It was a few days after the meeting with the red rpm ranger, there was a mooger attacking the city so Ji sent all of the samurai rangers to fight him, but when the rangers got to the spot where the mooger was attacking, the mooger had his back to them so Kevin charged the mooger, when Kevin got close he slashed the mooger's back, the mooger spun around and started to laugh an evil laugh.

"What is so funny? I killed you!" Kevin screamed out in horror as he collapsed on his knees and started to cry.

"You fools! Do you really think you can take me on?" The mooger asked in a very deep and dark voice.

"We're the samurai rangers and we can do anything as long as we stick together!" Jayden yelled at the mooger pulling out his spin sword.

"Oh really? Can you kill an immortal?" The mooger asked pulling his saber "A being that has no end? A being that has ever lasting life?"

Mike pulled out his spin sword and lunged at the mooger, the mooger raised his arm and shot arrows out of his hand and hit Mike in his chest and his gut, Mike fell to the ground in pain as he grabbed his stomach "Mike!" Emily screamed as she ran to Mike to see if he was okay.

"See you petty rangers are no match for me." The mooger said as he slowly put down his arm.

Jayden put his disk off of his belt and screamed out "FIRE SMASHER!"

"Oh come on that thing is stupid! No wonder why the power rangers need five to six of them to beat one villain! You all are weak!" The mooger screamed out at them as he pointed his saber at them.

"Who are you?" Kevin asked as he got up off the ground.

"I am your worst nightmare." The mooger said calmly as red flames came off of him and turned into a pitch black figure with a four foot battle saber, a demon's tale and wings that were on fire.

A/N: I was going to make this first chapter longer but I didn't have enough time though.