Author's Note: I can't believe I'm writing the author's note for the last chapter! :'( It's been a great journey with you guys, but it has to come to an end sometime. Well, I have a long author's note at the end so MAKE SURE YOU READ ;) And I bet you guys all wanna know what Kendra was going to say, so I'll tell you... in the last author's note. ;P but, the secret should be obvious to you by the time this chapter is over, so don't go skipping ahead lol! Well, enjoy chapter 11!

It's been 3 months since the incident in the shower. We finally feel safe, and our lives are slowly getting better. I've moved in with Eli's family, and they've welcomed me with open arms. Bianca is taking it day by day, but she's getting closure with Drew's death with the help of Eli and I. Mr. and Mrs. Torres still hate us, but we wouldn't expect anything less...

Mrs. Edwards is still frantically searching for Clare, and I don't think she'll ever stop... it's not like I can blame her, though. That day in the warehouse still haunts me everyday. I visit my dads grave almost everyday, using Eli's shoulder to cry on... he's so good to me; I'm truly lucky to have him.

With Graduation being tonight, it's time to end our journey's at Degrassi. This was, without a doubt, the hardest year of my life. The best thing that has come out of this whole thing was becoming stronger through it all.

I hope to live the rest of my life with my best friend and my boy friend by my side, never forgetting our great friends who were lost. Well, I must go now... write ya later. ;)

-Imogen Moreno

Imogen closed her diary and tucked it under the bed, wiping a tear from her eye. She could hear Eli's shower running as he began getting ready for graduation.

She got up from the bed and opened the bathroom door, closing it quietly after her. She slowly tip-toed to the glassed shower and opened it, startling him.

"Imogen!" he said roughly, his pink shaded cheeks slowly returning to their normal color. She giggled and stepped in the shower, fully clothed in her pajama shorts and tank top. A light smirk tugged at his lips as she closed the door to the shower, her hair drenching under the faucet.

"Good morning," she said softly, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. He pressed his hands to her waist and pulled her up against his chest, staring into her eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful," he responded. She ran her fingers through his wet and hair and pecked him lightly.

"Sorry to scare you," she purred against his lips. He captured her lips again, this time kissing her with a bit more fervor.

"Don't worry about it," he whispered back. She smiled and sighed, listening as the shower water ran down the drain.

"Tonight is the night," Imogen said after a minute, laying her head on Eli's shoulder.

"We're going to get through it," Eli reassured, promising her with the tone of his voice. She drew back to look at him and smirked, her eyes lingering downward. He noticed her staring at laughed lightly, tilting her chin up.

"Just what do you think you're looking at?" he mocked. She giggled and moved her hands to his waist.

"Ohhhh nothing," she sang, tugging at her bottom lip.

"Your nose is growing," he said huskily, backing her into the tiled shower wall. She laughed breathlessly and looked up at him.

"I guess a little something caught my eye," she retorted, moving her hands down to cup the sides of his butt. He jumped at the gesture, but quickly buried his head into his neck, sucking and nibbling.

Her eyes rolled back as she tilted her head up. "Not right now."

He licked a spot on her flesh before biting down, causing her to shriek lightly.

"I'm gonna kill you," she moaned, feeling the intense throbbing between her legs. Biting always turned her on, and Eli used that to his advantage.

He pulled away to show some TLC to the other side of her neck, chuckling at her comment. He repeated the gesture, hearing her scream a bit louder. She pressed her hips against his, her hands still planted firmly at his sides.

"Okay, maybe just for a little while," she breathed as his hands wandered all over her body.

"I knew you couldn't resist alla diz," he joked. She laughed along with him and jumped when she heard the bathroom door open.

A reflection of a girl with a blue robe and black heels appeared in the doorway, and they both automatically knew who it was.

"Hi Bianca," Eli shouted over the water, frowning.

"Hello, you nasty whores," Bianca teased, folding her arms.

"Well, it's just a little family reunion in here, isn't it?" Imogen said, moving away from Eli. She stepped out of the shower into the freezing air, shivering instantly. She closed the door quickly after her, being sure that Bee couldn't sneak a peek at Eli.

"I could hear you screaming from outside," Bianca joked, walking over to the mirror to examine herself.

"You look amazing," Imogen said, examining her outfit. Bianca smiled and turned to her, turning up her nose.

"I wish I could say the same," she mocked, giggling shortly afterward.

"Could you guys have this conversation elsewhere? I'm still naked here," Eli said from the shower. Imogen and Bianca turned toward the shower and you could just barely make out his figure.

"Nice buns," Bianca said before exiting out of the bathroom. Imogen turned toward the shower again and opened it, jumping back in. Eli sighed and moved his wet bangs out of his face.

"My turn to shower up. You, get out," Imogen said, a dominant smile plastering her face.

"Have fun. All of the hot water is gone," Eli mocked before scattering out of the shower. Imogen huffed and stripped out of her wet clothes, leaving them in the corner of the shower.

"You just wait, Goldsworthy," she threatened. "You'll get yours."

All dressed up in their blue robes and caps, things couldn't have felt better at this point. Staring at themselves in the reflection of the Dot's tinted windows was pure bliss to them. Their parents allowed them to go off and get a quick meal before graduation, and they'd meet them at the Civic Center for the ceremony.

The three of them walked through the door and instantly noticed the cafe filled with other blue robes. Eli smiled to himself and grabbed Imogen's hand as they took a seat at a small, circular table.

"What are you guys getting?" Bianca asked.

"The usual," Eli responded, motioning for Peter to retreat over to the trio.

"I guess I'll get the same," Imogen added. Bianca rolled her eyes at the two and smirked as Peter stopped in front of them.

"Graduation day. I remember my graduation. Good times," Peter said, staring off into space.

"Right... can I get a black coffee and a blueberry muffin?" Eli told him, bringing Peter back to the current world. Peter scribbled it down and looked at Imogen.

"Same," she breathed, looking around. Peter looked over at Bianca and raised his eyebrows.

"And for you?" he asked.

"A double cheeseburger with a Sprite," she said happily. Eli and Imogen widened their eyes.

"They're going to have food at the graduation," Imogen told her.

"Like I'm really going to eat their food," Bianca scoffed. Peter scribbled it down and scattered off, leaving them to converse.

"You're too much," Imogen laughed. Bianca shrugged and looked around the cafe at all of the smiling faces.

"If only they knew how many more of their friends should be here, graduating with us," Bianca said, looking down at her nails sorrowfully. She was trying to hide the expression on her face, but it sadly wasn't working.

Eli reached over and grabbed her hand, averting her eyes to his. "But they are. They're here with us in our hearts. When we walk on that stage, we'll be graduating for ourselves, and for them."
She smiled at him and sniffed, pushing the tears that were threatening to spill out back. Imogen rested her head on his shoulder, letting his words sink in.

They made a promise to themselves to let the honor of their friends be shown at that Graduation.

As the entire front section of the auditorium filled up with blue robes, the parents and other family members seated themselves in their designated sections. Once the entire place was in their seats, the lights dimmed.

"Good afternoon, Degrassi. I'm Archie Simpson and I'm proud to say, Congratulations class of 2012, you've made it!" He announced. The auditorium broke out in applause, except for Bianca.

Not Drew she thought. He didn't get a chance to make it this far. After the noise died down, the big screen came down and a Senior video was shown for a good 20 minutes. All of the Seniors were in tears as they watched each other on the screens, knowing in their hearts that they wouldn't see most of their friends ever again after that day.

Simpson even showed a separate video of the fallen Seniors, which caused even more sorrow. By the time it was time to put all of the bad feelings aside and accept their diploma's, an hour had passed.

Simpson continued to call names, taking a pause so that people could express their excitement for the Senior that was walking across the stage.

"Bianca DeSousa," Simpson called. Claps and cheers sounded from the auditorium as she trudged up to the stage, shaking the hands of her teachers. She stopped at Simpson and looked up, receiving a meaningful glint in his eyes.

He gave her her diploma and a brief hug, which meant a lot to her. As she walked off to join the other graduates, more names were called. Finally, they reached Eli's name.

"Elijah Goldsworthy," Simpson said loudly. There was mix of nervous claps and beady eyes staring Eli down as he made his way up to the stage. He shook hands with his teachers and grabbed his diploma from Simpson, staring out into the audience.

"Can I say something real quick?" Eli asked, looking up at Simpson. Simpson cleared his throat.

"We really should get on with the program-

"Please," Eli said quietly. Simpson nodded after a minute and stepped aside for Eli to step behind the podium.

"This diploma," Eli said, holding his rolled up paper in the air. "Goes to my friend, Drew Torres, who won't be graduating with us tonight. It also goes to my other good friends, Adam Torres, Wesley Betenkamp, and Clare Edwards, who won't be able to graduate next year. This also goes to everyone who was lost on the train that fateful day. My heart and accomplishments go to them. Thank you."

A minute of thick silence engulfed the room before an enormous applause broke through. Eli could make out the smiling faces in the low lighting, and it warmed his heart. As he walked from stage and joined Bianca, he noticed the happy tears in her eyes.

More and more names were called, including Imogen's. Her perky attitude was remembered by all as they clapped happily for her.

When all of the Seniors were called back up to the stage to get individual awards, the place calmed down. Awards swarming from GPA, to attendance, to clubs were given out.

"Finally, could Elijah Goldsworthy, Imogen Moreno, and Bianca DeSousa come collect their certificates?" Simpson asked. Certificates for what? They walked over to Simpson with their hands hooked and looked up at him curiously.

"Before... what happened, Mrs. Dawes had awards for her classmates that would be given to them during Graduation. I'm here to present them to you now," Simpson said with a sad smile. He bent over to retrieve the awards, silence getting the best of everyone.

It was a little too silent, and the three of them seemed to notice. There was a feeling in the bottom of Eli's stomach... a feeling he remembered too well.

"Here you go-

Simpson was silenced by the curtains ahead collapsing, smothering the three teens to death beneath them.


Author's Note: So, of course... I bet you've guessed it. DEATH COMES BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL THERE'S NO ONE LEFT TO COME BACK FOR! If you've seen the movies, then you saw this coming. ;) Well, it's actually the end of this story! I hope you all enjoyed it.

In your reviews, please tell me a few things like which death made you saddest, and some of your favorite parts? :) I love you guys! Bye. :'(