electrodes on his forehead apart from that he has purple eyes, blonde hair and green skin. He wears a purple jumpsuit, he can alter his shape to create tools and weapons like of telescoping his limbs, a large combat mode and can create quantum force fields. Naruto described him with one word, curious. He was always curious of everything, the kid like to learn. Well if anything his greatest weapon was his 12th level intellect. Though he lacks experience, mainly socially and on the field against opponents of equal stature.

"I sense some hostility in you Sparky." Naruto spoke from his perch on a tree branch, "But you sure need to work on your skills if you couldn't even tell I was already here."

Saturn Girl stared in shock, "I mentally scanned the area, and I couldn't sense you at all."

"The same reason you couldn't invade my mind during our first encounter, a demon from birth automatically possesses rudimentary Psionic skills but mine are a little advanced. Word of caution Saturn Girl, next time don't try and invade someone's mind especially when you know he might be a thousand years old, it might turn out very badly." Naruto said sagely but saw her anxious look "Not that you can't hold your own it's just that with age it's the mind that strengthens and not only may that mind be too powerful but once you enter the mind the overload of memories and information will fry your mind."

He pointed at his house "Why don't we all relax inside as we talk."

Naruto walked up to the gate cutting his palm and smearing the blood across the grate, to their amazement the gate glowed and swung open, "Welcome to the Uzumaki Clan Home."

As Naruto and the Legion entered the large grounds, the Legion were immediately awed by the large palace like building, its architecture though ancient was refreshing from anything they've seen today. Its size surprised them, Naruto noticed their awed looks "The Uzumaki Clan was quite a big one, this happened to be the main branch families house."

"You could say that I'm royalty especially to my own clan." Naruto relished the awed and admiring looks; it was good to have friends. 'I had almost forgotten…'

Brainiac then asked the question "How?"

"How what, Brainy"

"How did you do all this in a span of a month?"

Naruto just laughed lightly "I didn't mention any of my powers did I."

"How do I put it…well, let's just say there isn't just one of me…" Seeing the puzzled look on the green skinned Coluan, Naruto just formed a cross shaped hand seal and in a puff of smoke a copy of him stood beside him.

Brainiac immediately began analyzing "Intriguing, do you perhaps have some Carggite in you."

Naruto shook his head and turned to Triplicate Girl "No I'm not from Cargg or in any way related to one. This is a Forbidden Technique "Kage Bunshin" or "Shadow Clone"."


"Yes, due to its extreme energy cost and side effect, it was deemed a Kinjutsu or Forbidden technique." Naruto stated in a scholarly manner, Brainiac nodded a data-pad in his hand as he wrote it down "May I inquire as to its side effect and what energy exactly."

"The side effect of the shadow clone is that whatever it learns in its lifetime, I learn and this includes exhaustion too and I don't know if I should say, information about this energy could be 'volatile' to a society that has forgotten all about it."

Lightning Lad scoffed "How great would this power be."

Naruto raised an eyebrow then smiled "How about I show you, follow me."

They followed him to a small training ground, Naruto pointed to a wooden dummy on far side of the ground, "Hit it sparky."

"Watch this!" Garth powered up and fired a bolt of lightning straight through the dummy obliterating it; Naruto clapped "Well done, now let me give it a shot."

Naruto pointed his hand towards another dummy and intoned "Chidori Eisō (One Thousand Birds Sharp Spear)"

Awed looks graced the Legionnaires present, Brainiac himself moved forward to attempt to touch the spear of lightning, "I wouldn't do that brainy, it has the power of a lightning bolt and I'm not so sure you'd like to be short-circuited." As Brainy withdrew his hand, Naruto dispersed the technique leaving a nice clean hole within the dummy's chest and turned to Lightning Lad "This is what you could accomplish with it, control and precision but also destructive force and I'm sure you haven't forgotten the technique I wielded during our first encounter, well that sort of technique was wielded daily in my time when strife and a battle for supremacy was common."

Naruto pressed on "Think on it, countless Shinobi that could bend the elements to such feats…create illusions…bend even time and space to our will, yes you heard that right Brainiac we were contemplating dimensional theories long before the first nuclear weapon and trust me one Shinobi could even produce that kind of power. We had powers that could've rivaled many meta-humans, some that could even bring your icon Superman to his knees, all this long before the 21st century…thousands of years before…"

"Does this energy have a name maybe even a source?" Saturn Girl questioned, Naruto nodded "It is Chakra and its source is from within, it is the combination of Physical and Mental energies which is harnessed as fuel for our techniques, it could be rightly termed as 'Life Energy'."

"You've harnessed the body's own energy?" Brainiac questioned "How is that even possible?"

"Every living thing possesses chakra and also a Chakra network, it lies beneath our circulatory system but unlike the circulatory system it is far deeper in its distribution… down to every cell, in fact." Seeing their questioning looks, "Honestly I doubt anyone found it because of the fact they weren't looking for it plus the fact the chakra network after a certain while of disuse atrophies like a muscle, allowing just enough chakra to keep you alive but with time and training one can regain use of it."

"Do you think we can use it?" Phantom girl asked.

"I can sense your chakra and I may teach you how to use it but I'll focus more on your powers, on teaching you control and even unlocking the higher functions of it." They felt a sudden tremor and Naruto smiled "Like I'm having Kara do."

Naruto smiled, which made present company nervous "Welcome to Naruto Boot camp, population – you."

I know this chapter isn't as long as my previous ones but I thought up this one as just filler before the real action

I'm gonna be merging the many comic titles of the Legion in this one so expect plenty of variety,

So please review