Hello, everyone! Well, here is another Cheshire x Alyss story. Hope you all enjoy it!

Also, I would like to thank Azca Sky and Hollyleaf The Black Cat! You all are great fans! Thanks for reviewing my other Cheshire x Alyss stories and for giving me encouragement and advice.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pandora Hearts!

It was dark. The little kitten, known formerly as Cheshire, limped blindly through the Abyss. He could not see for he had no eyes. The last thing he remembered was a little boy standing above him with a demonic grin spread across his face and pair of scissors clutched in his right hand. The boy was laughing manically. Then the poor kitten felt a sharp pain shot through his body, and warm blood flowed from his left eye down his neck and chest, matting his fur into black and red streaks. He hissed and clawed at the boy's face, but the boy grabbed and snapped his delicate paws. Cheshire could feel them swell up, and then he heard the laughter again. The other eye popped out and Cheshire fell into the Abyss.

He felt the water, or what he hoped was water, under his broken paws. He had been walking for a while, and he needed to rest, but he was a cat after all and water was not his favorite thing. Finally though, his muscles gave out on him, and he flopped down and laid in the water. It was actually, in a way, soothing. He purred and let his little eyes drift closed.

He was almost in a deep sleep when all of a sudden a growling noise echoed through his ears. Cheshire jumped up, his back arched, all pain forgotten. The growl came again. Cheshire moved his head side to side, listening for where it came from. The growl did not come again, and Cheshire lowered his guard. Then a dog-like chain jumped onto Cheshire and pinned him on his back. Cheshire couldn't fight back with his lifeless paws and felt like this was the end. He would die twice, helpless.

"AWAY WITH YOU!" A sweet, melodious voice screamed.

Cheshire felt the pressure on his body disappear, and instead he felt what he thought was rain. He rolled back onto his paws. He could hear footsteps now. He raised his head up and meowed.

"Aww! A kitten!" It was a young girl's voice.

This girl appeared to be about sixteen. She was dressed in a pure white dress, adorned with blue roses. The color of her eyes contrasted against her pale skin and white hair.

Cheshire felt her hands slide under his shoulders and lift him up. The girl pressed him up against her chest and started walking.

"Finally a new friend." The girl whispered as she petted his head. He purred and snuggled closer to her. His mind told him not to trust this guardian angel, but his heart told him everything was fine. He listened to his heart.

For a while, they walked and walked, the only sound was Cheshire's purring.

"Yay! We are finally here." The girl squealed as Cheshire heard a door open.

"Alyss is back! Alyss is back!" A group of voices sang. "Welcome back, Alyss! Welcome back, Alyss!"

The girl, who went by the name of Alyss, smiled and replied, "Thank you, my wonderful dolls!"

Cheshire meowed, not liking that Alyss was giving attention to something else. The dolls turned and looked at him.

"Alyss has a pet! Alyss has a pet!" They shrieked.

Alyss glared at them. "Not a pet. He is my new friend." She replied sternly.

"Friend?" asked the dolls.

"Yes, he will be my new friend." Alyss replied, a genuine smile of happiness on her face. She set the kitten down. He looked up at her, big sparkling eyes full of wonder.

"But first…" She rang the bell on his collar and stepped back.

A shock emitted through his body, and he cried out in pain. He could feel his body changing, growing, morphing. His back paws became legs, his front paws became giant hands with long claws, he grew taller, and his fur changed to hair. He fell to the ground gasping for breath, his body burning from the pain.

Alyss examined her work. Cheshire was no longer a little kitten. He was a man now, tall with shaggy black hair that had a faint touch of red streaked through it. His ears popped out from the top of his head. He was dressed in long black pants and a reddish colored vest-like shirt. Black jester type shoes enclosed his feet within. His long arms and giant paws were covered by a pair of long black gloves that had a line of gray stitching going up them that resembled X's. A black cape covered his shoulders and had two long ribbons coming out of it, each ending with a bell. He also had his ribbon and bell still tied around his neck. Alyss smiled, but then she noticed his eyes. They were just empty holes. She frowned.

"Come sit." She said as she grabbed his arm and led him to the table. He obediently sat in a decorative white chair. He could hear her walk around, then a cabinet door was opened, and it sounded like she was rummaging around it. She must have found what she was looking for because she walked back to where he sat and began wrapping something around where his eyes were supposed to be.

"What are you doing, nya?" He asked. Wait! Did he just talk? He just talked!

"I am bandaging where your eyes were. I do not like looking at those empty dark holes." She replied as her nimble fingers finished wrapping the bandages around.

He turned to her. "Thank you…" He realized he did not know this angel's name.

"Tell me your name, and I will tell you mine." She stated as if she read his mind.

"Cheshire is Cheshire." He replied. "Who are you, nya?"

She smiled and replied, "I am Alyss."

That name would be his life from here on. It was the first and only word that could make his heart race, his mind go blank, and the world stop.


Thanks for reading!