Ahhh, it's been so long. But I regretfully admit, I lost all of my outlines for To LOVEru Kira, therefore I must rewrite what I had planned to the best of my abilities.

What I have: A basic idea of the entire story and an ending. All I need help with is the in-betweens and small details that make things come together.

Since losing my motivation from having lost all I had, I will be taking someone to co-op with me and help me in rewriting the rest of the story.

If you are interested, please continue reading~


-You must have basic spelling and grammar skills

-Have a Fanfiction account (you do not have to have written anything, just mind the above requirement!)

-You must be able to keep up with me at least every two or three days, that includes checking in and talking with me about ideas, so on and so forth. I am available by Skype, E-mail, Fanfiction/Fictionpress, Facebook, DeviantArt and Tumblr

-Please, read To LOVEru Kira, even a second time, to get fully acquaintanced with what is going on to be able to give me good ideas that will be a possiblility for the storyline



Mind you, this will spoil the story for you if you help me, but I promise, it will be worth it. I am just giving you a heads up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. My information will be below.

Skype/DeviantArt/Fictionpress: GrimmKurosaki

E-mail (s): steelers102915 , emoforeternity , grimmkurosaki

Ask me for my Facebook

Tumblr URLs: shadowed-romance, ryuu-izanagi, grimmkurosaki (These are my main ones)