x Chapter 14

Five minutes after she flushed the Master's expensive jewels, he walked back into the room. He was followed by five guards and Clive Jones dressed as a janitor, who went immediately into the bathroom. The Master stopped in front of her, a smirk on his face.

"Really?" he asked, obviously amused. "Flushing my jewelry?"

"Oh!" the Doctor said, smiling brightly. "So, there are hidden cameras in here? Lovely," she tilted her head to one side. "That's good to know."

"Mm," the Master looked around the room, still smirking. "Very clever," he looked back at her, a dark grin playing on his face.

"I thought it was," the Doctor said innocently, still smiling.

The Master nodded, his grin was slowly slipping off of his face. He struck faster than the Doctor could see it coming. He slapped her across the face, leaving an angry red hand print. The Doctor's eyes went wide, she glared at him. She flew off the bed, screaming and punched him in the nose before he could react. He staggered backward and the Doctor struck away that mental note, saving it for later use. Sadly his nose wasn't bleeding this time, he just looked absolutely livid. Damn, going to have to try harder.

Mindless of the other people in the room, the Master grabbed the Doctor around the waist and threw her onto the bed. The Doctor let out a surprised shriek before she ended up on her back and the Master had himself positioned between her legs. He was leaning over her, glaring down at her. Surprised for a few moments, the Doctor glared right back. They were both breathing heavily. The Master quickly leaned down and captured her lips in a rough, possessive kiss. The Doctor immediately started fighting, trying to push him away or trying to get her knees up into his chest to push him off of her. However, he was firmly between her legs and she couldn't get her legs between them and he pinned her wrists down with his hands.

It bothered the Doctor, that there were still guards in the room and Clive was still in the bathroom. Did the Master have a thing for voyeurism? First Jack and Lucy, now the guards? Well, a few of the guards were trying not to look, but the others were gawking.

The Master pulled out of the kiss, lifted the Doctor slightly and shifted her up on the bed, her head on the pillow and her hair in a fiery red flurry.

"Get off of me!" the Doctor was kicking and screaming. "You asshole! Get away from me!"

"Shh, shh, shh," the Master whispered. He pulled off his tie and bound her wrists to the headboard. "Hopefully, one day I won't have to tie you up. Hush, now."

"Don't you shush me! Let go of me!" the Doctor was yelling, still trying to kick him.

The Master snickered and tore open the suit jacket that the Doctor was wearing. He whistled at the sight of the undergarments.

"Nice!" he licked his lips.

"Don't you dare!" the Doctor yelled.

The Master chuckled. He reached down and unzipped his pants. He yanked the thong to one side and thrust inside her without any preparation what-so-ever. The Doctor squeaked and her yells turned into whimpers. Whether from pain or pleasure or both, the Master didn't care. It felt too good to care. He thrust in and out faster and harder, his pace quickening more and more. He could feel his hearts and hers beating in time with the drums.

After a few minutes, the Doctor started to respond to the sensations and started moaning. Her hearts were beating faster and faster and she hated herself for it. The bed was moving so violently, it felt like it would break at any moment. She panted, almost in time with the Master's movements and she hated herself for that too.

They felt it building and building, the Master moving faster and deeper, the Doctor moving her hips to meet him and the depth of her self hate was sinking lower.

They climbed the peak together and the mountain exploded, both of them letting out a satisfied yell.

Panting heavily, the Master collapsed onto the Doctor's chest.

The Doctor learned something else today: people wear thongs for easy access.

The Doctor blinked back more tears, as the Master lay on top of her, both of them recovering from a very strong orgasm. She promised herself that when the Master left her alone again, she was going to let herself have a good, long and blubbering cry.

And she decided that she's going to punch him in the nose every chance she gets, maybe a couple of good shots to the groin.