I don't not own HP etc etc. Please review! There will be some Ron/Hermione also in this story because i love these two couples :)

Harry walked through the door, took off his long, black cloak and placed it on the hook by the door.

"Ginny, I'm home." He called. He stepped into the kitchen but it was deserted.

"Ginny?" He called again, sounding a little worried. He stepped through the door into the lounge. "Ginny, what's wrong?" He gasped. Ginny was sat on the soft emerald arm chair staring straight ahead at the photos of Harry's parents which adorned the cream brick fire place. One hand was holding her hair out of her face; she was using the other to count. Harry was somewhat alarmed.

"Sweetheart, what's happened?" Harry questioned, kneeling in front of her. Now he was this close he could see dried tear tracks running down Ginny's pale, freckled face. Harry was worried, it was strange seeing Ginny like this, she was usually so strong, though some nights she'd wake up sobbing for Fred, she was never like this; So silent and scared looking.

"Ginny talk to me; please. You're scaring me. Tell me what's wrong, I can make it better." He said pulling her hands away and taking them in his, he tilted her head up so they were looking at each other; she glanced into his eyes then looked back down. She was looking…ashamed. Harry was seriously alarmed now. Eventually she spoke in a soft, quavering voice.

"Nothings wrong." She whispered. Harry lifted her head up again and looked into her eyes, confused. "Nothings wrong Harry, I'm just in shock." She bit her lip; she looked so young and innocent when she did that.

"It's just, please don't hate me Harry." Ginny begged.

"How could I ever hate you?" Harry said softly.

Ginny gave a weak smile.

"It's just. I...I think that, well it's." She stuttered. Harry waited patiently, giving her time to sort her words out.

"I think I'm pregnant." She gabbled before looking once more at her knees, letting her flowing red hair fall over her face, covering her blushing cheeks from view. It was Harry's turn to be shocked now.

"Are…are you sure?" He gulped. Ginny glanced up and then straight back down.

"Yes." She squeaked.

"How do you know?"

Ginny blushed deeper.

"Just you know, stuff, you're male. You wouldn't understand it." She whispered.

"Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's amazing!" Grinned Harry. Ginny glanced up.

"Just how did this happen?" Harry whispered disbelievingly.

It was Ginny's turn to smile.

"Don't you remember? I'm only a few weeks pregnant, have you forgotten everything already?" She smirked, before leaning forward and kissing him.

He laughed.

"No, I just mean. Wow. I'm just shocked. But I'm so happy; we're going to be a family!" He grinned.

Ginny stood up and Harry took her in his arms.

"I love you Ginevra Molly Weasley." Harry whispered into her soft, auburn hair.

"I love you Harry James Potter." She whispered.

Harry stroked his hand round the shape of Ginny's face before kissing her softly on the forehead.