The idea for this story just popped in my head. I'm only posting the first chapter for right now. Please read and review. Let me know if you like it and if you think I should keep going! (:

"You have to meet the girl I went out with last night, Cora. She's perfect. I can see myself with her for a long time." Phil said as he was getting ready for his match against Daniel Bryan.

I rolled my eyes and sighed silently. Phil was my best friend. He had been for five years. He had always been there for me and I had no idea what I would do without him. Lately, I had been developing feelings for him. He had no idea, and he would never find out about it.

"You went out with her once, Phil. There's no way that you know that already."

"I do know, though. We had this connection. I've never felt this way after one date with any other girl. I really want you to meet her. I need your approval. I think you'll like her."

"Fine. Who is she?"

"Her name is Erica. She just started working here. She's the new stylist."

"Perfect. I'll meet her later tonight."

"Sounds good. Thank you so much. I wouldn't be able to date her without my best friend's approval."

Well if that were the case, he wouldn't be dating anyone. I don't approve of anyone he dates, whether that's what I tell him or not. I just gave him a close-lipped smile and he hugged me.

"Thank you, Cora. You're honestly the best. But, I have to go for my match. I'll take you to meet Erica afterwards!"

I nodded as he left the room. He seemed so excited. Even if I didn't like her, which I knew I wouldn't, I had to pretend like I did for Phil's sake. In my opinion, no one is good enough for Phil. Nor will they ever be; unless it's me. I know I should tell him how I feel, since I think that way, but I just couldn't. I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way about me. I have to get over my feelings for him, even though I fall more and more each and every day. I just have to find someone to make me forget all about him.

Phil came back to get me after his match and I followed him to where Erica was located. When I first saw her, the first thought that came into my mind was that she looked like a whore. But then I realized that I would've thought that about anyone he took me to meet, so I pushed that judgment out of my mind. She was pretty, I'd give her that. She had long, wavy brown hair. The closer we got, I noticed she had blue eyes. Erica's face lit up whenever she saw Phil walking towards her. My heart dropped whenever I saw the huge grin on Phil's face. I'd never seen him smile that big before. Well, not at someone other than me.

She dropped what she was doing and walked towards Phil. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her as tight as he could. I heard her giggle and rolled my eyes. I crossed my arms across my chest and waited for their love fest to end. They had just seen each other last night. They'd only gone out once. A few hours of being apart isn't going to kill them.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Phil's voice. "Erica, I want you to meet my best friend, Cora."

I plastered a fake smile on my face and held my hand out for her to shake. She took it and squeezed it a little tighter than she should have. Her smile dropped a little, but she made it look believable for Phil.

"It's SO nice to meet you, Cora. Phil actually told me about you last night. He had nothing but nice things to say about you."

"It's nice to meet you, too. You're all I heard about before Phil left for his match in his locker room."

I could tell she was trying hard not to glare at me. But she had only known him for a few weeks, they only went out once, she needed to learn that she didn't come before me in his life. I was his best friend; she was just his girl for the moment. Well, those were my thoughts until Phil spoke up.

"Erica and I are going to get dinner and catch a movie. I'll see you later, Cora."

"I thought we were doing something tonight?"I asked.

"We can reschedule. You understand, right?"

"Yeah." I gave him a small smile.

"Great. I'll call you later tonight!"He grabbed Erica's hand and walked away.

My face dropped and I looked up to look at them and saw Erica turned around glaring at me. I thought that I might try to give her a chance, to try to like her, but after this meeting there was no way that I would give her a chance. I'd do anything for Phil to see that he shouldn't be with her. He belongs with me, not her.

Now I'm thinking that maybe I should tell him my feelings for him. But I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. I had a lot of thinking to do. I had to do something before she slithered her way into his life even more. I had a feeling deep down, that if Phil and Erica started getting too serious; she would find a way to get rid of me; to get me out of his life for good. That was the last thing I wanted.