Title: November Cakes
Fandom: The Scorpio Races (Maggie Stiefvater)
Word Count: 121 words
Characters/Pairings: Sean, Puck, Finn, Gabe, Holly, Peg Gratton, Tommy Falk, Mutt, Malvern, Father Mooneyham, & Ian Privett. Sean/Puck.
Summary: Eleven 11-word stories from the island.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Scorpio Races.

sean kendrick
He realized soon enough that Kate was his iron. "Come back."

puck connelly
She gets used to the weight and feel of his jacket.

finn connelly
The first thing he bought with their winnings was an orange.

gabe connelly
He leaves the island with his siblings' blessing, returning every month.

george holly
He never stopped inviting them to California; only Finn said yes.

mutt malvern
He hated his nickname, wished people respectfully called him Matthew instead.

tommy falk
His last thoughts were of smiling mainland girls with pretty lips.

benjamin malvern
He did most things like he took his tea, displaying power.

father mooneyham
If only all of Thisby was as sinful as the Connellys.

peg gratton
She never cut a heart out. A stern look was enough.

ian privett
He knows better than to stop being grateful for each December.