Disclaimer – I do not own Young Justice.

(Sorry if you've read my last Robin story and realize I did the same style of hook where I used flash-forward, I just wanted to make an interesting hook. Anyways hope you like it. Oh, and I know that Dick Grayson is Robin, you'll understand why I cleared that up in a second.)

"We've only got one small demand," the man announced into the camera, his rifle cradled in his arms like a baby and his black ski mask like tar upon his face, "give us what we want and no one has to get hurt. Deny us and, well, you decide if the loss is worth it."

The man pulled the bag off the kid's head who sat tied up and mouth taped besides him. The kid looked delirious, like he had been drugged and beaten quite a bit.

"Either Robin hands himself to us unarmed or we kill one of Gotham's richest kids . . . Dick Grayson."

A Few Hours Earlier:

"Hey Dick," Barbara nudged Dick as they walked out of their last class of the day, the only class they had together.

"Hey Barbara," Dick grinned beginning to walk home, "I didn't know you walked home this way? Or, at least, I don't see you around here after school."

"Normally no," she admitted, "but I have an interview for a job not too far from here."

"Cool, where at?"

"Oh, just the town library," she smirked, "I spend enough time with my nose in a book anyways, might as well get a paycheck from it. Seeing as you're in all AP classes, I'm surprised I don't see you there."

"Books are medieval, that's why we have computers now," Dick laughed.

"Anyways, I've got to turn here," Barbara cocked her head to the corner, hugging her text books closer to her body, "bye Dick!"

"Alright, see you tomorrow," Dick waved as she turned and left him.

Dick ambled on down the endless sidewalk before him, the air crisp from the fresh breeze of spring and the sky scattered with clouds. Dick exhaled just enjoying the fresh air, being cramped in a stuffy classroom all day could make it seem quite foreign, although this was soon interrupted when his phone began buzzing.

"Hey, Alfred, what's up?" Dick answered.

"I've just been informed Master Bruce is looking for you," Alfred spoke up, "you didn't take the long path home did you?"

"He normally isn't off work by now, what's going on?"

"I haven't gotten the chance to ask him, yet," Alfred explained, "but did you take the long path?"

"Yeah, a friend was headed that way,"

"Well, I suggest you hurry home," Alfred informed him, "although I'm sure he is still driving around searching for you."

"Alright, thanks Alfred," Dick replied, then hung up.

I'll have to take a short cut then, Dick thought, and with that Dick turned down one of the alleyways at full speed. He got closer and closer to the street on the other side of the alley, but he was soon brought to an immediate halt as a car quickly stopped in front of the alleyway. He skidded as he stopped and found himself at the ground of the car door, he was now looking up at the black car with tinted windows that reflected sun like a light bulb.

Bruce, Dick sighed in his mind as he looked before his father's car. He stood up and brushed himself off.

Then he flung the door open chuckling slightly, "You nearly killed-"

His voice stopped at the sight of another man sitting at the wheel, a man in a black ski mask. Just before shutting the door Dick caught the man's hand lifting something out of his pocket and a second the later the man shot a dart at Dick, although the dart only pierced into the door when Dick swiftly moved out of the way.

Dick quickly turned around, although he found himself ramming into another large masked man who immediately stabbed a small dart into his neck. Dick threw his fist up into the man's stone-like face and sent him slamming into the car, and then jumping over him he began running back into the alleyway.

Pulling out the dart from his neck he felt himself beginning to pass out, he quickly took out his phone, but before he could call anyone he was on the ground and his phone was scraping across the cement before him. As the world began to fuzz he watched his phone light up and begin buzzing violently, footsteps cascading down the alleyway towards him, all feeling in his body melts from him as he tries to crawl to the phone, then the feeling of a stinging sensation as he became paralyzed was followed by everything going black.


"You called Dick right?" Bruce called Alfred. "I couldn't find him, and I just called him a moment ago and he wasn't picking up."

"I talked to him not too long ago," Alfred replied with concern in his voice, "if I had known the situation was more serious…"

"It's okay Alfred," Bruce swallowed, "it'll be okay. I just need to find him."

Sorry if things seem to be moving a little fast, I will slow down soon, but I wanted to start with a more fast paced beginning this time. I know this chapter is kind of short, but I didn't want it to get too long. Anyways, hope you liked. Please review and tell me what you think so far!