Description: While at the zoo with Will, Jack and Henry are kidnapped.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this chapter.

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." ~Douglas Pagels

It's a beautiful September day and Will and Jack are sitting on a bench at the Washington D.C. zoo. Henry is also with them. He is sitting in a baby stroller. The three are enjoying ice cream cones and talking.

"Jack, I'm really glad you could be with us today. Is this your first trip to the zoo?" Will asked.

"Yes and thank you for inviting me." Jack said.

"You're welcome." Will said.

"I want to see some more aminals." Henry said as he mispronounced the word, "animals."

"You mean animals. We'll see the rest of the animals as soon as we get done eating." Will said to his son.

Henry accidently drops his ice cream cone on the ground and begins to cry.

"My ice cream!" Henry cried out.

"It's okay." Will said as he took the crying child out of the stroller and held him.

"But I was still eating it!" An upset Henry said.

"Here Henry, you can have mine." Jack said as he gave his ice cream cone to Henry. As soon as the cone was in his hands, Henry was once again a happy child.

"Henry, don't you think that was nice of Jack?" Will asked.

"Yes I do. Jack is a very nice boy." Henry said while eating the ice cream.

"Don't you think you should say something to Jack?" Will asked.

Henry leans over to Jack and hugs him.

"Thank you Jack." Henry said.

"You're welcome." Jack said.

"Jack, do you want me to buy you another ice cream cone?" Will asked.

"No, that's okay." Jack said.

"I want another one." Henry said.

"No Henry, you've had two already. I was only going to buy Jack another one because he was nice enough to let you have his." Will explained.

"No more ice cream for me?" Henry asked.

"Sorry, no more ice cream, but do you know what you really need?' Will asked.

"More ice cream?" Henry asked, hopeful.

"Will laughed and said, "No, you need to get your face cleaned because you have an ice cream beard. Will you two be okay by yourselves for a few seconds? I need to go get some napkins."

"Yeah, we'll be okay." Jack said.

"I'll be right back." Will said as he placed Henry in the stroller and walked away.

"Daddy's leaving us?" Henry sadly asked.

"It's okay Henry. He'll be back." Jack said.

Meanwhile with Will…

Will is just a few feet from the two children. He is getting some napkins from the ice cream vendor. He is only gone for a few seconds, but when he returns, he finds an empty stroller and both children are nowhere in sight. He frantically begins to search for the children.

"Jack, Henry this isn't funny! You two need to come out now!" Will called out.

When the children don't show up, Will begins to panic even more.

"Somebody please help me!" Will shouted.

End of chapter one. Sorry it's short. I'll try to have the next chapter up as soon as possible and it should be longer than this chapter. It will be awhile until NCIS Los Angeles is mentioned in the story. Please review.