Birthday present for RainyxKnight!

WARNING: There is going to be incest in this story. It's not going to b the main parring but it's still going to be in here. So if that makes you uncomfortable then don't read =3

There was no air in the small alley where the blond was. Said blond had a can of spray paint in one hand and his other had his shirt pulled up to cover his nose and mouth. Hidden under his shirt was a smirk as he put the finishing touches on his art.

When he finished he took a step back to admire his work. Where there was once a VIII that was green with a think black outline and flames coming out of it was now a blue XIII. Behind the Roman numerals where the flames once were was now a detailed clock tower.

When he finished he took a step back to admire his work. It was perfect. He then picked up the empty cans of spray paint that littered the ground and threw them in the near by dumpster. When the cans were disposed of he exited the narrow street without being noticed by anyone.


"Hey Axel, I saw your mark on the side of the deli." A sandy-blond haired boy walked up to the redhead and sat down next to him, hidden in the shadows under a large oak tree. It was a hot summer day and it seemed the only escape from the heat was to stay in doors so there was no one in the park. The two friends were sitting in silence for a couple of minutes till the blond broke the silence, "Why do you tag anyways?"

Axel sat up, and for the first time that Demyx knew the red-head he had a serious look on his face, "I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories, I can live forever." Axel's serious face disappeared and was replaced by his trade-mark grin and he poked the side of his head, "Got it memorized?"

Demyx rolled his eyes at his best friends lame catchphrase, "But you don't even put your name. How will people know it's you?"

Axel just shrugged, "I don't know but I just know someone out there will know it's me and tell the whole world." Axel stood up and started to walk away and Demyx quickly got up and followed his friend out of the park. They walked down the street until they were in the down town area.

As they passed the deli something caught Axel's eye. Where his mark used to be was now replaced by something else. He stopped walking and just stared at what had replaced his original artwork. Demyx kept walking till he noticed that he was now talking to himself and turned around and walked back to his best friend.

"Hey Ax, What's a matter?"

"What do you think 13 means?"

Demyx just shrugged, "Dunno maybe it's the same reason you use 8"

Axel face palmed, his best friend could be such a twat sometimes, "I doubt there's a 13th month." Axel looked away from the blond and focused back on the wall. He couldn't help the familiar feeling he got from looking at the clock tower. It was like he's been there before but he's lived in Traverse Town his whole life and as far as he knew there was no clock tower there.

After standing in the way of the sidewalk for a couple more minutes the two boys left their spot and continued moving. As they continued their way through the crowded streets of Traverse Town Demyx kept talking his head off about one thing or another while Axel wasn't paying attention. All he could think about was who would spray paint over his tag! Seriously the nerve of some people.

"Axel are you listing to me?" Demyx repeatedly poked Axel's arm until the redhead snapped out of it and gave his friend the attention he wanted, "This weekend I'm going to Twilight Town for a gig and I need your car so you're coming." the blond said with a big grin. Axel just nodded his replay. Twilight Town was a small city about a 2 hour drive from Traverse Town. Nether Axel and Demyx have ever been there.

It should be a fun adventure. Axel thought as the two made their way home.


Today was the day of Demyx big show and him and Axel were on their way to Twilight Town. Demyx was nervous about his upcoming gig and was distracting himself with the passing scenery, Axel on the other hand wasn't so enthusiastic about the drive. The day before when Axel was walking to Demyx's day time job, he found one of his tags desecrated again. It had a XIII on it again but instead of the clock tower it had what looked like blue ice cream behind it.

Needless to say he was not pleased.

The whole drive was quiet but once they got out of the car Demyx started jumping trying to get the the feeling back in his legs while Axel just stretched his arms above his head trying to get a kink out of his back.

Now fully stretched, redhead finally started to take in the area around him. The town was small and had train tracks everywhere. Upon further expecting he noticed the tracks lead to a train station. On top of that train station was a very familiar clock tower.

Axel elbowed his friend and pointed up. Demyx looked and saw what caught his friends attention, "You think your stalker's up there?"

"He's not a stalker. He's just some creep who's messing up my work!" Axel lightly punched the blond's shoulder.

"Oh so you know his gender now?" Axel responded with a glare directed at Demyx, "Well if your going to be that way, why don't you go up and see if he's up there." Demyx tried to encourage his friend by pushing him in the train station's direction. Axel took the hint and walked away from his friend without a second thought. All he wanted was to know why this jerk was messing up his art.

Axel sprinted his way into the station and up the stairs until he came to a closed door. He paused for a few seconds to catch his breath and get his thoughts straight. What if someone's up here? What if he is some creepy stalker who wants to kill me! Curiosity was stronger then fear tho and it got to Axel before he could turn away tho and he slowly opened the door.

Momentarily blinded by the setting sun Axel closed his eyes and turned his head to the left. When he opened his eyes he noticed a small blond boy sitting on the edge of the tower and had a blue ice cream in his hand. His gaze was stuck on Axel and the redhead couldn't help but feel at piece when looking into those blue eyes.

"You came!" The blond jumped up from his seat, dropping his ice cream, and ran towards Axel and pulled him in a tight hug. Axel panicked for a second and was about to push the kid off of him but the blond released him, "Axel, do you remember me?"

"Are you the ass that's been ruining my work?" Axel glared down at the blond.

The smaller male took a few steps back and the look in his eye was almost heart breaking, "You don't remember me? It's me, Roxas! You know number 13! Key of Destiny!" Roxas was starting to hyperventilate. Axel was starting to worry about his stalker when the poor boy's face started to turn pale, " said we would meet again. How could you forget about me? The blond tried to push past the rehead to get to the exit but Axel was faster then him and grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"Who are you?" Axel's green eyes shot daggers at Roxas and it made the younger boy flinch. Roxas tried to shake his hand out of Axel's grip but he was to strong.

Roxas needed to get out of here. How could he face Axel now? He didn't remember him; even after all Roxas did to find his best friend and the jerk had the nerve to forget! Roxas went as far as to find out where Axel lived, went to school, worked hell he could be considered a stalker!

Desperate to free himself Roxas started to claw at Axel's hand, "Let go!" His attempts to get free only made the hand holding his wrist tighten. Why won't he let me go? Tears were streaming down Roxas' face.

"I'll let you go once you answer me!"

Roxas looked down. He could ether keep struggling against the stronger man or he could swallow his pride and tell Axel everything and hope the redhead would believe him, "I saw you spray painting and I noticed the fire and the eight and I thought...I just thought you remembered."

Roxas stopped talking and looked up at Axel. Confusion was written on the older man's face. He doesn't remember at all. Roxas frowned and successfully pulled his wrist away from Axel and ran down the stairs and away from his "best friend".