Disclaimer: Inuyasha doesn't belong to me but the story does!

Chapter 1

A young girl sits in front of her computer working on the files for her boss. This girl is exceptionally beautiful but only a few notices. She has long wavy raven hair, pale clear skin, dark brown eyes with long eyelashes, and red pouty lips. On her small petite frame she has a white shirt with ruffles on the front and a black high-waist pencil skirt and on her small feet she has on black shiny stilettos. As she continues to stress over her work a handsome man enters from the door behind her. He has his long silver unruly hair tied back into a braid. Under his thick bangs he has 2 small dog ears covered in soft silver hair. He has tan clear skin, masculine features, and amber eyes. He is also tall and lean.

He looks at the woman in front of him and studies her as she continues to work.

"Ms. Higurashi" he addresses her. She sits up straight and turns to look at him.

"Yes sir?" she questions him.

"I'm going out to lunch call me if I have any important calls that need to handled." He responds.

"Certainly, sir." She responds before returning to her work. He looks at her one last time before leaving the office.

At least ten minutes passed since the man left and another man shows up.

"Hey Kagome." The new man says to the young lady in front of the desk. He is beautiful himself. He has long black hair in a high ponytail dark skin and icy blue eyes. He's tall with a muscular build.

"Hi Koga." The girl whose name is Kagome greets Koga in front of her. "So what brings into this part of the building?" She asks as she looks at him questionably.

"Nothing just wanted to see what Ayame wanted for dinner this evening." He grins. "It's my night to cook." He talks fondly about his wife of five years. He and Ayame first met through her grandfather. They didn't get along first mostly because of Koga, but they soon fell in love.

"So how can I help you with this visit?" Kagome asked.

Koga shrugged. "Nothing just wanted to see my second favorite girl and ask how it is going with you and the hanyou as a boss." Koga joked. It was not a secret that he hated the half-demon that was at a higher position than him. Kagome looked insulted before changing into a look of annoyance.

"Koga! You know Inuyasha does not like to called a hanyou, he's your boss too, is it so hard for you to respect him?"

Koga looked shocked at her. "Kagome why are you defending him more than usual? Never mind I'm leaving. I know you always defend him but something about this seems different." Koga turns around and leaves, as soon as he leaves Inuyasha comes into the office and sees Kagome rubbing her head. He looks at her with concern.

"Kagome if your head hurts go ahead and go to lunch or better yet go ahead and go home."

Kagome looks up at her boss before nodding her head. "Ok I think I'll head home I need to pick something up anyway." She gathered her things and headed for the door, as she reached the exit she turned around to look back at Inuyasha a smirk taking over her lips as she said "See you tomorrow." Turning out the door and to her car.

On her way home she stopped by a pharmacy wondering the aisles till she found what she was looking for. As she stared at the boxed object she felt her heart hammering in her chest. She grabbed the box and a snickers and vanilla ice cream before taking it to the cashier. She got into her car and threw her three items in the passenger seat as if they were on fire, before rushing home. As she opened the door to her two story house she closed the door and headed up the stairs with her three items ignoring everything around her.

She headed into the master bathroom locking the door before heading to the toilet and she sat on the seat. She stared at the plastic bag before grabbing it and pulling out the boxed object. She grabbed the box unwrapping it and taking out the object and staring at it. Ten minutes later she heard an alarm go off she grabbed the stick and stared at the smiley face. The stick….. is a pregnancy test. The smiley face meant one thing… she was going to have a baby.

A few hours she was in the kitchen complementing how she will tell this one person wondering if they would be mad or happy that she was having a baby. Suddenly she felt a pair of masculine arms warp around waist and a seductive whisper "Hey baby." She turned around and stared into the amber eyes of her love.

"Hey I missed you."

He chuckled. "How could you miss me when you just saw me a few hours ago? Anyway I've been thinking it would be fun if we fucked on my desk while I'm on a conference call." Kagome laughed as she put her arms around Inuyasha neck tugging him closer to her.

"As much as I want to do this kind of devilish foreplay I don't think we should. Oh and I was wondering….. why do we keep our marriage a secret?"

Inuyasha sighed aggravated as he buried his head into her neck. "Because I didn't want you to get hurt, you know people still hate half-demons also, people might start to hurt you or teasing you for fucking the boss."

Kagome pushed Inuyasha off of her and onto the floor and she straddled his hips as she yelled in his face. "We've been married long before we even started to work there, and you think I care about what they will say about me, and you know if they try to hurt me I will kick their ass." She looked down at Inuyasha after she finished her rant to see a shock look plastered on his face. She knew he was about to say something so she pushed her lips onto his knowing the conversation wasn't over.

Lemon Starts!

She licked his bottom lip begging for entrance into his moist cavern. He smirks keeping his mouth firmly closed still kissing her back. She pulled back and looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes before placing her lips upon his again. Her left hand trailed down his chest when he suddenly couldn't feel it anymore. He still kissed her passionately with his mouth closed when he felt a hand grab his rock hard dick. Kagome took his distraction as an opportunity to shove her tongue down his mouth while unbuckling his belt. Inuyasha groaned before grabbing Kagome's shirt and ripping it open exposing her pert breasts to him and her hard erect nipples. He grabbed the left breast massaging it while he sucked on her right nipple.

Kagome arched more into his mouth while rubbing her panty clad pussy along his boxer clad dick. Inuyasha trailed his hand down her stomach before slipping it into her panties. He used one finger and ran it along her folds feeling the wetness leak from her pussy and onto his hand.

"Kagome I can't wait any longer I need to be inside you. Now."

Kagome didn't need to hear anything else as she ripped off her panties along with Inuyasha boxers. She climbs onto Inuyasha before hovering over him, her entranced aligned with his engorged cock. Slowly she slid down feeling it fill her completely as she moaned out loud. Inuyasha was holding her by her hips tightly trying not to bust his load as her hot moist walls slid along his length. He took a deep breath before starting a rhythm both moaning out loud because of the wonderful sensation. Inuyasha flipped tem over so that Kagome was lying on her back. He place his feet on the kitchen cupboard as he pounded into Kagome at an alarming speed making her gasp and scream out his name as her hand tried to find something to grasp so she can match him in the strength of his thrust.

Soon they both felt a tighten in their lower stomachs as Inuyasha furiously rubbed Kagome's clit to try and make her come faster. Kagome grasp her breasts as she felt herself fall of the edge calling out Inuyasha name as her body arched off the ground as she started to twitch. Inuyasha thrust a few more times before roaring out Kagome's name emptying his load deep inside her. Kagome eased back allowing Inuyasha out of her still twitching pussy, both missing the connection immediately and then snuggling into his side.

Lemon End!

"I forgot to tell you something. I meant to tell you as soon as you got home but I kind of got side tracked." Kagome blushed as she looked at Inuyashas naked form. Inuyasha laughed,

"So what is it you wanted to tell me?" He quirked up an eyebrow as he looked at her. Kagome started to stutter he nervousness coming back full force this time. Inuyasha saw her dilemma and placed his lips upon hers knowing it will spill all of her dark and deep secrets. As he pulled away Kagome had a dazed look on her face.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" He smirked at her knowing what his kisses did to her.

But he didn't expect her to say something that will change their whole lives.

"I'm pregnant."

Two words that's all it took for the poor man to collapse.

Sorry for the cliffhanger. But I hope you enjoyed the first chapter please review.