I'm sure it won't be the last time I'm thanking Cydney, but it is for this story. Lucky to have a friend in you.

Ten months later

Jasper hugs me into his side and kisses the top of my head. I smile really wide and watch our family in Mom and Dad's backyard. Shane was christened today at the church. Alice and Jasper only wanted family so I was surprised when they invited Jake.

"Thank you for inviting Jake, it really means a lot." He and Mila are the loves of my life.

"Thank you for being Shane's godmother."

"It's one of the things I'm proudest of." I beam. He is the happiest, sweetest baby boy in the world. It's no surprise with who his parents are.

"Well," he sighs, going back to talking about Jake. "Jake will be family sooner or later, right?" It's as though he doesn't want to say it, but he does anyway.

I smiled up at him and hug him tighter. "I hope so." He was already my family.

"I know you love him, and I see he makes you happy… I suck for not seeing it before."

"No, you don't. I could never ask for a better brother. You've never sucked." Even when he was angry and disappointed in me, he was still my big brother. No one else was better for the role.

He laughs. "You've never been a good liar."

Mom calls us to come eat.

I sit next to Jake, who has Mila in his lap, and look around at my family. Life is magical.