So this Fanfiction is inspired by one of my favorite teen-drama series: Dance Academy! Not everything is exactly the same, and there are a few twists, so don't expect things to be too alike. :) I do not own anything! Also, if there are things in the academy that I've gotten wrong, please tell me.

Chapter 1

"Oh my gosh, isn't this so exciting Haruhi?" Sara jumped up and down, clutching onto Haruhi for dear life. She was so excited about finally being able to go to the National Academy of Dance in Sydney, Australia. Finally, her dreams were coming true!

Haruhi smiled weakly. "Sure is, Sara." Brushing back some short brown hair, she hefted up her suitcase and said as brightly as she could, "Let's go on in." They both headed for the front door of their new home; stepping right into their dreams at the same time.

As soon as they had managed to find out where their room was, they immediately began to unpack. Sara had lunged for the window bed, so Haruhi had no choice but to take the other one. But she didn't mind. Her friend really did deserve the best here; she was so graceful when she danced, and Haruhi couldn't think of any other way to reward her for all of those years full of hard work that she danced and danced and danced.

Sara flung open her suitcase, and quickly—but carefully—began to put her clothes into the small wardrobe that the room had. Thankfully, Haruhi and she didn't have to share; they'd never fit their clothes in there without getting them wrinkled. And that wasn't even counting their ballet attire.

Unlike her feisty friend, Haruhi sat down on her bed, her hand smoothing out the wrinkles in the sheets that the academy offered: plain white. Thankfully, she had brought her own covers and blankets to use, and so she'd be warm whenever she needed to. Looking up, Haruhi saw the bright light streaming out of the window in their room. Outside she could see flower buds blooming, the blue sky so pure against the cream white clouds. All the sounds of Sydney could be heard from here: cars, trucks, the ocean—they didn't bother her, though. They comforted her and reminded of her of coziness.

"Haruhi, when you're done unpacking, we should go around and explore!" Sara was already finished with her suitcase. Pretty unbelievable, but when that girl wanted to work fast, she was as speedy as a cheetah.

"Oh, sure, alright."

Sara was rather oblivious; but she knew that Haruhi would want to come and explore with her because she was so… protective. It was foolish, but even when Haruhi was just five DAYS older than her, she was much more mature and always looked out for Sara, no matter what her plans were. Quickly, she began stashing her friend's clothes into her wardrobe, color-coding them. Haruhi had a decent amount of clothes, but certainly not as much as Sara. But still. No excuse for not being neat.

After about thirty minutes, the two girls managed to get settled, cleaning and sweeping up the room. Decorating would have to wait, since Sara was itching to begin exploring. Sounds from outside came into the room as Haruhi opened the door. Screams from the girls joining long lost friends, classical music already coming from the practice rooms. "Are you sure that we should go explore in daytime?" Haruhi asked Sara, thinking it was a pretty bad idea. They might end up caught somewhere dangerous or accidently go past curfew losing track of time.

Sara was not that easily budged. "Haruhi, it'll be alright! Trust me." She grabbed Haruhi's wrist firmly and tugged her friend out the door, closing it shut behind her. "Now, where to start?" Her eyes landed on the staircase. Maybe the second floor had something interesting… Before she could even blink, Haruhi was following Sara up the stairs. "I think this is a really bad idea, Sara. Let's go back to the front desk and get a map or something, at least."

"Haruhi," Sara said, turning back towards Haruhi in exasperation, "you don't have to come if you don't want to."

The idea seemed inhumane to Haruhi. "What are you talking about, Sara! I could never leave you by yourself. Who knows what'll happen to you!" Her big brown eyes started up at her friend's amber ones.

Sara let out a sigh. "Then please focus on what we're doing here. And right now, we're exploring. And when you're exploring, Haruhi, you have an excuse to get in trouble."

"Not a good one," Haruhi grumbled, but followed her friend up to the second floor of the academy anyway.

If the first floor was amazing with it's home-y feeling, the second floor was absolutely breathtaking. So many different types of music came blaring out from so many rooms, the sound they created by overlapping each other was incredibly—and surprisingly—beautiful. The hall was lined with lockers, and from a peek through the windows, Sara and Haruhi could see ballet dancers, standing up on their tiptoes in their pointe shoes, or students dancing to upbeat hip-hop music.

"This is so cool," Sara mouthed to Haruhi, and her friend nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Haruhi's face went pale as she saw two brown shoes coming toward them. Sara saw her friend's expression, and turned around.

"Just what do you think you two are doing here?"

The two girls immediately stood up, almost tripping over each other's shoelaces. "U-um, we, uh," Sara stammered out, "we were just… oh, man." As she looked up, Haruhi followed her example, and they were both speechless.

The man before them was not very tall: average, but the way his hair was styled, and the stern look in his face made him look as menacing as a killer's. He pushed up his glasses, and they shined against the lights of the hallway. He looked like a teenager, but the aura around him made him seem as important as the head of a famous company. Haruhi and Sara didn't even say anything, they were at such a loss for words.

Straightening up his uniform, he looked into a small binder he was carrying and flipped through it. As if amused, he said, "So you're Haruhi Fujioka and Sara Thomas, both first-years here at the National Academy of Dance. It seems that you both are quite… interesting."

"Y-you mean interesting like a… good thing, right?" Sara asked, her voice growing smaller and smaller. The man was just so… intimidating. Haruhi tried to gulp down her fear that was crawling into her throat, but just as she was about to speak, the man interrupted. "First-years… come with me." He turned on his heel in such a manner that Haruhi and Sara couldn't refuse. It was as if he was dragging both of them behind him with a magnetic force or something.

Haruhi, finally able to muster up her courage, asked in a tone that was anything but nervous, "Where are you taking us?" Did she see a smirk on the guy's face? No, that wasn't right. His face was placid now, and his emotions are completely unreadable. Maybe just a trick of the light.

"It's… a place for first-year girls." He kept on walking straight ahead, making way for a big, white door gilded with gold at the very end of the hallway. Somehow, Haruhi and Sara had missed it, being too distracted by the beautiful dancers.

They came to a stop in front of the huge double doors. We couldn't hear anything, but as he opened the door…

Hope that you guys enjoyed this first part! :D Give me any questions, comments, or suggestions, alright?
