Dancing in the moonlight

Chapter 3:

Damon POV

We are family? What the hell is he going on about. I shook my head. I wonder what his plans or tonight. Better be careful.

I shook my head again I had no time for that. I had to find a tux for my handsome self to woo darling Elena. I smirked. If only it was that easy.

Klaus POV

She was waking up. I heard her groan in pain slightly before she sat up, rubbing her neck. Then her eyes snapped open she looked around the room her eyes stopped when she spotted me leaning against the wall.

"Hello, love." I said, grinning. She glared at me.

"Niklaus." she spat.

"No darling, it's only Klaus now." I replied. She knew I hated the name Niklaus.

"Why am I here?" she demanded. I grinned.

"Isn't that what husbands and wife's are supposed to do? Live together, be happy together, share the same bed." I said and wiggled my eyebrows. She glare at me.

"In your Dreams." she hissed at me. I pinned her to the bed.

"Oh I do dream about it. Every night in fact." I said, kissing her neck. She struggled against me. I let go of her and she was immediately at the other side of the room.

"You have better not of hurt my brothers." she told me. I shook my head.

"I nearly killed Damon numerous times and Stefan a few. But they are both unharmed. After all they are family." I told her, grinning.

"You'll see them tonight at our family's ball." I told her. She glared at me.

"We are not married." she told me. I glared at her.

"Of course we are." I told her. She smiled.

"Not in this century." she replied.

"Our marriage certificate is still a record I found it a few years ago when I was looking for you."

"I know I brought it in asking for a divorce but they didn't take me serious and said that it was impossible." I grinned.

"Then you'll be happy to see a copy of our new marriage certificate." I told her, showing her the brand new one. She glared at me.

"So darling wife, we are married wither you like it or not. Remember our promise, together for eternity." I said pulling her closer to me.

"So Mrs Mikaelsen, you better get ready. Mother is throwing a ball and you are going." I told her, kissing her nose. She glared at me.

"I'm not going." she said. I sighed, time to pull out the big guns.

"Well when Stefan and Damon arrive they might trip and land on a stake going straight through their hearts." I told her.

"They'll be there?" she asked. I nodded.

"I'll go then." she sighed.

"The stylists will help you get ready. After all I want Mystic Falls to be envious of me for having such a stunning wife." I told her and grinned.

"Tonight you will behave and not runaway." I said. Looking straight in to her eyes, compelling her.

"I will behave and not runaway." she repeated.

"Be good and get ready." I said. I leaned in to kiss her. She turned her head making my lips come in contact with her cheek. I growled and stormed out of the room.

"People are arriving Nik." Rebekah said weaing a long green gown, her hair was flowing down her back, pin straight.

"You look beautiful." I told her. She smiled, then playfully pouted.

"Yes but your wife outshines me." she told me and winked and went downstairs to join the party.

I looked up when I heard the light sound of feminine footsteps. I gasped at the sight in front of me.

Lydia was standing there wearing strapless gown. The top part was like a corset, showing her slim waist and great chest size. The bottom flared out like what most would call a princess gown.

The gown was a crystal blue, a shade darker than her eyes. On the top part there was some flower designs in diamonds and beads. Her hair was up in some elegant up do, a few curls escaping here and there. On her neck was hanging a necklace which could make anybody turn green with envy. The neclace was made in the same sort of design as the beads on her dress, the diamonds sparkling in the light, a matching bracelet was found hanging around her right wrist. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"You look beautfiul." I told her, offering her my hand. She accepted after hesitating.

"I almost forgot." I said pulling a ring out of my pocket.

"My wedding ring." she gasped. I nodded and put it back where it belonged, on her finger.

"Ready for some drama?" I asked her, grinning. She glared at me.

"Mother meet my beautiful wife. Lydia this is my mosther Esther." I said as we neared the stairs. Jolie curtsied and bowed her head in respect.

"It's wonderful to meet you my dear. Niklaus hasn't told me much about you. But I hope in time you will come to see me as mother after all we will be with each other for the rest of eternity." Mother said, smiling slightly.

"If everyone could gather please." I heard Elijah say.

"Time to show our faces." I told her grinning. She just glared at me. As we descended the stairs, to reach my family. I could feel the stares. I looked over the crowd, nearly all were looking at the beauty on my arm in either lust or jealousy. I grinned to myself, I always had to have the best.

Damon POV

"Who's that?" I heard baby Barbie Vampire whisper to Elena. I looked from Esther to Klaus, he was holding a beauty on his arm. She looked oddly familiar.

"I don't know." Elena replied. I looked over at Elena, she to was very beautiful.

"She's stunning. I mean look at her, she looks like she's been photoshoped." Caroline said grumpily and pouted. Elena shook her head, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Welcome thank you for joining us. You know when ever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." Elijah began.

"Do you see what I see?" I muttered to Stefan, for him to reply. "Oh yeah."

"Tonight's pick is a century's old waltz. So if all of you could please find us a partner please join us in the ballroom." Elijah finished off. I looked over the original family again, my eyes landing on the black haired beauty, who was she and why did she feel so familiar?

Klaus POV

"May I have your hand, love?" I asked Lydia as soon as Elijah finished his speech. She glared at me.

"Of course." she said, placing her hand in mine and giving me a fake smile.

"Look more believable love after all we are a married couple happily in love." I told her, escorting her to the ballroom. She just glared at me again.

"I hate you." she hissed. I grinned at her.

"There's a thin line between love and hate, darling. You'll grow to love me again." I told her. I saw Damon and Stefan eyeing my wife strangely, they were looking at her as if she was familiar and trying to remember her. Of course they wouldn't think it was their sister after all I did compel the two younger Salvatore's that she had died. But my wife didn't know that.

During the dance when we switched partner's I saw that Lydia was now dancing with Elijah and I Caroline.

"How's the shoulder?" I asked her and gave her a charming grin.

"Fine. So who's she? I thought Rebekah was your only sister." She asked as we danced. I grinned, knowing for a fact the little baby vamp liked to gossip.

"Of course not, she's my wife." I told her, she nearly tripped.

"Your married?" she said, clearly shocked. I nodded.

"Beautiful is she not? Doesn't she just outshine every other woman in the room?" I asked her, looking at my wife with complete admiration as the dance ended. Caroline rushed over to Damon.

Damon POV

During the dance when we changed partners I was paired up with Rebekah. Great I thought to myself.

"So who's the new girl?" I asked her. She grinned.

"Nick's wife." she stated. I nearly let go of her as I twirled her around.

"He's married?" I asked in shock. She nodded.

"For nearly 147 years. He's madly in love with her. He always buys her more gifts." she said and pouted.

"Not bad looking." I said and gave her a sly grin. She glared at me.

"I wouldn't even think about it and that's disgusting, when you find out why you'll agree with me." she said. I raised an eyebrow but she ignored it.

"Your brother said something strange to me, earlier this day. He said we were family. Do you know what going around the crazy hybrid's mind?" I asked her. She grinned.

"All in good time Mr Salvatore." she replied as the dance ended. I looked around Where the hell is Elena?

Klaus POV

After the dance, I guided Lydia over towards Carol Lockwood.

"Mayor Lockwood, thank you for coming." I said as we reached them. She turned around and smiled at me. When she saw Lydia her eyes widened like most did.

"Klaus it's a pleasure to be here. Who is your date?" she asked me, smiling.

"Oh how rude am I. Lydia this is Carol Lockwood the mayor of Mystic falls, her son who isn't here is a Hybrid to actually. And this Carol is my dear wife Lydia." I said and kissed the top of Lydia's looked startled.

"Your married?" she asked. It seemed like everyone was saying that, I grinned.

"Yes for nearly 147 years. Right honey?" I asked Lydia. She faked a smiled.

"Yes darling." she said in a fake sweet voice.

"Now if you'll excuse me and my wife we have to go welcome the other guests." I said, guiding her away.

"Lydia! We must catch up." Rebekah said suddenly, popping up in front of us.

""Rebekah!" Lydia said happily and hugged Rebekah.

"We'll be back in a minute, we are going to the ladies." Rebekah said pulling my wife away from me. I walked over to Damon who was drinking some champagne.

"Hot wife." he said when he spotted me. I grinned.

"Well I do like to have the best." I told him.

"Never thought you were the type to marry though." he said, smirking. I shrugged.

"Mystic falls girls have a certain spark I enjoy." I told him. He looked at me curiously.

"She's from Mystic Falls?" I nodded and grinned.

"We met on the 22nd of October in 1864 in the forest. I went to her father gave him the money he asked for and left straight away." I told him, trying to get a reaction. I saw sorrow fill his eyes.

"I want you to remember what really happened that day." I said, looking him straight in the eyes and walked of.

Damon POV

"I want you to remember what really happened that day." he said, looking me straight in the eyes, before walking away. I looked at him like he was going mad until a memory filled my mind.

"Lydia! We have been looking for you everywhere!" me and Stefan said as she walked into the house.

"Come in." she said and a man stepped through the door, tall around my age with dark blonde curly hair and dark blue eyes, he was wearing expensive looking clothes.

"Who is this?" Stefan asked her, watching the man carefully.

"This is Niklaus. Niklaus these are my brothers, Damon and Stefan." she said, introducing us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. Now Lydia my dear where is your father?" He asked her. She brought him to the study. Not even 10 minutes later the door opened and out walked our father and Niklaus.

"Thank you. Have a pleasant day. Lydia we're leaving now. Let's head to Italy what do you think?" he asked her. Her eyes widened and she nodded.

"What's going on!" Stefan demanded.

"From this day on you will think Lydia died, never talk about her again and that you never saw me at least until I say you can remember." he said, looking Stefan straight into the eyes. Stefan nodded and repeated. He then looked over at me and done the same. I tried to resist but I just couldn't.

I gasped from the memory. I saw Klaus walking around with the beauty again. It hit me then, that woman that Klaus was married to was Lydia, my little sister!