A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfiction, so it probably won't be too good. This takes place between the first and second books. IMPORTANT! This probably won't be A/OC. Probably. Neither will it be A/H, as it takes place too early on. I know this is a cliché type of story, but unlike this most, it DOES have a bigger plot. PS: I hate my OC. She's not in this chapter, thank goodness.
Disclaimer: If I owned Artemis Fowl, The Last Guardian would NOT be the last book.
Chapter 1: Big News
For one of the first times in his life, Artemis Fowl was bored. At the moment, he had no evil schemes, no dastardly plots. He just sat there, staring at a blank computer screen.
But he was only bored for the moment, because just then, Angeline Fowl walked in. Butler quickly woke up at the noise.
"Mother, how many times have I told you that I wish that you would knock before entering my study? It is a respect of my privacy, you know," Artemis loudly complained, without looking up from his (still blank) computer screen.
"And I wish you would call me mum, not mother," responded Angeline. "Seeing as that will never happen…" Butler could hardly suppress a smile. Artemis, however, could hardly suppress a grimace.
"All right then. You have made your point. Now please explain while you so rudely interrupted me!" Artemis almost growled. Butler could only stare. Artemis was never what you would call a "kind" person. But he always used to be friendlier to his mother (and Butler) then to everyone else.
The truth was, things had been tense between Artemis and his mother after he had gotten the fairy, Holly Short, to heal his mother, who had become insane after Artemis Fowl Sr. had disappeared. To Butler, it seemed as if now that she was well, Artemis was able to blame her for everything that had happened over the last year and a half. But the fact that Artemis had turned to the evil side probably didn't help.
"Artemis this is serious. We really need to talk," Angeline's face was worried, and she looked stressed, like she had just made a hard decision. Which, little did Artemis know, that she had.
"Then please begin," he said. How Artemis hated the words coming out of his mouth. It was all right for him to treat other people this way, but his own mother? She didn't deserve this coldness, he knew in his heart, but he didn't care. Well, he didn't care enough to stop.
"Artemis," Angeline began, "You've always known that I would send you back to school. I believe that now would be a good time." Angeline hadn't made her son go to school right after she became (mostly) well. She had wanted to give him time to recover (which he hadn't needed.).
"Of course I knew Mother! Do you think me an imbecile? But I do so wish that you wouldn't. I know anything they would bother to teach me, and the professors are no where near as smart as I. Instead of wasting my time at school, I could be finding Father!"
Artemis had struck a sore point. Artemis Fowl I had gone missing almost two years ago when the Russian Mafia shot down his ship, the Fowl Star. Artemis refused to believe that his father was dead, as no body was ever found. But Angeline, however, had given up long ago. Her acceptance of his death was what eventually drove her insane, and what made Artemis parentless for a year and a half.
"Arty," Angeline said softly. "First of all, I don't send you to school for academics. You're right in that they won't teach you anything that you don't already know. You are a very bright boy, Arty. I send you to school for social reasons. We both know you aren't a very sociable person. Do you have any friends other then Juliet and Butler? I know for a fact that you don't, Arty.
"Secondly," Angeline continued in an even softer voice. "I think that it's time that you let your father go. He's gone, Arty, you have to accept that he's not coming back. Ever." Butler gawked at Angeline. He opened his mouth to say something, but then thought better of it.
"Oh, yes, accept and go insane like you did. I have to hold onto that hope. That's the only thing that keeps me going. Now, I highly doubt that you came barging in here to tell me that I am going back to school. As we already established, I knew that was coming. So, what is it then? Tell me already!" Artemis said, on the verge of tears. This was very unusual for him, considering, he normally showed no signs of emotions.
"Alright then!" Angeline began to sob. She took a moment to collect herself, and during that moment, Artemis silently scolded himself. He really was being too harsh to his poor mother. However, at this point, any sign of the tears that had once filled his eyes was now gone. Butler was glad of this, as the sight of his charge's tears was making him uncomfortable.
"Alright then," Angeline repeated. "I'm not sending you to St. Bartleby's just yet." She took a deep breath, and pushed a loose strand of Artemis' raven black hair off his forehead, getting her hand swatted away for her trouble. She looked directly into his icy blue eyes, eyes that were so much like his fathers. After doing this, Angeline regained her strength and was able to go on.
"I'm sending you to a state school in the United States of America tomorrow. It's in the state called Pennsylvania, and the school district is the Central County School District, and I've been told it can turn the most antisocial person (meaning you) into the most social person." Angeline said all of this in a rush.
"WHAT?" Artemis screamed, his normally very pale face going even paler. "What?" He shouted again. "A state school? America? As in across the Atlantic Ocean? What do you mean? How could you? Mother, do you not understand, I have already lost you once. I was lucky enough to get you back! I can't lose you again!" Artemis was so upset that he began speaking in incomplete sentences. Or then again, he seemed upset.
Butler had risen to his feet at this point." Madame Angeline, is it really wise to send your son away, to a different country, on a different continent, no less?" He placed his hand on his charge's shoulder.
"I know, I know!" Angeline sobbed. "But I can't have you stay here. You see, after my sudden recovery from my depression, I still wasn't completely well. I'm still not. I am starting therapy tomorrow, and they said it would be best not to have any children around. You know I'm still not over your father's dea-'' Artemis silenced her with a glare. "I mean disappearance. This is only a temporary measure, and I will send for you as soon as I'm well. I bought you a house in the district, which we will resell after you come back to Ireland. I've already had it stocked with everything that you need. Butler and Juliet will accompany you. And please don't try to change my mind, my decision is final." And with that, Angeline walked out of the room, sobbing hard.
Artemis quietly shut the door. Then a vampirish smile crossed his face, and he began to chuckle. Butler looked at him worriedly.
"Are you okay?" Butler asked in his gravelly tones.
"Yes, old friend, I am fine. No, I am not going insane. But I do have an idea." Artemis resumed his chuckling. You see, Artemis was not upset. Well, maybe just a little bit at the state school part. But for the most part, the child genius wasn't upset. No, without parents, it was much simpler to carry out his schemes undetected. Artemis stopped chuckling suddenly. "Butler, please do pack all of our bags. We've work to do" And with that, Artemis fell into his thinking meditation.
A/N: Tell me what you think with a review or PM! Anonymous reviewers (people that don't have accounts) can review too. Make me happy and press the blue button. My first reviewer ever gets a virtual cookie!