Thank you to everyone who reviewed!

I've decided to try out writing in Draco's POV and dive into his thoughts and take on things. I've read a lot of stories where they alternate between characters, Hermione and Draco mostly, and I loved the different take on things. So let me know what you think, if you don't like it I can go back to just Hermione's POV. Thank you to all who read and an extra thank you to those who read AND review ;)

We had been at Granger's house for two weeks. It was weird living in the house that belonged to my school enemy. Her house was large but when compared to the manor it was nothing. It had a warmer feel though; this house was a home. I had only felt love in the manor when I was younger. As I grew older and the Dark Lord became stronger my home had become a prison. I was unable to escape until recently and I had just barely managed that with my life.

When Pansy had first told us where she was and where she wanted us to go, I thought she was mad. I honestly expected Granger to have hexed me by now. Instead, she kept her distance and mostly conversed with Pansy. Which was weird in itself; I could see the two of them becoming friends and it unsettled me. I was thankful that I didn't have to talk to Granger much though. I wasn't sure how I, or she, felt about the situation. We had hated each other for so long and now were forced, in a manner of speaking, to live in the same house. There was so much tension between the two of us and it wasn't getting any easier. It was tiring me out, playing this little game we had going on. I also needed her to trust me so that she could convince Potter to try and not kill me. That's what led me to her room tonight..

I leaned against her door frame and watched as she folded clothes and danced around her room, listening to rock and roll of all things. Who knew goody-two-shoes Granger listened to such music? I couldn't help but think how silly she looked. Even with all the terrible things going on outside her home, she still found time to do trivial things like laundry and listen to music. She seemed so carefree in that moment. I wished I could feel like that. Be able to not think of all the horrible things the Death Eaters are probably doing right this moment. I knew she had been a victim to tragedy in the war already and yet here she was dancing around her room. I envied her spirit. She finally noticed me standing here and I smirked at the look on her face. She seemed embarrassed that I caught her dancing.

"Do you need something?" She asked as she turned down her music.

"'Never thought you'd be one to listen to rock and roll, Granger."

"'Never thought you'd listen to muggle music, Malfoy." I walked further into her room and looked around. I was surprised to find that her walls were a tan color and most her furnishings where cherry wood. I had suspected she would have it decked out in Gryffindor colors. I took a seat at her desk that housed the computer. I could tell she was very uncomfortable with my presence in her room but that just made me want to stay longer. If I was good at one thing, it was annoying Granger. No matter where we were, what we were doing or whether we were on good terms or not, annoying her would always amuse me.

"There's a lot that you don't know about me Granger."

"Enlighten me then." She never disappoints; always ready to learn.

"What do you want to know?" I couldn't take it anymore, sitting here watching her watching me so I turned to her computer and started snooping. I knew that she would never allow this and the fact that she was letting me get away with it was surprising.


"Ask and find out." I hadn't intended this conversation to go this way. I had intended on confronting her about the awkward living situation and see if we could work something out. I had barely said two words to her since our initial meeting two weeks ago and it seemed that was about to change.

"How much do you know about muggle music?"

"Enough to know that you have good taste…for the most part" I had already looked through her music and it was good. She had a lot of rock and roll and metal music but she also had really girly pop music too. That was why it was for the most part.

"What's your favorite kind of music then Malfoy?" I couldn't see her but I could feel her burning holes in the back of my head. I didn't know though, whether it was because she didn't trust me or she was trying to make me feel uncomfortable. If it was the latter, it wasn't working.

I stumbled upon a muggle rock and roll song a few years back and was amazed at the way the instruments went together. I had never heard anything so exciting so I eventually went out and tried to obtain as much of it as I could. Behind my father's back that is. "Rock and roll. You know the whole rebellion thing really catches my attention."

"Do you know much about muggle lifestyle?"

"Yes. I studied it quite a lot behind my father's back. I was interested in why he thought they were so disgusting. All I found was that they are really fascinating and bloody brilliant if you ask me." I wasn't sure why I was telling her so much. She was easy to talk to and I couldn't really stop myself; it was nice to just talk about trivial things.

"Do you really have the mark?" Well there goes the trivial conversation. Her voice broke slightly as she spoke and I could tell that, although she was curious, she was scared. I wondered again if she is scared of me…

"All the questions that there are to ask and you ask that one?" I try to make light of her question as I turn to face her. When I see her face and the seriousness of it I answer honestly. "Unfortunately the Dark Lord was able to brand my arm before we got away."

"Did it hurt?" I can't help but smile a sad smile at her innocence on the subject. This wasn't something you could research and understand.

"It was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. It was as if 1,000 knives were driving into my arm all at once. It still burns sometimes too." Knowing her curiosity, I began to roll up my left sleeve. I glance up to see her eyes widen lightly at the black mark burned into my skin. She moves slowly from her place on her bed to kneel in front of me. I can't help but feel like the whole thing was surreal. I was living in Hermione Granger's house and we weren't throwing curses at each other. Instead she was kneeling before me as I told and showed her the worst part of me and instead of backing away, she keeps getting closer.

As she studies the mark on my arm, I study her. She isn't the same girl I remember from our early years at school. She seems so much more sure of herself now, more mature. But then again, so are the rest of us thanks to this war.

"I didn't want too, you know." She began moving her hand and it looked as if she was going to touch the mark, but she hesitated, looking up at me as if she was asking permission. I wasn't sure how I felt about it so I kept quiet to see what she would do. Slowly she began to run her fingers along the outside of my dark mark, tracing it. Her fingertips were slightly cold on my warm skin and left a tingly trail behind them.

"What changed your mind?"

I wasn't sure if I should tell her or not. I had barely been able to admit it to myself. After a long pause I figured that the truth wouldn't hurt. "To be honest?...You." She seemed surprised by this announcement which in turn, didn't surprise me.


"Because you're nothing like the Dark Lord says you are. You are smart, strong, good with a wand, and probably without, and you're beautiful. Everything he says, I just see holes in it. He himself isn't even pure. So he says that anyone who isn't pure should be killed but a reasonable person would eliminate him as well. It just doesn't make sense. I may have talked a big game when I was younger but that was just it, a game. It's not a game anymore." I couldn't' look at her. I had just told her probably the deepest thing I had ever told anyone not to mention I let slip that she was beautiful. I didn't even know I was thinking that myself until it came out. After a few moments of silence, she removed her hand from my arm and I rolled my sleeve back down. "So now do I get to interrogate you?" I was tired of talking about the depressing issues in my life. I figured putting the attention on her would help just that.

"Sure, but I can't guarantee that I'll answer." She smiled as she sat back on her bed, trying, like me, to forget about the heavy conversation we just had.

"Well, first off, where are your parents Granger?" I had thought it was weird after the first few days that apparently we were the only five in the house. Her parents had yet to make an appearance. She seemed reluctant to answer this question and it piqued my curiosity.

"Well, they are on vacation in Australia."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"It's complicated." She turned her head from me and I thought I could see tears in her eyes but I couldn't be sure.

"Ok then, where are Potter and weasel?"

"Harry and Ron are at the burrow I assume," Weird. She wasn't sure?

"You don't keep in touch?"

"Not really, they have been doing things for the order lately and have been too busy to write." For some reason her answer didn't feel real. I could tell by her body language that she wasn't comfortable with this topic either so I let it drop.

I kept asking Granger mindless questions; books, music, other hobbies. She seemed to enjoy talking about books the most though. I figured as long as she was talking I could look on her computer. I found her pictures and was surprised to see that not all of them had Potter and the weasel in them. I found pictures of who I assumed where her parents. She looked happy in them and again I wondered why she wasn't in Australia with them. I came to photos of her and some other girls that I didn't recognize. She was much younger in these photos, probably 13 years old. Her hair was still bushy then. I could remember back to our third year and all I could think about was her hitting me in the face. And to think, in these photos she looks so happy and non-violent. I had gone through less than half of her pictures when Pansy stuck her head in.

"Hermione, we were thinking about watching a movie, can you help us set it up?"

"Yeah, I'll be right down." I heard Pansy bound down the stairs making a lot of noise. She had become so comfortable in Granger's home over the last two weeks. So had Blaise and Theo; I was still trying. I had an inclination I wasn't quite comfortable because Granger wasn't comfortable with me here. I could sense it when she would walk past me in the hall or when she would enter the kitchen and we were the only two in there. I knew she didn't trust me and I had a good feeling that she feared me.

"Malfoy, are you coming?" I heard her move from the bed and walk towards the door. I shut the lap top grudgingly and stood too.

"I'm not done looking at those pictures." She stopped with an almost shocked expression on her face. I walked past her and down the stairs to join the others.

I had grown to like the 'movies'. Well most of them. Usually if we watched them as a group it was some sort of action or adventure movie but when Pansy and Granger were watching one together it was usually a sappy romance boring movie. I always had to find something else to do during their movie time.

When I reached the living room, Pansy and Theo were seated on the love seat, wrapped in a blanket. Sometimes those two made me sick. Blaise was just coming in from the kitchen and bowl of popcorn in his hands and I could hear Granger right behind me.

"What are we watching?" I asked as Granger went around me and grabbed the movie from Pansy's outstretched hand. No matter how many times Granger showed her how to make the equipment work, Pansy still couldn't get it exactly right. I would have helped her a few times but she seemed to like asking Granger and I didn't want to bother their routine.

"Pirates of the Caribbean," Pansy sounded excited about this one. It was her that normally picked the movies and so far she had done a pretty ok job at it, not counting the romance ones she'd picked. "It looks like there is a lot of action, sword fighting, explosions, you should like it Draco." I just nodded at her and sat on the couch next to Blaise and watched as Granger went through the necessary steps to turn all the movie equipment on. After she had put the movie in she sat down next to me and then started pressing buttons on the remote. Muggle technology never ceased to amaze me.

Pansy was right, the movie was good. There was a silly romantic theme but I was able to deal with it because of all the action. Throughout the movie I was aware of Granger sitting next to me. She had never sat next to me during our movie times and I had never sat by her. She shifted a lot trying to get comfortable and a few times she reached across me to get popcorn from Blaise. It was like she forgot who I was and seemed completely at ease. Maybe it was because she was so focused on the movie or maybe it was because of the talk we had up stairs.

I noticed that she acted normal around Blaise and Theo, but whenever I entered the room she would tense up. I couldn't figure out why it was just me. I had my theories: she was scarred of the Dark Mark, which I could rule out now seeing as she was just upstairs touching my arm, she was scarred of me, which is still a high possibility, or she was remembering all the time in school when I had bullied her. Whichever it was, I hope she would get over it soon.

Please review :) it makes me happy! And I may be inclined to update faster!