A note from me: This was for a 30 Days of QAF for tumblr! Hope you like it! Leave me a review!

Day 15: quick-fic from the point of view of any character

"Turn around." I demanded of the driver. My head was spinning. Fuck. I should have been there. God dammit. I need to know if Justin is okay. He has to be okay. Please God make sure he is okay. As we pull into Babylon, my heart stops. Holy shit. There are ambulances and firetrucks everywhere. The sounds of sirens and people crying is unbearable. I have to find Justin. I search the street for a familiar face. As I come closer to the building, I see Jennifer by one of the ambulances. "Jennifer" I scream to her. "Jennifer. Jennifer, are you alright?" She tells me to find Justin. He's still inside. This can't be happening. I frantically push through the crowds of people trying to get out of the building. The firefighters are instructing everyone to leave but I disregard them. God it's hard to breathe from all the smoke. I can't see a damn thing. He has to be alright. "Justin!" I yell. I'm beginning to panic. As I venture through the destruction, I scream out his name again. A firefighter grabs my arm and tries to get me to leave but I shove him off almost walking into another firefighter carrying a stretcher. Please don't let it be Justin. As I keep looking, I finally see someone I know. "Ted! Ted? Ted what the fuck happened?" He doesn't know. "Have you seen Justin?" He shakes his head and tries to comfort the person next to him. I turn around to continue looking. There's blood and broken glass all over the floor. People are screaming. I look up right as sparks begin to shoot and I see him. Thank fucking God. I run to him as quickly as I can. I've never been more happy to see him in my life. He holds on to me, shaking profusely and I refuse to let him go.