Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBallZ I wish I did

Chapter One

Never make Master Roshi Mad

Master Roshi sat in front of the TV, though he was not watching the news. He was reading one of his magazines. He sighed putting down the magazine it been a year almost nine months since Goku decided not to come back to life. He looked to the TV seeing Hercule on it. The man was yelling again. Roshi was happy that it was on mute. That was until he saw the words at the bottom of the screen. He grabbed the remote and turned it up.

"ALL YOU FAKES OUT THERE I DARE YOU TO COME TO THE NEXT TURNMENT. That means all the others who were at the cell games come and try to beat me with out all your special lights. I will show you what true martial arts it." Hercule shouted while laughing.

The announcer from the tournament came onto the screen "you hear it. The Champ just called out the men. I have to say though Herculeā€¦."

"I don't care what you say special tricks from the last torment were all fake. The last champ Goku sure he can come out. If he can't he is just a scaredy cat."

Roshi stood pissed he walked to his room and went to his closet and reached into a box looking threw it he found his capsule. Jackie Chun would be coming back to teach that man a lesson. No one insults his friends, then insult and spit all over what true martial arts is. He saw Hercule fight, man fights like a thug, and then he goes and disgraces Goku and his title. No he would not get away with it. Roshi clicked the capsule and the clothes of the fighter appeared along with the wig. He smirked and walked to his wall taking off his 200 pound cell and picked one up that was 300 pounds. He groaned and went to the phone calling the person he knew could help.

"Hello Bulma. It's Roshi I need a gravitation room thing that Goku trained in."


"I saw Hercule on TV insulting my friends, martial arts and then insulted Goku. I plan to enter and show him a lesson. "

"For that reason sure, I will also get you some beans so you can heal."

"Thanks, also if you can find Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and have Chi Chi call me would be nice. I will get a hold of Krillin."

"Why do you want to get a hold of all of them?"

"I think it is time for all of the old fighters from the tournaments to show up. And show the world what Martial arts really is. He laughed at us Bulma."

Krillian landed at the Kame House he was shocked to see Master Roshi out side doing push ups.

"Hey Roshi what's up." He explained his plan to Krillan and told him how he wanted to enter the tournament. Krillian was shocked when he found out Roshi was Jackie Chun. He smiled and nodded "Mind if I help you."

"You know Krillian I wouldn't mind at all." He smiled at him. The student and the teacher went back to training together like old times. Only thing they were missing there spiky haired friend.