Reviews are amazing references. I would greatly appreciate critiques : )
Steve jumped up and got into ass-kicking stance, prepared for any attack that may happen upon them. However, after a few minutes, he had to arch a brow. No enemies. No danger. What wa-
Tony. Steve quickly ran out of his room and followed the voice. He knew exactly where to go and once he got there, he assumed the fighting stance once again before sighing and straightening. There was no danger. This was Tony being Tony. Tony took the few strides across the room to stand in front of Rogers and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him slightly. What in the world could have Tony so flustered? Steve thought. He soon had his answer; an answer that made him perform a mental eye roll and a physical head shake.
"Thank God you're here! I can't find my keys! Quick!" Tony turned and practically flipped over his mattress as he spoke. "Help me look. I have a meeting in a few minutes and I CAN'T be late!"
Rogers shook his head again and glanced over at Tony's desk. It was a wonder why Tony didn't lose anything more than his keys. The desk was a mess; papers were strewn everywhere and gadgets were dismantled in such a fashion that Rogers couldn't tell if they were part of one machine or if they were each their own device. However, he set to work, carefully looking around the items on the desk. He made sure nothing was moved out of place. Heaven forbid if a screw rolled a few centimeters to the left.
"No, I looked there. Look somewhere else, Steve."
This received another eye roll. The least Stark could've done was tell him where he already looked. Before he could finish his condescending gestures, a pressure on his shoulders made him jump. The room whirred and he was standing to face Tony again, who was speaking a little too fast to comprehend.
Steve arched a brow and watched Stark fly from the room. Well… One could only move so fast in clothing that cost more than what most people made in half a year. Steve sighed and turned again, moving around the room as he searched. Where would the keys be? He wasn't Tony; however, he checked the usual 'key hideouts'.
A few moments passed and Steve straightened from checking under the bed. He tilted his head back slightly, trying to think where someone like Tony would put his keys. He moved back to the desk and sat down, leaning back as he let his gaze glance over the workspace. He stopped though and leaned forward. The computer screen had a document for some technological what's-it, but that's not what caught his eye. It was what was behind the document that intrigued him. He recognized the blonde hair. Rogers gently rested his hand on the mouse and cautiously minimized the page only to prove his suspicions were correct. The hair belonged to him and….
"I remember this…" He spoke under his breath as he took the image in. This was a group picture. It was when SHIELD first started. It wasn't the whole group, though. This picture was modified to show just Steve and Tony. Rogers leaned closer and tilted his head ever so slightly. "Why…-"
Steve jumped as he heard whistling and footsteps. He rushed to restore the document to its original size and he almost knocked the chair over when he rose just in time to see Tony peer into the room with a smirk. Tony held up his keys and jingled them as he spoke. "They were in the utensil drawer. Thor must've gotten the cabinetry confused again." He shrugged and put his keys in his pocket. "Thanks for the help, though."
With that, Steve was alone again. He moved his eyes back to the screen and sighed, taking care to turn off the light and close the door when he left the room.
To be continued...