I have to say I haven't written anything in years. And I am very sorry for it. I have had plot bunnies all this time but so much has happened in my life that I just haven't gotten any writing done. I am rewriting this chapter and, if time and mind allow, I will get this story OUT of my head and into writing. I obviously do not own Inuyasha, because if I did things would have been different. This will NOT be canon (time frames/relationships Will change) but I will do my damn best to stay true to the characters. If that's not your cup of tea then I am sorry.

I watched from the sidelines as Inuyasha brought Kikyo into our small camp outside of Edo. Her long, bone straight hair falling perfectly down her back contrasting with the red hakama and white kimono she wore. A smile upon her pale face as she looked up into Inuyasha's swirling amber eyes.

A small sigh left my lips as I turned my eyes upwards towards the sky, the science book in my lap temporarily forgotten. It was early November and we were still nowhere near finished with our task of completing the jewel, and that is excluding the fact Naraku still had an eighth of it.

I wrapped my hand around the small bottle around my neck 'I have seven shards' my eyes drifted back to Kikyo 'and she has five. Between us thirteen shards are safe. But for how long.'

I looked back down at my finished homework, double checking for any mistakes. I would need to return home for a few days to turn it in and get my next packet. As a senior in high school my graduation only a few months out and I was almost done. Somehow my mother had managed to keep me up to date on assignments and I would be allowed to walk to receive my diploma.

My eyes went back to my small group. Sango was skinning a couple of rabbits whilst Miroku told shippo all he knew about advancing his magical abilities. The fox demon eagerly listening to every word out of the monk's mouth. Inuyasha had sat down against a tree, the furthest from me as possible, with Kikyo was leaning into his side whispering something to him.

I felt the familiar ache as I watched my makeshift family go about their routines. While Sango had first protested when Kikyo joined us a few weeks ago I had told her to stand down and, though there was still some unease, even she had gotten used to the formerly dead Miko. With her around, I felt myself get further pushed away as she took over what had become my role. She even cooked for us, although she didn't eat anymore as he body was made from clay, and Inuyasha had told her that she was a much better cook when he thought I wasn't listening. She cooked, she fought, she wrapped all injuries, and she could find the jewel shards. All of which she did better than I ever could.

I was useless to them now. And though Sango and Miroku had been adamant that I was wrong, I knew better. And so the decision I had been fighting had been made.

"Inuyasha," his ears immediately darted to me, "I will be going home for a while. You know, turning in my assignments and all."

His eyes narrowed, "the hell you ain't! You gotta find all the damn shards woman."

I went to reply but Kikyo put a hand on his shoulder, "let her go. You don't need her, you have me."

He looked at her for a moment and then threw a hand up dismissively, "keh whatever."

Somehow, that hurt worse than him fighting me. He had been my best friend for three years, but now that Kikyo was back with him I might as well have been a random woman he just met. Worse than that even, because he held some sort of contempt for me now.

However, this did harden my resolve as I turned to Sango. Her eyes were searching for something in my eyes, pain probably, but I kept my composure. I grabbed all of my supplies, purposefully leaving my first aid kit and all the food I had brought behind.

"Do you mind if Kilala gives me a ride Sango?" The slayer, my best friend, sighed mutely and nodded.

"Of course Kagome. Have a safe trip," I smiled at her and then felt as Shippo jumped onto my waist, "love ya Kagome!"

I looked down at the small kit, the one who I had basically adopted and, for a moment, I wavered. I didn't want to leave him. But, even he, was better equipped than me and I just put him in danger.

"I love you to Shippo. Be good, okay?" Those big green eyes looked up at me and I knew he knew and was okay with it.

A weight lifted as he climbed up onto my shoulder and put his mouth next to my ear and whispered so low even Inuyasha wouldn't have heard, "do what you have to do Mama. But come back to me, okay."

I hugged him to me for a long moment before releasing the boy. Sometimes it was hard to remember that, whilst he was still a child for a demon, he was many years older than me. I nodded against his small body, not allowing my emotions to show through. If they did I would be caught before I could go and I needed to make sure, at the very least, the jewel could not be completed till my return.

I released him and plastered a smile upon my face as I walked up to the cat demon who had transformed for me, "I will see you guys! Be careful."

Before they could reply Kilala jumped into the air and we were off. I knew that they wouldn't follow me. They thought I would be back soon, and it had to stay that way.

It was not long before the bone eaters well was in view and we landed. I quickly got off the beautiful cat demon and scratched her behind her ears, "thanks for the ride Kilala."

With a mewl she rubbed her face against mine before returning to the group and, suddenly I was as alone as I felt.

I turned to the old wooden well and my heart ache climbed to higher heights.

"This is what you've got to do Kagome," I spoke the words aloud for the first time, "you're gonna go home. You're going to take fighting classes and finish school. And then you will come back here and have nothing holding you back from fixing your fuck up. You will be stronger for this."

Tears welled up in my eyes but I couldn't let them fall yet. Pressing my hand into the wood of the well I used my reiki to block Inuyasha's entrance. I couldn't have him distracting me, or worse, dragging me back before I was prepared.

I moved to hang my feet over the edge of the well and sighed as I looked around at the serene clearing, taking in the fresh smells as the world started to head into winter.

I spoke aloud once more, "I will be back when I am ready. I promise," and I let myself fall through time knowing what I had to do.


I let out an exaggerated groan as I easily blocked the katana heading for my head. With a practiced roll to the side, I moved behind my opponent and pressed my practice ninjato into his neck. He dropped his blade but I waited a moment before releasing him.

I then moved in front of him before dropping to my knees and holding my blade out for him, eyes downcast. I kept my eyes on the floor deep in thought.

"Kagome Higurashi, we are done for the day."

I looked up at the much older man in shock. It was only nine in the morning and we had only been practicing for two hours.

Ren Tsubuki was a man in his fifties with a permanent scowl on his face. He was renowned around Tokyo for being one of the most skilled swordsmen of this era (as there weren't many left). He was also a man who owed some sort of debt to my grandfather. It was because of this that he, reluctantly, took me as a student only a week after returning to my time. I had been training with him every free moment I had.

I hadn't even gone back to school, I continued doing my work at home whilst training. I worked on my weapon handling here and every moment I wasn't here I was practicing my powers. Grandfather had somehow managed to find old scrolls that had been passed down among the reiki users of our family. Of course they were old and withered but they detailed the basics of meditation and with it, on how to control the ebb and flow of life, and with it my own reiki.

With the scrolls, I came to understand the feel of my own essence, just like how I can feel jewel shards. It started to make sense more and more as I meditated.

"I believe I have trained you to the best of my ability," he broke me out of my thoughts as I felt my eyes widen.

"Wha- No," I kept contact with his deep brown eyes, "no way. I have only been your student for seven months. There is no way."

"Be silent. Did I or did I not teach you manners as well?" I cast my eyes to the ground for a moment before he spoke again "as you well know I do not usually train people. It is tedious, particularly because to most this artform is just that. Art, a dance with a sharp weapon is all. But it is much more than that. It is still a battle; if nothing more than a battle of wills."

"But you. You fight like your life depends on it. You have taken to each weapon like a fish to water. But you still need to make them your own, which is something I cannot teach you. I have not gone easy on you by any means but these last few weeks you have beat me in every fight with every weapon I have placed into your hands. There is no more that I can teach you."

I bowed my head even more, "I still cannot tell you why I need to know these arts Master Ren, but I am forever grateful I taught under you, Sir. You have changed my life, sir."

The severe man looked down at me and I saw his eyes crease even more than usual before he gracefully dropped to the floor in front of me, "Kagome. Your grandfather told me."

"What? I mean what did he tell you?" I kept the shock from my face, instead only mild confusion showed. He had also taught me how to conceal my emotions better as they interfered with my training but I still had to look realistic and I hoped at this moment I was doing my training justice.

"You're the Shikon Miko of legend. Don't stare at me girl. I come from a shrine and know of your tale as well. How do you think Haruto convinced me to train you? That, child, is why I chose to take you as a student. Even I, though I have very little spiritual power, felt yours. And where did you think your grandfather came up with the scrolls to teach you how to master your abilities?"

I looked at the hardened man and felt my mouth gap open, "I thought he found some from our family..why didn't you tell me?"

"Because child, it is you who should have told me. But I understand why you didn't. Traveling to the past and fighting demons. You would have thought I wouldn't have believed you right?" I nodded, "you see. At first, I didn't believe your grandfather until he showed me them. The shards. No, do not get mad. You were at school and he didn't even let me touch them. But I knew. I know no more than that and what my ancestors wrote about the Edo period."

"He shouldn't have. He has no right! Those are mine to protect and he thought to show them to a random person was okay," I lowered my voice, "not that I don't trust you but...still. And why are you bringing this up now?"

"Because, as I said, you have learned all I can teach you. There are no more techniques I can show you nor more scrolls to learn from. Your grandfather did not have the balls to say this to you, but I know you're stronger than you look," he sighed and for once his hardened shell broke and he looked into my eyes, something akin to sympathy shown in his, "It is time Kagome. You must go back. Everything else you must learn cannot be found here."

It felt as if my heart stopped. I had been back in the twentieth century for nearly a year and every day I dreaded going back. Not because I didn't miss them, but because I still don't know if I can face Inuyasha.

Still. He was right. I probably could have gone back nearly six months ago after mastering the katana. But I wasn't ready, and so I pushed on wanting to master everything. Now I probably could put Kikyo to shame with my bow skills and, power aside I probably could hold my own in a sword fight against Inuyasha himself.

"I don't know the circumstances Kagome. But you have your destiny to fulfill, a reason to keep going. That's more than most people. You're strong and a great student. I know I have been really hard on you, but I think it made it worthwhile. I only feared with real weapons you would be at a disadvantage unless I pushed you just as hard. Still, I hope it will be enough in the warring states era."

"I am grateful for you," I looked up at the older man, "you helped me become more than I was. This has not been life or death situations but it's better than what I had before that is for sure. And you're right, it is time to go back."

He nodded and stood before holding a hand out to me, "come, child. I shall drive you to the shrine and show you off. Is there anything you need to do before going? I know you already graduated."

"No. I have been prepared to leave for months. But I have been putting it off," I brushed my bangs out of my face and began grabbing my stuff from the locker in the corner of the dojo.

"Well, it turned out to be good for you. Now, no matter your situation you shall be equipped," I watched as he went into his office.

"Well yes, but I won't have the weapons there," I called before sighing, "I will have to have them made for me."

"Do you think I would let my best student, let alone the Shikon Miko, go unarmed to the past? No girl," he returned from his office "come, it is already at the shrine."

I followed him out to the car and the ride to the shrine was silent. I didn't know what to say, so nothing at all seemed appropriate.

Somehow I was not surprised to see my family waiting in the driveway as we pulled up. Souta was holding my mother's hand as her eyes glistened and I knew then; they had all planned this.

I got out of the car and was immediately engulfed by my mother's arms and I found myself not even a bit offended by them deciding it was time to go. Ren went to stand beside my grandfather placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Kagome, my dear Kagome," she whispered into my hair, "you've been working so hard to become stronger. And you have my love, but you have also been running away."

"I know Mama," I pulled back and looked into the deep blue eyes that mirrored my own, "I guess I needed a push huh? So you made Ren do it."

"Well actually your grandfather was supposed to," I glanced at him and he smiled sheepishly, "but he too didn't want to send you back to the era of war and death. But we all know…" she trailed off.

"Know what?"

She looked sad but determined, "that, while this is the place, or more accurately the time you were born into...your heart and soul belong back there," I opened my mouth to protest but she put a finger against my lips, "we have all talked it over. Kagome, you haven't looked happy once since you've been home. You have just been filling your obligations. You're a grown woman now, even though I still see you as my sweet blue-eyed baby… The only time a spark comes to your eyes is when you're training, practicing your powers or speaking of your travels."

I looked down at the ground as her glistening eyes started to spill over. She pulled my face back up towards her, "don't blame yourself Kagome. I knew, nearly three years ago, that we'd have this discussion. Maybe even since you were born, I knew something was different about you. I know you are having issues with Inuyasha, but I know that you will always want to be there. We all do, "she stepped back and motioned to the rest of my small family, "we're just glad we have had you for this long."

"Mama, it is not like I won't be back! I will visit!" the tears I had been holding back rushed forward.

This time it was Souta who hugged me. At twelve he now was a bit taller than me and I held onto him as I cried. When I brought myself back together Sota spoke.

"Exactly Kags," he spoke slowly, probably to keep himself from crying, "visit. We know sis. It's okay."

He released me and stepped back. I looked up at them and didn't know how to feel. They were giving me permission to leave them, maybe forever.

"Granddaughter," grandpa looked at me but unlike mom and Sota there wasn't a single tear in his eyes, "I couldn't be more proud of who you've become. Not just now, but from going back in time I have seen you become a gorgeous generous person. Someone who can change not only hearts but time itself. I never thought I would be more proud of anyone more than I was of your father, but you even showed him up. And I know if he was here he too would be willing to let you go forward and be where you love. Normally, for families that would be across the country, maybe even across the earth, but we have never been a normal family have we.

"We just have to love you across time. The gods have meant you for another era and we have been blessed to have you this long. This is not us saying goodbye forever Kagome, but this is us acknowledging that if you choose to stay there… we will be okay with that choice. We meant to have this conversation a long time ago. But we held out for it to be a simple task, completing the jewel. Now we know better. We also know that it will be a good while before you visit next… We just want you to know we are proud. And you're the best blessing we could have gotten."

Somehow a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, even as tears stroked down my face. I moved forward and hugged my grandpa as if the world depended on it.

"Enough tears now. Your mother has gathered everything you will need," I looked up at Ren and he had a very small smile on his face, "and I still must show you the things I have for you."

I released my hold on my grandfather and as a family walked into the house while I did my best to steady my breathing. Next to the door was a backpack, but it was not my usual yellow one. In its place was a black hiking backpack, long and slender that was packed to the brim.

Ren continued into the den with grandpa as mama explained the new bag.

"It was Souta's idea to get you a hiking backpack because you travel so much and I've put some of the clothes you've bought inside. There is also a light frying pan and pot in there as well as a small nature recipe book I found, a compact fishing rod. Oh, I also included a fire starting kit… I, of course, put some hygiene products in there as well as a manual on how to make your own from nature if you need," my mother stopped for a second, "your sleeping bag is in there too, along with some running shoes. Basically anything I thought you might need if you decided to go on your own for a while you'll be all good."

"Yeah it sounds like you bought a camping store," Ren snorted as he walked back into the room and then turned his obsidian eyes back to me, "this is for you."

We walked into the kitchen and he slid a large box across the table to me. He motioned for me to open it and I could only gasp as I lifted the clothing from the box.

"I had it made especially for you.

It was a traditional Miko uniform but different. I pull the beautifully folded uniform from its box. The kimono was a bright silver instead of white with black and pure white petals on the edges of each sleeve. The accompanying obi was the same light silver. The hakama was also differing from tradition being a deep royal blue, the same black and white petals that went down the side of each leg as if they were floating to the ground.

"It's more modern than what you see in the feudal era, but I thought you might appreciate that as well as a change in color. Plus, you are no ordinary Miko and I want the whole world to know it," he had a very tight smile on his face as if he hadn't smiled in years, "I also have a set of waterproof boots for you to accompany this."

Grandpa then walked in with a long slender case and set it down next to me, "he also had these custom made to you. I told you he'd be a great master Kagome!"

I opened the box to find a katana and a set of sai and I couldn't stop the gasp that left my body. The sai was a simple set, seemingly made of steel with an ink black handle with white petals weaved into the cloth hilt. The katana's hilt was the exact opposite, white with black petals. It was obvious the weapons were to complement each other.

Grasping the ornate hilt I was amazed at how perfect it was. Making sure no one was in my way I swung it down, cutting the air with no resistance at all.

"It is your exact measurements. Its name is Seikatsu, the life blade. Cheesy but I did not name it. It has been in my family for generations but no one has wielded it. I decided that, since it met all of your measurements so perfectly it must have been made for you. In the past, somehow. I am still not sure how this time thing works, but I had the sai and outfit made based on it."

He had trained me for months, made me strong and confident again, but it was at this moment I decided to hug him. How could I not?

"Thank you, Ren. For everything," I said as I released the man, who stood stone still, from my grip.

"Yeah, whatever. I never had a daughter but had I, I would hope she'd be like you. Though with less going to the past fighting demons."

I laughed and even he let out a chuckle.

"Well, go on and put on your uniform, your holding up the goodbye ceremony," Souta said as he pushed them into my hands.

I quickly moved upstairs into my, mostly empty, bedroom. I, as quickly as possible, fought myself into the kimono and hakama. The black leather boots were the easiest part of course. I then turned to examine my reflection in the floor length mirror, and for the first time in a Miko uniform, I did not see Kikyo.

Of course, the similarities remained but I looked like me. Kagome Higurashi.

My hair now fell down to my waist so I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair into a very high ponytail so it would be out of the way. I had also grown out my bangs so, instead of going across my forehead, like Kikyo, they mostly went to one side and framed my face well.

Yes, I am a Miko. But I am my own self, in my own custom uniform. That wouldn't be taken from me this time.

I went downstairs once more and my family made noises of appreciation like I was wearing a prom dress which made me laugh even in the tense atmosphere. I saw the katana, sai and my lucky bow laid out for me but as I went to grab the weapons grandpa stopped me.

"Here let me help you," I watched as he carefully attached the blades to my obi and helped me put the bow over my shoulder. Once he was done mama carefully placed the jewel shards back around my neck.

"Now, let's go to the well to see you off. I will carry your bag sis," Souta grabbed the bag and we walked as a group to the well house.

I took a deep breath as I walked down the familiar stairs. This is it, time to face the music.

I turned and took in each of their faces. I hugged grandpa first, then Souta. Ren shook his head, apparently done with hugs for the day and instead patted my shoulder. I then turned to my mother and, as if on cue, we both started to cry.

"Be safe Kagome. Don't...well...just be safe."

"I promise Mama. I love you all so much," I hugged her tighter as the tears flowed from my eyes.

"We love you more. Now go."

I grabbed my new bag from Souta and placed my hand on his head, "be good for mama and grandpa. And check in on mister Ren here every once in a while okay? I promise to visit when I can."

He nodded and sniffled a bit, indicating he wasn't gonna dignify it with a response for fear of crying.

'Such a boy' I thought as a smile came to my face as I pulled him to me placing a kiss upon his head, 'but he will always be my baby brother who I will embarass.'

I moved to sit on the edge of the well and waved goodbye before dropping in, letting the passage take me through time once more. It was silent as I looked up at the sky. Yes, mama was right. For better or worse the feudal era had become my era and I was ready to go home.