Chapter 4

Max sat in the back of his english class flipping through his text book, pretending like his was paying attention, which he wasn't, in fact Max rarely paid attention in class. It wast like he was a bad student, he just didn't see the point in putting in all the work for something he didn't care about, to max working hard for something and putting in your best effort showed respect and sense his English teacher, Mr. Rayans, was a prick it was a colossal waste of time.


Max jerked his head up to find his teacher ten feet away, arms folded over his chest, glaring down at him. Max let a gust of air out of his lungs, he could tell by Mr. Rayans stance that this was not his first attempt to get his attention, while the rest of the class laughed, max silently wondered just how many times his name had been called.

" was ya need?" Max said. His head tilting to one side, he didn't like being definite but he hated being bullied, especially by adults.

" I know it must be difficult for you to pay attention" Mr. Rayans ugly face was beginning to show an even uglier sneer. " what with the lack of screaming fans, fighting robots, knuckle dragging. My class must be so boring to you, but do you think that maybe you could read and try to explain, if you can, the quote on the board.?"

Max tried to remember the last time he had seen such a disgusting face. He took a breath and read.

"To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."E. E Cummings

Max felt a smile spreading across his face. "well, I might not be an English major, or hold a doctorate in the American Literature, by the way you missed the coma after Day. But I believe what Mr. Cummings is trying to say is that, to be truly yourself is the most difficult thing there is because people as a collective often think similar, dress similar they ofter respond in similar ways. So when something new or unusual shows up it is often scoffed at or rejected by some, and others follow." He took a deep breath and continued, he was on a rant and he might as well make it a good one. " I think he is also telling us to be carful and be on our guard because this attitude can come in many different ways, like racism, Fascism, bigotry. And it can come from anywhere peers, popular culture, classmates, family, friends...teachers."

The room was electric with tension, coiled and waiting for something to snap. The Teacher licked his lips and glared his body tense and his face stony. "well max,"its seems ur very passionate about the passionate in fact.." he said a leering undertone to his speech. " I would think that all that passion should be put to good use...say a 3 page essay...i would even wager that you have enough passion to inspire the rest of the class, so lets make it a class assignment, due by friday. Inspired max, absoululty inspired, mi looking forward to seeing how things...turn out."


There it was, the final nail in Max's coffin, not only did he share a class with the worst jerks in the whole school but they didn't really need a reason to hate him anymore then they already did..and this was diffidently a reason. Not to mention he didn'tt need more enimes and right now the whole class seemed toseetheh in dislike for him. Damn teacher!

Ring Ring Ring !

The old attire "saved by the bell" didn't really apply here because it was already to late to be saved and as much as he hated Mr. Rayans, it was safer to be around a teacher at this point, but if there is two things that Max doesn't lack in. its pride and defiance, and no matter what the cost he was not about to give this sanctimonious bastard the pleasure of being needed and he was not sticking around to look at that ugly face anymore !

Jumping up from his chair he squared his shoulders and lifted his chin, even if he was worried and a little scared of what was going to happen next he sure the hell wasn't letting these, greed guzzling morons know about it. He walked out into the bustling halls as if nothing had happened waiting to see what was coming next, and how this day was going to end.