Authors News Alert!

I bet no one was expecting an update to this story huh? But please take a moment to read this note there is a reason why I'm doing this.

Recently my computer somehow gotten a virus and so when a person gets a virus on their computer they take it to the smart people that part of their job description is to get rid of the said virus. Well they did their job...only they neglected to call me and tell me that they had to wipe everything from my hard drive. So imagine my complete and utter shock and dismay when I went to my documents and discovered that there was nothing there. Over hundreds of pictures gone over hundreds of documents gone. I'm not going to lie I cried. I was so angry and upset that I couldn't focus on anything and my poor step-father tried everything to get the pictures and documents back.

But in the end I only managed to get a few of the pictures back (they were on the laptop safe and sound) but the documents were in the computer graveyard and the zombie apocalypse wasn't going to start on my benefit any time soon. So I went on to this lovely site and copied and pasted every. Single. Chapter.

It took me a painful hour of doing this. While I was doing this I was skimming what I wrote and was a little repulsed at what I wrote. When I was doing this I was ranting to my friend/sister/unofficial beta of the story and she suggested that I rewrite the story. I said I was already done with the story, my first story that I completed ever, why would I want to go back and change it?

So I went to camp to be a counselor for little kids and I thought about what she had said, and I thought and thought and finally I pulled out my laptop and started typing. Before I knew it I finished with the revised chapter one. I left it alone after that thinking that was it and I didn't need to change anything or post another story. However, while I was at camp I started getting new ideas and how I could better write the new version of Set Fire to the World. So when I got downtime, and when I wasn't asleep during rest period, I went back and edited the first chapter and started on the second one.

So my wonderful readers/reviewers Almost Home was created. It's the same concept as The World is Ours but different in many aspects. I hope that you go read Almost Home and leave a comment telling me what you think of the new version of Set Fire to the World.

Thank you for taking the time to read this news alert.