AN: Okay, last chapter. This is so sad, I love you all… I might do a sequel but I don't know what I would do that, maybe something involving Facebook, I don't know. Anyways, back to the story. Oh, and my mind characters are still sick, and so am I, but my momma says I gotta go to school. Boo.

Breezers2000: Thanks!

Garideth: Yeah, I had been just waiting for the perfect time for that. XD

Cookies and Cream1234567: Much more Volds to come

Xxxxxxxxxxx: I just hope I got the right amount of X's. Thanks!

I think that's it for that chapter. K then.

ScarHead has logged on

ScarHead: Well, I'm shutting this down now because a certain toad is making me. So, I'm gonna log everyone on.

ScarHead: Who am I talking to?

ScarHead: Ugh, I am such a narrator.

DeathbyBells has logged on

SnakeFace has logged on

RedWeasel has logged on

4everGranger has logged on

DiaryGrl has logged on

LilysMan has logged on

Padfoot has logged on

Moony has logged on

LilyFlower has logged on

TeddyMoon has logged on

Prankking has logged on

BestPotter has logged on

Better Potter has logged on

PotionMaster has logged on

WolfPrince has logged on

Snuffles has logged on

Riddler has logged on

LovenPeace has logged on

RosieMalfoy has logged on

ScorpnRose has logged on

TransfigGal has logged on

LemonDrop437 has logged on

ScarHead: YAY!

4everGranger: Harry! Did you make us all log on?

ScarHead: Yep! Isn't it great!

RedWeasel: YEAH!

ScarHead: Hi everybody!

DeathbyBells: POTTER!

DeathbyBells has logged off

TeddyMoon: This is not going to end well.

TeddyMoon has logged off

Prankking: DAAAAAAD! Not cool.

Prankking has logged off

BestPotter: Yeah!

BetterPotter: What he said.

BestPotter has logged off

BetterPotter has logged off

PotionMaster: POTTER!

PotionMaster has logged off

WolfPrince: *sigh* Harry, what did I say about the internet?

ScarHead: Nothing, sir. You didn't know what it was until a few weeks ago.

WolfPrince: Oh, well then. Carry on.

WolfPrince has logged off

Snuffles: I'm busy Harry.

ScarHead: Oh yeah. Doing what?

Snuffles: Hiding from Molly.

ScarHead: Oh, I understand.

Snuffles has logged off

LovenPeace: I'm gonna go find my hubby. Bye.

LovenPeace has logged off

RosieMalfoy: Scorp, what are we doing on?

ScorpnRose: Wasting time?

RosieMalfoy: Exactly. Get back to the Gryffindor common room. I'll let you in.

ScorpnRose: Okay. But won't people get mad.

RosieMalfoy: Only if they want their eyes cut out and ears drilled into and brain turned to mush.

RedWeasel: *gulp* She's definitely Mione's

RosieMalfoy: I'm not even going to bother telling you.

RosieMalfoy has logged off

ScorpnRose has logged off

RedWeasel: What?

TransfigGal: I'm going. Gotta study.

TransfigGal has logged off

ScarHead: Well that was depressing. Everyone left.

RedWeasel: I'm still here mate.

4everGranger: Me too.

ScarHead: Yeah, but you too are boring.

RedWeasel: Okay. I'm going to go play chess then.

ScarHead: You do that.

RedWeasel: You are so supportive. HARRY IS THE BEST FRIEND EVER!

RedWeasel has logged off.

4everGranger: *sigh*

4everGranger: I'm going to go do homework.

4everGranger has logged off

LilysMan: Good news son! Your mom and I am finally a couple!

LilyFlower: It's true. And he won't stop announcing it

Moony: Give him a break. He has been dreaming about this since second year.

LilyFlower: Shut up Remus!

Moony: Shutting up

Padfoot: XD

Moony: Shut up Padfoot

Padfoot: Make me!

Moony: Grrrrrr… Why I ought to

Moony has logged off

Padfoot: No, Moony, wait!

Padfoot has logged off

LilysMan: We are a couple, a couple, a couple *singing*

LilysMan has logged off

LilyFlower: Thanks Harry

ScarHead: No problem

LilyFlower has logged off

LemonDrop437: Well, this is interesting.

ScarHead: Go away Dumbledore. This is my me time.

LemonDrop437: As you wish. Don't forget about tonight.

ScarHead: Yes sir. Memory Diving. Yippee. -_-

LemonDrop437 has logged off

DiaryGrl: Hey Harry.

ScarHead: Hey Gin

DiaryGrl: So are we still on for tonight.

ScarHead: Wouldn't miss it (unless it means killing Moldyshorts)

DiaryGrl: Wouldn't have it any other way ;)

ScarHead: *kiss*

DiaryGrl: *kiss*

DiaryGrl has logged off

ScarHead: Somebody's been quiet

Riddler: Actually two somebody's, there are two of us

ScarHead: No, just one

SnakeFace: Shut up Potter!

ScarHead: Are you still mad at me for the Bertha thing

SnakeFace: No

ScarHead: Then what is it this time?

Riddler: Who is this?

SnakeFace: Who are you?

ScarHead: Tom Riddle

Riddler: Yes?

SnakeFace: That name has no meaning to me anymore

ScarHead: Who are you? Darth Vader?

SnakeFace: Is he evil?

ScarHead: I guess you could call him that

SnakeFace: Then yes.

ScarHead: You do realize Darth Vader dies and returns to the light

SnakeFace: WHAT!

ScarHead: You heard me.

Riddler: Are you my future self

SnakeFace: Yes

ScarHead: A little slow on the uptake, aren't you

Riddler: Oh, I was talking to ScarHead. He seems more Slytherin of the two of you

SnakeFace: WHAT!

ScarHead: HA! Finally someone realizes this.

Riddler: And what's with the lame username

SnakeFace: I could ask you the same question

Riddler: Eh, mine is still better. At least it's not a put down. And ScarHead makes him sound scary

ScarHead: XD

SnakeFace: This was his fault. My username used to be better

ScarHead: Yeah. That was awesome

Riddler: I like you ScarHead.

ScarHead: The name's Harry

Riddler: Okay

SnakeFace: NOOOO! This is like a nightmare

ScarHead: You dream about me and your past self becoming friends O_o

SnakeFace: NO!

Riddler: Dude, just go

ScarHead: XD

SnakeFace: Fine!

SnakeFace has logged off

ScarHead: BEST! DAY! EVER!

Riddler: Wow, that guy is such a creep.

ScarHead: Tell me about it.

ScarHead: Wait…

ScarHead: You do realize that that's your future self?

Riddler: Yeah, but I'm never becoming him.


AN: And that's the end. Review and tell me how I did please.