Hey Everyone this is Sanuye(darkyami1214) here, and to make a new story, this might be up two to three chapters. Can't promise anything.

I recently got into Touma X Masaru paring and this idea got into my head ever since, until I couldn't stand but write it.

So here it is.


THERE ARE OTHER THINGS TO READ ON FF. Not too late to turn around and get out of here.

Now with that out of the way.


*P.S: If I Don't Get Any reviews I will not post up the new chapter*

Chapter 1: Betrayal

Masaru stayed off in the distant corner basically sitting up the rusting stairs, away from everyone else. He Didn't feel like talking to anyone; tightly in his arms is his partner… or what was his partner. All he was now was a single red and white digi egg.

He was clearly upset, his face showed it, mainly around his greenish amber eyes. They showed betrayal, sadness and regret.

No one dared to talk to him, they knew that it wasn't a good idea, even his mother.

Their eyes traveled up as he walked up the stairs of their hiding spot, away from their view, carring away the rather large egg away wit him.

They knew why he was the way he was.


He and Gaomon betrayed them all, by joining Kurata, because of them, they pretty much are in the downfall and causing their brown haired friend to act the way he was.

"He really betrayed us." Called out the short red haired female. Her dark pink eyes looking down at the grey table.

The others didn't answer.

Sarah*calling her by her English name* Looked away, she knew Touma was a good person, but never thought he was going to be like this.

Chika frowned, she, and the members of DATS knew her bigger brother and Touma were in a relationship, as said by both, having to go through that really hurt her big brother. She remembered the fighting they did, the pained look in Masaru's eyes when the blond haired male told him they were through.

It made her angry how someone she thought was kind hurt her brother like that.

Not only her Ikuto was the same, he looked up to Masaru like a older brother, and what Touma did to him was something unforgivable.

No one else knew how much it hurt Masaru having to hear that from the one he loved.

No one knew how he was feeling at the moment…

Sarah looked up the stairs, she always knew Masaru was only interested in men, ever since he was younger, and never thought he would end up falling for the one he said he hated at first.

Well opposites always attract right…?

She sighed, she wanted to comfort her son… but she can't, all she could do is wait.

Masaru sighed in deeply, he looked out through the cracking window out into the distant ocean. The smell of salty tears quickly alluded him. As he rubbed them off with his free arm.

He wasn't going to cry over this, he was man not a weak person… Or maybe he is…

"Why Touma… why…?" He asked whispering the words.

He loved Touma, with everything that he had.

At first he couldn't stand him, be near or thinking.

He thought he was Mister Perfect/Showoff. Thinking he was better than him, and taking away his battling instincts with all of his 'tactics.'

But after the whole digimon incident over in the digital world with Drimogemon, things got better. After some time of getting used to, he felt his heart fluttering every time he was near him, same went for Touma, it wasn't until they realized what they were both feeling.


Before long they just came to each other…


Masaru sat at his desk flickering a pen around his fingers, looking over some paper work. He was basically done, all he had to do was sign in his name, and turn it in. Touma sat behind him working on his own paper work, with Yoshino out on patrol, seeing how she's the only one who can actually drive, mainly because she's the oldest of three. *Beating them by 5*

Masaru heard the other get up from his desk following the door swift opening, having Gaomon follow up by his side. He signed in his name, handing it to Megumi and walked out, their shift was over so might as well as go home.

He walked over to the locker room, relieved that it was empty. He removed his belt, jacket, boots and sleeveless shirt under revealing his slightly build, lean chest, and stomach. He went strait to grab his white T-shirt before long the blond haired man walked in, his digimon now in his blue digivice.

He also noticed the small growing blush on the other's face, and moving eyes off of him. Strangely enough he as well was blushing.

Ignoring it, he placed his rightful shirt on, following his pants. And shoes; his father's pendant he gave him still 'round his neck.

He walked out-

"Masaru wait." A hand grabbed a hold of his slender bisect. He blushed, he knew that was Touma's.

He reluctantly turn, his face bright as an apple.

His jacket was off leaving him his arms exposed, but due to the tight fabric of the DATS Uniform it pretty much showed his fistic; lean but slightly muscular despite his age.

"I… I need to talk to you…" He stuttered his blush increasing.

Masaru looked in directly into his blue eyes, amazed by it's purest color.

"What is it that yo-" But before he could finish Touma already silenced him by his lips on his.

Hazel orbs went wide, his arms firmly on his sides, with a shocked expression. It stayed like that for some time, before he suddenly felt the lips off of his.

Touma's face showed regret and embarrassment, as well as a scarlet blush, that would a tomato to shame.

"I'm sorry… it's just that…" He couldn't finish the words.

The something snapped inside of Masaru, he lunged forward and firmly placed his own lips to the other.

He stood shock of his own but returned the kiss.

Tongues fighting for dominance in a everlasting dance of pure bliss, heat emitting off of the two boys.

The blond haired man's hand managed to find it's way to Masaru's hip, and the other around his upper back.

As the brunet wrapped his arms around his now lover's pale neck. It was just perfect…


The tears threatened to fall out again. He thought everything was well… He even gave everything he had to Touma, for his love… and everything felt well over time. He lets himself get into this tangle!

Just why… Why did Touma joined Karata, He let himself go, he was nothing more than a toy for him, to use then throw out!

He wasn't going to forgive him… Not now or ever!


Well there you have it. I finished this, it's my first Tomato fic, please bare with me. Sorry If it's not how you will like it, it'll get better I hope.

Another if you guys are confused. Yes they were in an active relationship… if you know what I mean :D

*thinking perverted thoughts…*

Oh before I forget I have the story done, but I'll only post chapters depending on the Reviews, Like how I explained before I will only continue the story if you review, if you don't then the story is dead.

If you want to see what happens then better make sure that you review.

Other than that I hope you enjoyed it

Sanuye out ^