Hello everyone! It's me, Orange Starbursts.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has read my stories. Thank you for dealing with my bad grammar and lame ideas. If you think the opposite, I appreciate you for thinking so. I have many updates, so please cooperate with me.

There are 400+ reviews on my Stella & Brandon fanfics. I am super surprised! I thought I would be an author who'll never get noticed, but I thought wrong. Thank you for reviewing and reading my stories. It means so much to me.

Another note: I am not sure if I'm going to continue some of my stories. I am ashamed of my bad grammar. Although there is a change of me updating one of them. Here's a happy part of this note, I am going to make a new fan fic.

I won't be posting the new fan fic in a week or so, because I am not done with it. I promise you that there is better grammar and a better plot of line. School is in the way, so I won't promise uploading it any time now.

My fan fic is inspired by animes I have seen and watched and books I have been reading early this year. The fic will probably take place in Japan. There will be some romantic, comedy, or mystery scenes. I was supposed to post a snippet, but I was too excited to update you guys. I have another idea.

Please tell me what kind of stories you guys enjoy. Do you like horror? Romantic comedy? Please review. Here's a little thing you should know. I do not write anything that includes blood. I hate blood and I will not write it.

Anyway, here is my update if any of you guys are wondering about me. Remember, please tell me what you enjoy reading. Thank you if you spend your time reading this quick update!