SPOV - Fangtasia

"I can't believe you chose to go to Sweden for your honeymoon. Do you know how much the winter sucks there? It's a dark, desolate, windy shit hole."

"You keep saying that Pam, but we're still going." I answered her.

"Fine, but I warned you."

"Pamela, we are not going for the accommodations." Eric said.

"Yes, don't remind me…you are going for the long as fuck winter nights. I hope the Atlantic Ocean will be a great enough distance, so I don't feel you both fucking during my dayrest. I'll never sleep. What's the time difference, again?"

"Stop complaining, Pam. You get Fangtasia all too yourself and Eric has allowed you to renovate it while we're gone." I said, getting into step-mummy mode.

"This is true." Pam said, looking like she was already plotting away her alone time.

"What are you planning on purchasing first?" Eric asked.

"Something for the humans to stay and play." she said and zipped away, coming back with a catalogue that she promptly opened up along the spine to show us, "A cotton candy machine."

Both Eric and I started laughing our asses off at her, remembering the fairy floss that gave me away.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK!? Why can't I ever be included in your useless inside jokes? I hate you both."

"We love you too Pam." I said, trying to calm down from laughing.

"I'm surprised you two have love to spare, fucking sickening. I can't believe I cried at the ceremony. Most embarrassing moment of my undead life. And in front of the faeries! They weren't even scared of me. Just release me already so I can have my own fucking life away from you two."

"As your maker I rel…"

Pam covered Eric's mouth preventing him from completing his maker command, "Don't even mumble it. I was kidding!" Eric nodded with his mouth still covered with Pam's hand. He pried her hand off his mouth and she took a step back.

"I'm staying here. Especially now that the in-laws drop by every now and then with goodies. Claudine brings the nicest presents for me. Don't make me go back to normal blood."

"You know my rules about fairy blood, Pam." Eric chastised.

"I follow them to a tee. It hurt like hell to remove that tattoo. God, you both will never let me live that down. I'll get you both back one day, even if that one day is a hundred years from now."

"We'll miss you."

"And I'll miss you Daywoman."

"I'm not his Daywoman anymore."

"Oh yes, you got promoted to "Every-Fucking-Minute-of-the-Day-and Night Woman." AKA his bonded, his pledged, his wife."


"Be good, my child."

"Never." Pam replied, smiling deviously with her fangs down.

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Eric replied and gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"What are you two going to do when you get back? What about the Council?"

"We don't know." Eric answered.

"Whatever it is, we'll do it together." I added, giving Eric's hand a squeeze.

Following our pledging in the cave, Niall and the Council held a separate ceremony for the two of us in Faery to celebrate our union. It had been a week since then, and we had not seen nor heard from the Council. It had been wonderfully peaceful. Claudine who had survived her encounter with Breandan had recovered quickly and the rest of my friends and family were spared from further action from the water fae. With Breandan gone, the resistance died with him and Faery was once again a peaceful realm. Eric had received a letter of congratulations from Queen Sophie-Anne along with a request to meet me, but Eric was able to postpone the meeting until after our return. Making it was the perfect time to get away and finally take that vacation, which had turned into our honeymoon. We considered staying in Faery, so that Eric could be with me all day and night, but I really wanted to go to Sweden and see where my Viking was from. We both were more than ready to go.

"I'll be here when you get back. And you two better come back."

"We will." Eric answered.

"Bye Pam!" I said.

I grasped onto my husband's hand and prepared to teleport us all the way to Sweden. Looking at him, I knew I would never trade this eternal love for anything. Because life is not a fairy tale and my ever after is still a mystery. My days may be without him here, but I had found someone who accepted and treasured me with an undying love that the night simply could not contain. And in the end that's all that matters.

"Ready, lover?"


The Newlyweds: slickpic dotcom/u/Alskl1ng/DayWOman/photo?&ref#3102841

To my DayWOman Ohana:

Thank you so much for supporting this story and riding my first-fanfic wave with me. Without your reviews, alerts and favorites I wouldn't have had the determination and the guts to complete this story. I hope that you laughed, cried and said WTH as we ventured with Sookie into becoming a DayWoman and eventually so much more.

It has been a pleasure and privilege to be a part of this community and I have met so many wonderful people. I have to give a special thanks to my beta GaijinVamp for all that she did in making the final chapters as great as they could be. I will be forever grateful for her help and guidance.

And in regards to what I have planned next and if I will continue their story - I'm going to take a vacation from writing and probably get my tan back. If the waves suck, the Patriots lose (again), or I get tired of doing biathlons, I might come back; so Jason and Eric can have their man date and Pam can finally get those two back. If I do, I hope you'll jump back on board with me.

Aloha ʻoe,
