As promised, here is part 3 and the last part to this story. I just want to thank everyone who reviewed and re-blogged this story on tumblr. I never expected it to go this far and I know it's only three chapters, but I really enjoyed writing this, so if you liked it just as much as I did, add me to your author alerts because there will be more of Rebekol coming soon. :)

Special shout out goes out to 'hybridlovelies' on tumblr, because you were actually the one who inspired me to write this, and as a thank you , there is a little surprise in this chapter, just for you. :))

Jen, my wiffee, thank you so much for asking for more of this story, without you it would have just been a one shot and that's it, but now look at this baby. Woo Hoo. boing boing ;)

Okay, enough of my babbling, read on and enjoy :)

~the lonely bluebird no more~

Ten years ago today they walked away. Ten years ago they started running. Today would be the end of it all.

At first everything was fine. Rebekah and Kol lived peacefully in the next town over from Mystic Falls and Klaus left them alone. They thought that they were safe. They laughed, they loved and they lived. For the first time ever they could live like they meant to. No more looking behind your shoulder. No more hiding from the hunters. No more loosing the ones you loved.

But it didn't last long. Two years after they left, trouble had a way of finding them. First Rebekah's business fell apart. They both knew that it was Klaus's doing but seeing that he didn't go after them directly, they let it slide. They had enough money to last countless lifetimes.

Three years after that Klaus started getting in touch, letting them know that he will start hunting them soon and that they should run if the wish to live. By this time they were living in Paris and didn't think twice about his threats. He always liked to talk a lot before taking any action, so they relaxed, knowing that when the time comes, they will be alright. But time wasn't on their side, and Klaus found them a month later.

Kol was hurt the worst when Rebekah managed to get them out of the torture chamber Klaus had built for that purpose in mind. Both were weak from the attack and Klaus wasn't kidding when he said they're deaths will be slow.

After that they lived in a small house in the middle of the woods, away from any state lines so that Klaus wouldn't find them but that didn't last long.

Last night Klaus's hybrids sniffed them out and lit the house on fire, blocking all the exits. They would have burned too if they hadn't have thought about every possible scenario, so they built an underground escape tunnel.

"Are you alright?" – Kol asked Rebekah when they were resting up against a tree not far from where their house was going up in flames.

"Yeah, fine, but he owes me a new dress" – Rebekah said peeling back the singed material from her flesh.

"I'll buy you ten more when we get out of this mess" – Kol said and kissed Rebekah.

"How did they find us?" – She asked, looking around, trying to find the best way out of there.

"How do they find anyone? Probably a spell, you know Niklaus and his witches" – Kol said.

"So much for keeping with the balance" – Rebekah huffed, "I'm sick of this Kol"

"What, running or getting your clothes ruined?" – Kol asked half laughing.

"Both to be honest. I'm tired of being afraid if I will see another day, tired of running, tired of hiding. This is living anymore, Kol" – Rebekah whined.

"What do you suggest we do, Rebekah? You were the one that didn't want to kill Niklaus in the first place" –Kol said.

"That's because he can't be killed" –Rebekah said, "But there might be a way to weaken him or imprison him, but that will take some major witch power"

"Well, we know one witch; do you think she will help us?" – Kol asked.

"Finn's witch, sure. She hates Niklaus just as much as we do, but how to we find them, we haven't heard from them in years" – Rebekah commented.

"Don't worry, I'll get them, but first we need to get you somewhere safe" – Kol said and started running towards the nearest town.

Rebekah took off after him and when they stopped continued talking.

"I am not letting you alone while our killer brother is out there hungry for our blood" – Rebekah said.

"Don't worry sister, I shall be fine." – Kol said giving her a kiss on her forehead, "Just stay inside and I'll be right back. I love you"

"I love you too, be safe" – Rebekah replied and watched him go.

The second the door closed behind him, Rebekah's heart clenched and she thought she might die. She fell on the bed and started crying for she feared that they won't survive this war with Niklaus and she will never see her beloved again.

The room was plain and empty, just a bed, a TV that didn't even work and a shower, which she decided to take after she calmed down. She took of the rest of her dress, her shoes and looked in the mirror. She was covered with dried blood and ash from the house. A few leaves were matted into her hair and she looked as miserable as you could possibly look in this situation.

She sighed and stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash off all the dirt from her and just stood under the falling water thinking of ways to get rid of Niklaus.

She hated feeling like this: so helpless, so weak, so scared. She was an original; she is supposed to make others feel like this, not her. She is supposed to rule the world. And make others tremble at her feet, decide if they live or die. Not play cat and mouse with her own brother. This is ridiculous. Since when had she, Rebekah Smith had let anyone treat her like this? It was unacceptable. She has no place in hiding from him. She has no right to be afraid of him. They are equals, they are family, and they are originals.

With that thought, Rebekah stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam of the mirror. She took in her features. She had deep, danger filled eyes, bloodlust lips and the confidence of a queen. If Niklaus wants to fight, I'll fight him, she thought looking at her reflection, and you will not win this war bother.

When her dress was clean and dried she put it back on and looked for any type of weapons' around the room. In the space of ten minutes she had broken ever piece of furniture and made them into stakes. It might not kill him, but it will hurt. She ripped the sheets and tied them all around her body, covering the parts that the dress no longer covers. She wished she had anything with her; maybe she could paint war stripes on her face.

Four hours later, Kol returned and Rebekah hugged him so that if he were human, she would have killed him.

"Rebekah, it's all right, I'm safe" – Kol said, trying to close the door, with Rebekah still hanging around his neck.

"I was so worried" – Rebekah said, letting him breath, "Did you find them, will the help us?"

"Yes, Finn and Katie will help, they are on their way, should be here round sunrise" – Kol said and looked around the room, "I see you've been busy"

"What did you expect? I was going out of my mind with worry" – Rebekah said back.

"But why did you have to destroy the bed?" – Kol asked.

"Honestly, that is what you think about at a time like this?" – Rebekah asked, surprised at how little he cared.

"Well, if we die in the morning, what better way to remember our life?" – Kol asked and pulled Rebekah into an embrace and kissed her lips oh so gently.

Rebekah smiled when they pulled apart, "You haven't changed one bit"

"And I never will, sister" – Kol replied.

At sunrise, Finn and Katie arrived at the hotel they were staying.

"Rebekah, Kol, what is the plan of action?" – Finn asked.

"We can't kill him" – Rebekah said, "I was thinking if maybe we bind him and keep him locked up somewhere like they did with our father"

"That will take a lot of power" – Katie answered, "But I'm sure I can do it"

"Great, then let's get ready and get this over with, I don't like this any more than any of you" – Finn said and they all started preparing for the final fight.

"Come to face your death finally?" –Klaus asked in the clearing, later that morning, "Oh Finn, haven't seen the likes of you lately"

"Let's leave the pleasantries till after this is over, shall we Niklaus?" – Finn answered.

"My pleasure" –Klaus replied.

"This ends today, Niklaus" – Rebekah said coming out from behind the trees with Kol on the other side of Klaus.

"I see most of the family is here" – Klaus said with a smirk, "What a nice reunion"

"Where are your hybrids?" – Kol asked.

"Nearby, but I don't think I will need them, do you? I mean, I'm sure I can kill you all without even trying" – Klaus laughed and suddenly grabbed his head and screamed in agony.

"You didn't think we would come alone, did you?" – Rebekah asked standing over his form while the others put chains over him and made sure they are tight.

Katie was standing not far behind concentrating all her power on keeping Klaus immobilised and everyone could see that she won't be able to hold for too long.

"Good thing I got these" – Kol said and took out four daggers out of his pocket.

"They won't work on him" – Rebekah said.

"Maybe not, but if we put all four in him, that should hold him until we put him in the crypt." – Kol said and stabbed the daggers into Klaus.

""We'll take him to the crypt, can you take care of the hybrids?" – Finn asked, holding Katie who was visibly shaking.

"No problem" – Kol answered and Rebekah nodded, "Until next time brother"

"Bye Finn, Katie" – Rebekah said and then they were gone.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Rebekah" – Kol said looking at the approaching hybrids.

"Finn always runs away from the clean up" – Rebekah laughed, "Let's have some fun"

They killed all the hybrids without any problems and went to Klaus house to take it as their own. For years to come the Smith name was more powerful than ever. People no longer feared them, they respected them because when Rebekah and Kol realised that this time they are truly free, they wanted nothing more but to enjoy their life and each other.

I'm not sure about the ending but I never know how to finish these things without wanting more chapters. So, if you didn't like it, I'm sorry. If you did, please leave a review and come talk to me on tumbr. [ call-me-katherine ] :)