a/n: hello everybody, I have another new story! So here's the deal with this one, it's a prequel of sorts to Human, but you don't have to read Human to understand what's going on (although you should definitely be reading (and reviewing) Human!) I just loved Kozik's character so much and I wanted to explore the relationship I hinted at between Kate and Kozik, so I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what ya think!

You can be careful and I'll be the reckless one, I'll get my heart broke, but someday I'll find love.- Sunday Lane.

He remembers the first time he started noticing her. She was sitting in between Happy and Clay holding Clay's hand while Happy began prepping a tattoo on Kate's wrist. He had overheard her earlier telling Happy that on her right wrist she wanted a cross, but not just any cross; she wanted her cross to match the one that was on her father's neck. He couldn't help but stare at her while he motioned the prospect to hand him another beer. At 17 she was stunning, her long wavy blonde hair was thrown over her shoulder and she was in her standard Friday night outfit, Daisy Duke shorts, a v-neck and black cowboy boots.

He took a sip of beer and then turned his head back to the blonde who now looking at him. When they made eye contact a grin spread across her face and her big blue eyes light up. She then shot him a flirtatious wink and went back to talking with her dad.

Later that night he found her standing behind the bar with the prospect teaching him how to mix drinks faster.

"Hey Prospect, you need to go take out the bins," Kozik said sending the Prospect to deal with the over flowing trashcans. For a Friday night party this one was unusually lame. None of the croweaters were sparking his interest and it didn't help that he couldn't get his mind off a certain underage blonde.

"Hiya blondie," Kate said leaning over the bar giving Kozik a pleasant view down her shirt, "What can I get ya?"

"Just another beer," Kate took his now empty bottle and replaced it with a full one, "How's the tat?"

Kate smiled big and started peeling the bandaid off of her wrist, "I love it. Hap did such a good job."

"You better watch out girl. Once you get your first one it's all downhill from there. It's an addiction," Kate couldn't help but look at all of the tattoos that covered his body, "You still dating Opie?"

Kate laughed a little bit before opening a water bottle, "No we broke up a few weeks ago. We're still friends though. He kinda been into Donna for sometime, but it's whatever."

There was a beat of silence, both of them taking sips of their drinks and stealing glances at each other. "No croweater for you tonight?"

"Nah, none of them are doing it for me tonight," Kate walked around the bar and stood in front of Kozik.

"Hmm that's too bad," Kozik could swear he could feel her lips on his ear, "I'm gonna head home. I have to be up early to help my mom in the office. Maybe I'll see you there." Kate starting walking towards the door before Kozik could say anything. However she stopped short once she reached the door, "Hey Kozik, 10 months."

She shot him another wink and then a wicked grin spread across her face before she pushed out the door open and headed out into the black night.

10 months.

"Kate your ass better me out of you room in 10 minutes or I can guarantee you'll be working in the garage more than just a few more-"

"I'm ready Mother. Can we just get this horrible day over with?" Kate asked following her mother down the hall into their kitchen.

"You know you wouldn't have to do this if you hadn't been so dumb." Gemma said sliding a mug of coffee across the counter to Kate who rolled her eyes.

About four months earlier before Opie and Kate broke things off, Opie decided to take Kate to a carnival over in Lodi. After spending the majority of their evening exchanging sexual favors on rides and taking dirty pictures in the photo booths, they decided to head back to her house in Charming. They had been parked outside the neighbors house for half an hour.

"Just come in with me for a little bit," Kate begged in between kisses.

"Little I don't need your dad to catch me, he'll skin me alive," Opie started taking Kate's shirt off.

"Please Ope," Kate was struggling to keep her thoughts in order as Opie pressed kisses down her stomach, "Your truck is too small. Please."

Opie sat up straight, "Jesus Christ girl you are going to be the death of me." He threw her shirt at her and opened the truck door.

"You're the best!" Kate got on her tip toes and pressing a hot, wet kiss on Opie's neck and then went sprinting towards her house, "I'll open my window. See you in a minute!"

A few minutes later Opie had pushed himself threw her window and his jaw dropped when he saw her standing in front of him with nothing but the bra she had, had on earlier and lacy boy shorts.

"Took you long enough." Kate smirked and that was all it took for Opie to start ripping his own clothes off before carrying her to her bed. Kate moved her mouth from his and began pressing kisses down his neck and stomach, Opie's hands getting tangled in her blonde hair pushing her head down further. Kate was about to pull his boxer's off when she sat up startled, "Shit did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Opie tried pushing her head back down.

"Oh my God Ope, someone's coming! Oh my God! Get out!" Opie shot up pulling his jeans back up as Kate threw his shirt and cut at him while trying to get her own clothes back on.

"We should've just gone to my dorm room," Opie complained swinging one leg out her window just as her bedroom door swung open.

"Dad!" Kate screamed receiving a bewildered look from her father as he entered her room and walked over to her open window.

"Hey kid. You better be in the chapel at 7 am sharp if you want to live," Clay yelled out the window before turning around to face his daughter. "And you don't even get me started on the deep shit you're in. Just wait until your mother hears about this."

"Baby?" Gemma called bringing Kate out of her memory, "You ready to go? I saved all the hard shit for you to do today."

"Yeah mom let's go," Kate downed the rest of her coffee and followed her mom out the back door.

"Still on lockdown Little?" Opie asked walking in the office.

Kate looked up from the paper work her mother left her and laughed, "You would think that us breaking up would've lessened the sentence, but yes I am still being kept under lock and key. That is at least for another two weeks."

"Well I think I'd rather have done hard time at prison Morrow than take the beating I got, but I'm sure time will fly by," Opie messed Kate's hair up and handed her a pair of keys, "Here's the keys for the Kia. Catch ya later."

It felt like time was moving backwards. She had done half of the invoices her mother left her and it was only 10:30 she had to be there until 5 and then go straight to being forced to help her mom cook for family dinner later that night.

She took a deep breath and silently cursed her parents leaning back in her chair. She looked out into the garage at the boys working on various cars when she spotted Kozik making his way to the office.

"Hey kid," He said entering the office and taking a seat across from her. "It's pretty hot out there."

"Yeah well it is the middle of June," Kate rolled her eyes at his attempt of small talk and starting piling her hair up on top of her head. "What do you need Kozik?"

"Just thought you'd like some company, plus I'm pretty tired of working," Kozik leaned towards the desk and grabbed the glass of water that was sitting next to Kate and took a swig of it.

"That was mine."

"Yeah well sharing is caring you know. You don't want me to have a heat stroke now do ya?" Kozik smirked.

"Are you coming to family dinner tonight?" Kate asked ignoring the pompous look on Kozik's face.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Kozik took another sip of her water before getting up from his chair, "Maybe we'll get a seat near each other. Catch you later Kat."

This day was never going to end.

When five o'clock finally rolled around Kate was more than ready to go home. However she was going to have some difficulty getting there. 15 minutes earlier Gemma had texted Kate saying she was too busy in the kitchen to leave the house and asked Kate to ask one of the guys to drop her off at the house. The only problem being that the garage was empty. She sighed aggravated and headed into the clubhouse, which happened to be equally as dead.

"Hey Kat," Kozik said from behind Kate causing her to jump.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Kate asked taking in the scene in front of her. Kozik was standing in front of her in jeans, but no shirt. Shit he was hot.

"Everyone has a nickname for you, I figured I needed to come up with my own," Kozik ran a hand through his wet hair, "What are you doing here anyway thought you'd be long gone."

"Yeah well I should be, but my mom couldn't pick me up. Too busy making dinner. She told me to ask for a ride home."

"I can take you let me just get a shirt and shit. I'll be right back." He took off for his dorm room returning minutes later, "You ready to go?"

Kate nodded and Kozik threw his arm over her shoulder as the headed for his bike, "You ready for this darlin'?" He handed her his spare helmet.

And they were off.

a/n: GO REVIEW right meow!