Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

It was a sunny day in the apartment of Travis and Connor. It wasn't actually their apartment but their mother was out on vacation for a month. So right now they were having one of those days where they play video games 24/7. But apparently Zeus was in a bad mood because thunder struck unexpectedly. Then again. And again. Until it became a full-fledged thunder storm.

The two Stolls didn't even look up at the sky. All until the storm caused a power outage.

"Hey!" Connor yelled in frustration.

Travis was laughing. "Call of Duty can wait bro."

"But I was finally winning!"

Travis shrugged in the darkness. He went over to the curtains and opened them. Sunlight didn't turn up like he expected it to.

"I can't see!" Connor complained.

"Neither can I." Travis replied.

That shut Connor up. The two twins were quiet for a while but then Connor started talking again.

"I'm hungry," Connor said.

"Me too."

"I'm going to make something."

Connor stood up and made his way blindly to their kitchen, leaving Travis alone in the living room to think. He needed to call someone right now. Just to annoy them. Hermes had given the Stolls a present, which gives them a signal anywhere, even during power outages. But who should he call? He could make a prank call to his brother in the kitchen. After all, his brother had one exactly like him.

"Got the popcorn!" Connor interrupted his thoughts.

Travis ran over to his brother in the dark, but stumbled over a PS3 controller. Cursing, he regained his footage and made his way over to his brother. Stealing some popcorn from the bag, he sat down.

"Who should I call?" Travis asked an unexpected question.

"Why would you want to call someone?" His brother had yet, to muffle his words through popcorn. "There's a power outage anyway. You can't call anyone."

"With dad's phone, we can call anyone, and the person we're calling can reach it. And I feel like annoying someone."

"Katie Gardner then."

After that conservation, Connor finally stuffed the popcorn in his mouth. Crunching noises filled the silence, with the occasional thunder.

"Good idea," Travis said suddenly. "I'll call her right now.

Travis dialed the number slowly, actually hoping she was alright. Connor had already finished the entire bag of popcorn, and had gone to the kitchen for more. You could hear his swear words all the way there as he stumbled across the things on the ground.

Travis laughed, but got distracted at the phone as it made a beeping noise. She was busy on the phone. Or what some people would call engaged. Maybe Hermes had given her a present too.

"You manage to talk to her?" Connor had returned with another bag of popcorn.

"She's engaged." Travis replied, using the word engaged instead of busy.

"That quick?"

If Travis was a stranger he wouldn't have gotten the joke and thought that he was talking that he was quickly busy. But this was his brother he was talking about.


Connor smiled mischievously in the dark.

"Of course she isn't married!"

A/N: Not my best humor fic but this idea just came to me. Any type of review will be appreciated.