Act 1 Scene 1

The teens had enjoyed their new friendship immensely with singing and dancing around to songs from the musical. Harry wasn't pale and shaking anymore from Voldemort's curse and the Dark Lord hadn't been given his option because he had broken the golden rule in this dimension: no magic. It wouldn't have been too hard but the rule had been lifted for a brief moment so Voldemort could be Portkeyed out and the Dark Lord had taken advantage of the reprieve.

"Hey, ready for the sequel?"

"Of course, can't have us hanging!" They all resumed seats on the couch. The two Professors, Dumbledore and Snape, sat back and observed as the screen loaded a new playlist and then the first scene started, darker music filling the speakers.

"Wow, it already seems bad…" Until they caught sight of the screen showing a blonde man in a cloak.

Lucius: You're late.

Yaxley: Late? What's it matter? Look at this morning's Prophet, "The Boy-Who-Lived Does it Again", "The Dark Lord Dead For Good." I knew it! We backed the wrong side,

"So this is after the final battle…my father looks worse than me."

"Who do you think the Death Eater is?"

"I have no clue to be honest."


Lucius: Calm yourself Yaxley.

"Well, he's not a notorious Death Eater but pretty formidable."

Yaxley: All us Death Eaters are going to Azkaban now. NO! NO-no-no-no-no-no!

Lucius: Do you have what I sent you for or not?

"Is he skipping?"

"Oh hell, this might explain my rolling around."

Yaxley: Yeah I got it. (pulls out pouch) I had to break into the Ministry for it but I got it.

Lucius: Excellent.

Yaxley: And you should see the Ministry. The Dark Lord not dead more than a day and they've already got the wizard cops out after us.

"Don't they mean Aurors?"

"Probably but why try and put that in the script when that sounds funnier?"

"True, but Auror is just such a cool word!"

"Shut it Ron."

Lucius: Damn those wizard cops! Well, none of that matters anymore for as long as we have this.

Yaxley: Who do you think you are? We don't stand a chance against the wizard cops. Not even you Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius: (singing) Don't ever tell me what I can't do. I'd watch my tongue if I were you for all we know, You-Know-Who could be watching us.

"He's being a complete girl!"

Yaxley: (spoken) He can't be, he's dead!

Lucius: (singing) That never stopped our plans before. You've no idea what I have in store. You really think that you'd be at my door if we had nothing to discuss? He may be gone but that is just as well.

"He's lost his mind too!"

Come inside, don't you fret for it's not over yet.

"Why can't I be left alone?"

"They hate your guts for taking away their glory Potter."

Death Eaters: (singing) Evil Plans, we are making evil plans. Evil deeds with evil hands, we are making evil plans.

"I killed the bastard already…what the hell do they want now?"

"In this you didn't actually kill him, he reunited with Quirrell."

"Either way, I stopped his evil tirade."

"Won't argue that one with you."

Death Eater 1: (speaking) Lucius Malfoy, why have you called us here?

Death Eater 2: What do we do Lucius?

Death Eater 3: There is nothing to do, the Dark Lord is dead. Harry Potter wins, end of story.

Lucius: Yes, I know, I know. He marries Ginny, they live happily ever after.

"We do?"

"Yes!" Harry just chuckled at his girlfriend. They had been dating a month and now knew they were to marry.

"Not until you are both out of school!"

"Buzz kill Hermione…buzz kill."

There is literally no way to move forward from this point.

"What is your plan then…unless…"


"Time turners are of various strengths, none more than a year."

Yaxley: Then why are we all here?

Lucius: I was just getting to that. Harry Potter (Death Eaters growl), we're in this sorry state because of him and to think of all the chances we had to destroy him. Why if we had destroyed him at his first year at Hogwarts, we'd be ruling the world right now!

"You're right Hermione…he's going back in time."

Death Eater 1: Yes Lucius, no one is arguing that.

Death Eater 2: What does it matter? We can't change the past.

Lucius: Oh? (singing) I know it seems impossible. We've been thrown off our track but if we can't move forward, why shouldn't we move back? (pulls out Time Turner)

"Wow, they actually have a pretty decent replica."

"I'm just glad they don't do that because I really don't want to go back unless it's my third year."

Friends and companions of evil and sin, think not of loss but a new way to win! For what is a present without a beginning to start it all?

Yaxley: Go on.

Lucius: There is a boy that everyone knows, the plan is simple. I propose that that we choke the weed before it grows up and ends it all. Do you follow me?

Death Eater 1: No.

Lucius: The Dark Lord would have survived had they never met…

Death Eater 2: Wait-wait-wait-wait, so you're saying he wouldn't be destroyed?

Lucius: He'd be alive, what don't you get?

Death Eater 3: Still not understanding…

Lucius: With Potter gone, the future will be set!

Death Eaters: Oh!

Lucius: So it's not over yet.

Death Eaters: Evil plans, what a brilliant evil plan! Malfoy, you're an evil man. We love making evil plans.

"He was never that well-loved amongst the Death Eaters."

Lucius: (speaking) So it is decided, we shall use this Time Turner to back in time to Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts. We'll destroy him before he ever gets the chance to destroy us. My friends, I think we're going back. Whose with me?

Death Eaters: YEAH!


"Harry, they are not really going to do this. It's completely impossible since it can only go back a year."

Everyone: Our history is nothing more than what the losers settle for.

Lucius: So look alive and don't forget…that it's not over,

Everyone: It's not over…It's. Not. O. Ver. Yet! (time travel)

"Nice intro and I like the segue music."

Harry was humming the song with the piano.

Train Assistant: Platform 9, Platform 10, nothing in between.

Harry: Can somebody tell me bow to get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters?

"That is a very weird way to end the clip…I would have ended it after the time travelling."

"Of course you would Draco now we'll get in the next video before we break for dinner."

"Any idea want you all want?"

"Don't worry Harry, Severus will be cooking this time." The Potions Master glared at his Headmaster but nodded anyway.

"Okay, thanks Snape."