Whoa! Dude a lot of people are following this story. :) Yeah I'd like to thank Dmfrist who is my offical beta . She didn't beta this chap though.

My opinon of my teammates?

Tony - A total jerk who thinks way to highly of him self and still he thinks he should be the leader. If we were in the same room alone I'd murder him for sure. He tried to take advantage of our loss of memory by saying he and Laura were trying to have kids and Fury was furious at that.

Steve- I like him. He is very kind and understanding soul, but for some reason I feel a strange feeling as if I can't trust him.I think we could be friends sorta.

Natasha - We are already good friends since we both disagree with that guys are stronger then women and we both have a bit of dislike for Stark.

Thor- He is kind enough, though he sometimes seems to act without thinking. Like when we came in to the meeting room he walked to us and exclaimed "Friends!" then gave us a group hug. He and I could sorta be friends , sorta maybe.

Laura- Of course I like her! She is my twin sister.

"Hello? Excuse me, Naddie, Earth to Naddie?" I heard Steve's voice interupting my thoughts.

"Oh! Hi Steve, is everything alright?" I looked up to him where he was standing infront of the couch I was laying on in my room.

"Oh sure. Everything is nifty. I just wanted to see how you were doing." He repiled with a shrug.

"I'm alright, thank you. I am gunna take a walk." I said, yawning and streaching my black jean clad legs. Steve gave me his hand to help me up and as soon as I stood I stumbled on top of Steve, knocking him over. We both fell in THE MOST akward position ever! I was on him, our hands still together and our faces mere centimeters apart.

"Uh. I- um. This is akward." said Steve, blushing heavely.

"Hey Steve." Stark was poking his head through my bedroom door,a huge smirk on his face. "I heard some noise and I thought I should check it out. It is about time you got laid! I'm just sorry I had to interupt it."

"Tony!" I roared jumping off a very red Steve and starting to chase Tony, who seemed a little scared now that my claws were out and I felt like making Iron Man into Iron Sushi.

I knew something was out of the ordinary when he ran down to where the stairs that led to the prisoner cells were.

"Tony! Get out here NOW!" I roared through the metal maze of prison cells, only a few were occupied.

"How peculier." Said a guy wearing green and black who appeared from out of nowhere. "You must be one of those 'mutated' midgardians. That is very odd, though those claws are very remarkable."

"Who are you, short stuff?" I asked and the reason I called him short stuff is because he was super tall.

"Hm. You are a peculier midgardian aren't you?" He said in a teasing way. "Forgive me, I am Loki. Brother of Thor."