Josie's head was spinning. She was on the floor, tears falling from her eyes, trying to comprehend everything that her mother just told her.

"So, Dad..." she began slowly, "He isn't my father?"

"No," Taz said. Josie noticed that her eyes weren't dry either. "But just because Tootsie isn't your real father-"

"Who you lied about!" Josie interrupted. "Why?"

"We moved to Alabama so you would be closer to your roots," Taz explained. "It's so difficult for me to go by that statue of him in Mobile without crying. I miss him, Josie."

"So Dad-"

"Loves you. Tootsie does love you. What we each had was torn away from us. Tootsie will never love me like he did Mega-Girl, just like I will never love him like I loved Up. Your father truly loved you, Josie."

Tears dripped down Josie's face as she allowed her mother to wrap her arms around her. "What else is in the box?" she asked.

"Go ahead and look," Taz said.

Josie went back to the silver container and pulled out various medals. At the very bottom were three pictures. The first was of her parents. Up had light brown hair, and was very muscular. Her mother was playfully scowling. They were young and happy looking.

"That was a few years before Qo'noS," her mother explained. "Before his accident. I loved him then, but tried not to show it."

Josie looked at the second picture. There were several Rangers and alien bugs standing together. She recognized her foster father in it, standing next to a white robot. Her parents stood close to each other, and Josie saw that Up's hair had turned silver. "Bug Planet," Taz said. "The last picture taken of 15A2."

Josie looked at it again. "Was everyone a couple in the crew?"

Her mother laughed. "In the rescue mission, si. February and Bug were the first to be together, and Tootsie married Mega-Girl that day. Specs professed her love for Krayonder, and it was only a matter of time for me and Up."

The last picture made Josie gasp. Looking back at her were six eyes, four of them bright blue. One of those pairs was her own, but the other belonged to her father. He looked so happy.

"Up kept his promise, you know," Taz said softly. "He never left. I have his heart, and when I look at you, I see him. You have his eyes."

Josie looked at the picture again and kissed Up's face.

"I love you, Daddy."