-Love Potion- Chapter 1
SonicxTails, SilverxBlaze, more as the story goes! Enjoy.
"I just know this will work!" Amy squealed as she snatched the package out of the mailman's hand. She signed his handheld device, and slammed the door in his face.
"Oh, I'm so excited! And it came right in time for Valentine's Day!" She ripped at the brown package, throwing the material everywhere. She stopped for half a second to play with the interior bubble-wrap and then dug deep into the package and pulled out her prize.
"Wow, it's so pretty." She giggled to herself. In her hand she held a pink, slender vial. The words "Any Heart" were engraved in the glass bottle in a cursive font and had a slight sparkle to them. The vial wasn't very big, 8oz in fact. But Amy didn't care; she was overwhelmed with excitement at the idea of what this tiny bottle could do for her. She was so excited, in fact, that she chose to ignore the small print on the back (don't we all).
"Sonic, you are mine now!"
Meanwhile, at Tails' house, Sonic sneezed so hard he dropped his video game controller.
"Hey Sonic, you okay?" The yellow fox asked, turned away from the TV to stare at his stunned friend.
"Yeah, just a random sneeze." The blue hedgehog stated, picking up his controller and getting back to the game.
The two friends had been playing video games for half the day now. It was just a regular Saturday afternoon and since the two were pretty bored they settled on entering the digital world (And that is NOT a digimon reference).
"Okay, we have to think of something else to do." Sonic sighed as his mechanic fox friend won the game for the tenth time.
"Yeah, I know. I'm getting bored too." The blonde fox exclaimed, receiving a smirk from his Indigo Hedgehog buddy.
"What?" He asked indignantly.
"How do you get bored of winning?" Sonic asked.
"Well, it would be more fun if you actually won some of the times!" It was Tails turn to smirk.
"Hey, hey! You know all the secret moves, and shortcuts! That's the only reason you've been winning."
"W-what? No, I've been playing exactly the same as you, Sonic!"
"Whatever, cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!" The two teased each other for five more minutes, and then they were bored again.
"Hey Sonic, isn't Rouge holding that Valentine's Day party in a couple of days?" Tails asked.
"Oh right, are you going?"
"Don't we need to have a date? That's what the invite said anyway." Tails mumbled the last part. Sonic rolled his eyes.
"I doubt that. You know Rouge; we can probably just show up. I think she just wants to see who comes with whom." This brightened up Tails face.
"Well we could just go together then, right?" This gained him a side glance from the Hedgehog.
"Well don't you think that would be weird? I mean any other event it would probably be okay but to a Valentine's Day party?"
"No, I meant as just friends, we could go with Knuckles too." But as he said this Sonic could swear he saw the fox's ears droop ever so slightly.
"Yeah we could do that, but you never know. We might get asked or see someone and want to ask them." He sighed, getting up off the couch.
"Where are you going?" Tails said, looking up.
"Well, I don't have an outfit and she said it was a black tie event. I was going to head over to the mall" Tails nodded and then got up as well.
"Mind if I join you, I don't really have anything to wear either."
"Of course not, let's go!" And the two headed over to the Mall.
"Blaze, how about this one?" Silver came out of the dressing room wearing an all white tuxedo with a black rose in the breast pocket. The violet princess stifled a laugh and shook her head.
"I don't think so, Silver. How about that nice black one I was showing you before?" She pointed over to one of the clothing racks at the front of the store.
"Yeah, that one's nice but it's kinda boring. I want something that will stand out. Something that makes me look cool." His golden eyes shone a bit brighter as he finished his sentence and his feline companion was this close to slapping her forehead.
"Well, I guess it's your outfit. But I wasn't thinking of wearing white, and I wouldn't want us to clash." She watched as he continued to adore the alabaster suit in the full length mirror positioned on the change room door. Silver stopped what he was doing and turned to her.
"Why would they clash?" He asked with a confused look on his face. Blaze blushed a deep red. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't be thinking ahead like that. She thought to herself.
"Well, I mean I just figured we would go together. The invite said we all had to find a date. If you don't want to go with me, I understand, I'll…" She was cut off by Silver giving her a hug.
"I would love to go with you Blaze, I just didn't realize it was a couple type of thing (You aren't the only one Silver) I better not wear this then. What colour were you thinking of wearing?" He backed out of the hug and stared at Blaze's reddened face.
"Are you okay, Blaze? Your all red and…"
"I'm fine! I'm just wearing a dark violet dress with zebra print pumps." She said this all very quickly and then smiled as she watched her hedgehog companion start off in the direction she pointed to before.
"Oh Silver, if only you knew…"
"If only Silver knew what?" The cat jumped about half a foot before turning around to see Sonic and Tails.
"N-nothing! Are you guys here to get suits for Rouge's party as well?" Blaze asked, quickly changing the subject. Her fox and hedgehog friend seemed to brush it off.
"Yup, is Silver here?" Sonic asked. Blaze pointed in the same direction that Silver had just taken off in. Sonic nodded and headed over to see his friend.
"Do you know what type of suit you're looking for Tails? Um, earth to Tails?" Blaze waved a hand in front of Tails' face, whose eyes had just glazed over in the direction Sonic had left in.
"Um, yeah, just a casual black tuxedo with a black bow." Blaze gave him a suspicious look and the blonde fox took a step back in fear.
"What, Blaze?"
"Are you okay Tails, your acting kind of odd…" She raised a finger to her chin and began to tap said finger against her jaw.
"Well actually…" He would have to spill it eventually. It had been bothering Tails for a while now and he had to tell somebody about his feelings.
"I think I'm falling for someone." He tapped his feet together, eyes glued to the floor.
"You aren't the only one," Blaze thought aloud as she glanced off into space. Realizing what she said she quickly changed her tone.
"I mean, oh really? Is it someone I know or would you rather not talk about it?" She bent down to get on the same level as her shorter friend. Tails brushed off the last part of her question.
"No, its fine. I think I'm falling for…Sonic." He said with a sigh and then looked over towards Sonic and Silver who seemed to be having a conversation on which colour bow looked better with a black suit. Blaze's eyes widened for a bit and then went back to normal when Tails looked back to her.
"Really? I knew you guys were close but I never thought…" She stumbled on what to say. She was dealing with her own love problems right now and was kind of confused with this news her friend had just thrown at her.
"That's really sweet though. How about you ask him to Rouge's party?" She finished. Tails sighed.
"I tried that, but he blew it off – saying it would be weird if two guys went together to a Valentine's day party." Blaze couldn't help but feel sorry for Tails. As much as she was in her own dilemma, at least she had already secured her crush as her date to the party.
"Well does he know you're…I mean…" She trailed off, looking else where as if things had gotten suddenly awkward.
"No, that's probably why he brushed off my proposal like it was nothing." Tails' ears drooped for the second time that day and his feline friend gave him a pat on the shoulder.
"How about I help you find a way to ask him?" She smiled warmly. Tails' nodded.
"Now how about we go get those hedgehogs? I think they are about to get into something…" She shook her head, just noticing Silver and Sonic's conversation was getting more heated by the minute. Silver was starting to turn that greenish-blue colour he changes into when he's about to use some psychic abilities. Sonic wasn't backing down either.
"I'm telling you, a black bow looks better with a black suit!" Sonic yelled.
"What is with everyone not having an original bone in their body today?" Silver screamed back.
The violet cat and the yellow fox sighed before going to get their companions. They could already tell this party was going to be a hot mess.
So, this is just a new story I've been working on. I suddenly got sucked into a Sonic phase, random right? Anyways, hope you enjoyed…I'll try and have this little story complete by the actually Valentine's Day this year…