A/N- Hello everyone! XxDarkangelx here again with another new story! This story is based off a suggestion my friend had one night: What if the Hetalia characters started a blog? It's going to be mostly crack, and won't really follow the storyline (if the manga even had a storyline in the first place) except maybe for some special events... like Halloween or Christmas? And if there's a blog story out there already, I'll try not to copy the other story's ideas. (But truth be said, I haven't come across any yet, so yeah...^^;; )

I hope you enjoy the story!

Subject: Welcome to the blog!

So yeah, this blog thing my boss told me to set up is totally cool! I can post all kinds of stuff here and everybody else can post their own stuff up here too! I'm really looking forward to seeing how the others use this blog!

P.S. Hungary, my boss you were not allowed to post all those... 'yaoi' pictures.

Posted by: America


Sweet, a blog! I shall now proceed to fill it up with all my awesome posts!

Great idea your boss had there, America!

Posted by: Prussia


My name is not a spelling error, godamnit!

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: BROTHER

Don't you have better things to do than sit at the computer the whole day blogging about yourself? Like, walking the dogs, for instance?

Posted by: Germany

Subject: WEST

Wow, you sure caught on fast with this blog thing! I didn't even know you knew what was a 'blog'!

And if I'm using your laptop, what are you using to post all these unawesome posts?

….stupid spell-check, unawesome IS a word.

P.S. Go walk your own dogs. I'm busy here.

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: Prussia

You promised to walk your brother's dogs for this whole week because you lost that bet.

You know what I'm talking about.

Posted by: Austria

Subject: ASSHOLE

Stop disturbing the awesome me everywhere I go with those snide remarks. Can't the awesome me take a much needed break from you, even in cyberspace?

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: Be more polite.

Brother, this is a public blog... everyone can see your posts. Don't embarrass yourself so much. Or is it too late for that already...?

And as for your question earlier, I'm using my mobile to type all these. That doesn't mean you can keep my laptop. I'm confiscating it when I get home.

Posted by: Germany

Subject: The whole world is against my awesomeness. Including the f***ing spell-check.

As everyone can clearly see by the above posts.

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: Cheer up!

You can come over to my house if you want! I can call France over too! Then we can all hang out together and have some fun! :D

Posted by: Spain

Subject: NO, SPAIN.

My brother is not going anywhere until he has kept his promise by walking the dogs.

Posted by: Germany

Subject: Why hello~

I think I heard my name being called~?

Posted by: France

Subject: Hmph.

You mean, Spain typed your name out. No one called you.

Posted by: Austria

Subject: Gak.

I'm constantly being surrounded by those two nagging people. They keep berating and nagging me everyday. What do they think they are, my mother? FINE WEST I'LL WALK THOSE DOGS AFTER LUNCH!

Speaking of lunch, I'm hungry now. Gonna go heat something up in the microwave.

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: Hopeful.

Can I join you, Prussia?

Posted by: Spain


Spain, you're in a meeting now. I won't suggest running out just to have lunch with that... basement dweller. Germany will not approve.

Posted by: Austria

Subject: Yes.

I will not approve, Spain.

Posted by: Germany

Subject: LIKE, WHOA!

I never knew putting a metal spoon into a microwave together with the peanut butter jar makes them blow up!

By the way West, do you happen to know where the fire extinguisher is? I kinda urgently need it right now.

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: BROTHER!

What did you do know? Who in their right mind would put a spoon together with the peanut butter jar into a microwave just to watch it explode?

Wait right there. I'm coming home now. If I told you where the fire extinguisher was, you'll put it into the microwave too just to watch it blow up.

Posted by: Germany

Subject: ?

Germany ran out of the meeting like his ass was on fire. I wonder what happened.

Posted by: America

Subject: Oh

OK I just read all the above posts. Jeez Prussia, thanks for that idea! I'll do the same thing to Iggy's microwave tomorrow!

Posted by: America

Subject: WANKER

Don't you dare. And it's not 'Iggy', it's 'England', you GIT.

Posted by: England

Subject: Damnit

West grounded me. For one whole f***ing week. And he took the laptop away, plus he locked the refrigerator so I can't sneak beer cans from it. Good thing the awesome me has a stash of beer under my bed, and I managed to swipe his iPhone from his pocket when he was trying to put out the fire in the microwave.

I kinda regret putting the peanut butter into the microwave now. I liked peanut butter.

Posted by: Prussia

Subject: Hey Prussia!

You're totally spamming up the blog with all your posts! And for your information, our bosses can read it if they want, yo! And that includes the exploding-spoon-and-peanut-butter-in-the-microwave thing that just happened!

Posted by: America

Subject: HAHA

Too bad for you guys. The awesome me has no boss to read all his awesome posts on this blog.

Posted by: Prussia

...I never realised how much fun it was writing Prussia until now, since I mostly write about England, and he always acts like he has a stick up his ass. Random much?

Review and tell me if you liked it or not! If not, I'll just delete it and we'll pretend this cracky story never existed, OK?