Chapter Eleven (Final Chapter)

When Blade had stepped through the hole into the world she had found Peter in the black ooze seemed to be covering everything and everyone. No one seemed to see her even when she slapped them and made faces, however every time Blade slapped them the black ooze would get on her hands at first Blade's only thought was to get it off of her then she realized something this black ooze wasn't trying to hurt her it was trying to tell her something. Blade took a deep breath and then begin to whisper underneath her breath, even if you had heard her you wouldn't have understood the words for they were in a language that had long been dead even on Zanzibar. It was the language of ancient times when there had been nymphs and dryads and two headed dragons and centaurs. You see Blade was the first daughter of the last human's that had peacefully existed with the ancient creatures and even she could not completely comprehend the language that she was not speaking. It seemed as if the ancient magic that had been hidden deep inside her had just burst forth and manifested itself in her.

The black ooze that she had been holding in her hand twisted into an arrow and begins to point the way for Blade. How long it took Blade to find the source of the black ooze is not certain since time works differently in each world, but what is for certain is that she didn't expect the source to be a young girl in a black-nightgown. However as Blade got closer she realized that there was a mirror hanging directly across from the girl and in that mirror there was the same girl however she was wearing a white-nightgown. Blade wasn't sure what to do, it appeared that the girl in the black-nightgown was the evil incarnation of the girl in the white-nightgown who was in the mirror however as Blade got closer to the girl and the mirror she realized that the black ooze was seeping out from the mirror- image. 'What should I do?' Blade mentally questioned herself as she looked back and forth at the mirror-girl and the real girl. The ancient magic once again raised itself out of it's hidden place and whispered instruction's to Blade. Blade silently struggled against the ancient magic before giving in and stepping out of her hiding spot. As Blade begin to approach the girl and the mirror she begin to sing softly at first but then louder as her confidence grew,

"Silently it creped

Out of the deep

And into the world where you now exist

It covers all it can

Trying to claim it as its own

The beautiful magic you possessed has turned black

Now your mirror twin

Who you unthinkingly let in

Has taken over your life

End this dark power of the mirror's shadow

End this black magic of the night."

The girl in the mirror screamed out in pain as the girl in the black dress shook un-controllably as the magic that was filtered into each word of the song beat against the bonds that was hooking her with the girl in the mirror. The bonds begin to snap and suddenly the black ooze in my hand jumped out of my hand and smeared itself across the mirror covering the mirror girls feet, more and more black ooze appeared and begin to cover the mirror girl until finally there was only a pile of black ooze which slowly melted away like snow. The girl shook herself out of whatever was left of the trance she had been in and after assuring her that I wasn't there to harm her she introduced herself as Wendy. Apparently she had been adopted by the Darling family when she was a baby however after she had come back from Never land she heard her parents arguing one night about telling her that she was adopted and that her real family's last name was Hook. She had begin to write stories about Neverland however since she had been filled with anger and fear her stories had become evil and when Hook appeared and forced her to read her stories out-loud in front of a magical mirror she had been overcome by black magic and the evil part of her was trying to destroy all the people that she loved because they could break her out of her enchantment.

I took this all in with a quick nod trying to make her hurry up so I could leave and go back to Zanzibar and see how things were going there just because the back ooze had vanished here didn't mean it was completely gone. The girl introduced herself after I told her that I had to leave, I rolled my eye's wouldn't it figure that I would find the girl that Peter liked. I told her my name and turned to go but she tried to stop me again and I lost it, I glared at her and told her to shut up, before turning and walking out of there and back into the streets. I flew through the night sky until I came upon the Star that held Peter's home, I flew into it and looked around noting that there wasn't a single thing of black ooze anywhere I turned and slapped my hands together creating a rip in Neverlands fabric and flying straight into Zanzibar. From the looks of it I had only been gone a few hours, fairy's were helping each other up and healing fairy's were busy at work. Different animals were laying across what used to be a grassy hill which was now completely barren, I looked through the animals trying to find Itchita but I couldn't see him. I started getting worried when everyone I asked said they hadn't seen him since half-way through the battle. I found Peter and Tinkerbelle whispering to each other as they sat around the base of the biggest tree in the forest which was also known as the 'first tree'.

I asked them about Itchita but they didn't know anything then Peter asked about Wendy and I told him what I knew before creating a hole so him and Tinkerbelle could go back to Neverland which they did without hesitation. Then I continued to look around, finally I took to the skies keeping the lines between me and Itchita open trying to find him. However after looking all over Zanzibar four times I realized that he was no longer on Zanzibar. I would have at least heard from him through our connection if he had been, I flew to our favorite look out point and pulled my knees up to my chest and burying my head in my knees I begin to cry. Why Itchita? I questioned over and over to myself everyone else was alive even if they were in pain or hurt in some way why couldn't Ichita be one of them. Why did Ichita have to be the one to die. I don't know how long I staid like that crying when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I stiffened ready to holler at who ever it was to leave me alone when a familiar voice said my name. I wiped my face taking away the tears as I turned ready to scold him from all the trouble he caused when I realize that Itchita was no longer a wolf. Ichita was a boy.

As always please review!

P.S I was thinking about writing a sequal to explore Blade/Itchita's relationship as well as Wendy's realtionship with her dad (Hook) and Peter's realtionship with Wendy since he now know's that she's Hooks daughter.